Days flew by until the time came when Yukimura started up the fifth study session.
We held the second, third, and fourth meetings at Pallet, but today we decided to meet up at a cafe inside of Keyaki mall. This was because as of today, club activities had stopped in order to allow students to focus on the final exams, so we expected for Pallet to be packed with people.
Sure enough, its noisier than I expected.
Yukimura was surprised by the number of students inside the cafe. We managed to secure our seats, but the cafe was nearly full. Study groups encompassing all grades were starting around us. Although there are many students who were working quietly, the sheer number of people made it seem like it wouldnt be a quiet study session like it would be in the library.
We should have done this in the library or my room.
No way. Its easier to do it here; easy-peasy. Right, Miyatchi?
Yep. I get enough quiet tense atmosphere during archery club.
Contrary to Yukimura, the two of them seem to be alright with being here.
The era of being stuck in a stuffy room, facing a desk is over.
Its a modern study method to learn while talking with a group of friends. It's degenerative evolution.
Youre the ones studying here, so if you say you can concentrate, Ill believe you. I have prepared the material for today.
The two of them prepared dispassionately as they were handed notebooks filled with liberal arts questions that targeted their weaknesses. The rows of questions were like a fireworks festival, with the stalls set up everywhere. Yukimura seemed to be pretty fired up, which was understandable.
Aagh, today is also packed with liberal arts questions Yukim has no mercy.
Even if she doesnt like studying, she has to focus on her weakest subject, so its understandable why Hasebe would be distressed. Miyake appears as though hes close to vomiting. His hand is pressed up against the pit of his stomach while he looks at the notes.
How can you be scared before you even start?
Youre right but theres obviously more than last time, and they seem pretty difficult.
Coming to that conclusion before we even start is a common way of thinking for students who cannot attain difficult marks. First of all, thinking about and rising up to the challenge is a basic among basics.
Yukimura spoke, impassioned about teaching.
Otherwise, are the questions simpler than last time?
Of course theyre difficult.
Really difficult, for sure.
They probably were. Its impossible to keep the questions simple forever.
Yukimuras questions and explanations were quite brilliant. It might be a stretch, but I wonder if hes skilled enough to double as a teacher.
While he does scold them he never gives up on them, and he never raises his voice when the other person doesnt understand. Has Yukimura grown due to the influence of Horikita? I cant believe hes managed to change like this.
During the first semester, Yukimura and Horikita had insisted that they were placed in Class D by mistake, which feels so far behind us.
Come on, Hasebe.
Miyake seemed to realize that there was no use in complaining and made up his mind.
Youre pretty motivated, Miyatchi. Whats wrong, feeling hot blooded?
Even though I get a break from club activities, I dont want to spend my free time studying. Can I go home after I finish?
Of course.
Yukimura and Horikita teach in different ways. Horikita would set exact time periods for proper studying, while Yukimura didnt adhere to specific time periods. His sessions would last until they got through everything he prepared. Therefore, his sessions could be completed earlier or later than expected.
Which method is better varies from person to person, but Yukimura probably chose to do it this way because Hasebe and Miyake can both handle it to some extent.
If it was a group of students who didnt have a very good foundation such as Ike, Yukimuras way of going about things would be pretty difficult.
They might even write answers without thinking about the question in order to finish early.
If that happens, then just let it be and teach them until they understand.
If you dont have any free time, then like, just quit the club.
I want to participate in club activities, but I also want to have free time.
So Selfish~
Either way, if they both regain their motivation, theres nothing left to say. If one or both of them were to leave the study group, what difficulties would Horikita ask of me in the future?
The trust that Yukimura has nurtured in these sessions seems to have had a good effect on the both of them. I cant imagine that they would hold any more doubts about Yukimuras approach.
Then, Ayanokji. From today forward, Ill have you do these too.
You should be able to get a good enough score, but your partner is Sat. Youll have to prepare and review thoroughly. If you both drop out, theres no way back for us.
No, I-
Do it, Ayanokji-kun. Or should we die together?
Hasebes head droops like a ghost with her bangs hanging. She grabs me by the hand as if trying to drag me to the bottom depths of a well.
I was dragged away by a chilling creepy voice and swallowed up by the darkness of liberal arts questions.