Volume 6, Chapter 4: "Means of Survival" Part 6
It was pretty lively with a lot of students at the library after school even though it was still pretty early.
Although it was crowded, it wasnt as though all of the students were noisily immersed in chatter.
Usually, nearly half of the seats wouldnt be filled with students, but right now it was only about 10%. Of course, most of the students werent reading or chatting with their friends, but instead were immersed in studying for the final exams.
Huh, so this is what the library has become?
A student beside me muttered out of interest.
Yes, I had a little problem next to me.
It seems that Sat had decided to attend the study session, so she ended up coming with me to the library.
I hadnt been in contact with Sat after we had exchanged contact information the other day, so this was very awkward.
This is my first time in the library. How about you Ayanokji-kun?
Ive been here several times.
I see. Youre surprisingly studious.
Its more like Im killing time instead of studying.
So in order to kill time, you come to the library? Thats strange.
I gave a tentative answer, but I felt like my attitude had become somewhat absent-minded.
This was because I didnt know at all what type of mood Sat would have in mind. However, Sat is also a girl. She wouldnt miss the subtleties of these feelings either.
Err Ayanokji-kun am I bothering you?
What do you mean, Sat?
Hah, well, I did suddenly say that I was going to attend the study session.
Im not particularly bothered. Horikita and Kushida who are teaching today also shouldnt be. Honestly, Id expect them to be happy right?
Having someone from your class get expelled isnt exactly a thing anyone would be happy about, and theres also not any benefits to it. I attempted to somehow shift the topic of discussion with this point.
Its not like that
Of course, thats not the answer that Sat was hoping for. She became a little depressed.
However, the location of the library was a bit troublesome. I whispered to avoid disturbing other students, ultimately making the distance between me and Sat unexpectedly close. I could just barely feel Sat's breathing.
Perhaps this can be classified as one of the precious scenes of youth? If so, youth may be an unexpectedly harsh thing since this situation is not a happy one for me at all. I feel unnecessarily nervous, and cant help but worry about Sat. Im speculating on her feelings and choosing my words carefully to respond to her emotions.
The single thing that I desire the most right now is to go back home soon.
No, is that really the case?
I calmed down a little and began to rethink the situation.
I'm at a loss when it comes to things that I haven't experienced before. It's too abstract a feeling to be classified as "in love" and there isnt a clear answer for it. From my perspective of living in a world of zero or one in the past, it's only natural for my immediate reaction to be rejection.
But didn't I come to this school looking for something other than zero or one?
Everyone is so serious, using the library and everything.
Its pretty routine to hold study sessions here.
By chance, Horikita heard what Sat said and responded on her own.
I regained my composure and put these thoughts out of my mind. For now, lets concentrate on overcoming this study session safely.
Horikita, who had visited the library yesterday, didnt seem surprised at its current state of things.
You two, spare me from the commotion like the one you made yesterday. Today you might not just get away with a warning; theres a chance that youll be kicked out of the library.
I know, I know.
Horikita found a vacant seat while admonishing the two problem children, Ike and Yamauchi. Although more than half of the seats are empty, that doesnt mean you can sit anywhere youd like.
It seems to be a common phenomenon in every school, where the space available to the upperclassmen is separate from the underclassmen. It had become an unspoken rule that the seats next to the windows with the nice view, and the seats in the cafe near the free drinks were priority seats for the senior students.
In this kind of territorial division, the section that the first years were allowed to use was the noisy place close to the entrance. However, this time there is something else to look out for.
If possible, we want to avoid being in the vicinity of any Class C students.
Horikita, what are you going to do?
If thats what youre worried about Ayanokji, you dont have to worry about it. Ive already taken countermeasures for that.
Someone in our line of sight moved in the area used by first years. A student who spots Horikita stands up and waves at us, beckoning us over.
She was a first-year student from Class B, Ichinose Honami. A total of eight Class B students were with her.
It seemed like there were four guys and four girls, so if you add Ichinose there were nine in total.
Based on Horikitas expression, this didnt seem to be accidental. She came over as if to introduce herself.
Have we made you wait?
Oh no, not at all. We just got here ourselves. Right everyone?
Yesterday, I met up with Ichinose-san here in the library and suggested a joint study group. Since we arent competing with Class B in this exam, I think that we can help each other out a bit.
On her own accord, Horikita made a proposal that involves a lot of people. This is what she wanted to show me yesterday.
Lights are usually followed by shadows. Ike and the others had managed to settle down before they had arrived at the library, only to have their spirits soar in a strange direction.
Ike-kun, didnt I just warn you?
Horikita grabbed Ike by the arm as hard as she could. He was scared just like a frog being watched by a snake.
Was this the reason why Ike had become so excited about the study session? If youre going to study together with the girls from Class B, its understandable that he would be overjoyed about it.
Ah! Ayanokji-kun also came today?
Thats because Im close to getting a failing mark. You might have to take care of me for a while.
Thats right.
The library is a quiet place, but its not like were unable to have a conversation. Of course, its still necessary to speak in a low voice. Since Ichinose had managed to secure good seats in the corner of the room, our conversation also wasnt very noticeable. In addition, the music flowing through the room wonderfully masked our voices from others. It was Beethovens Symphony No. 6, Pastoral.
I dont know who picked the song, but its a relaxing and pretty good choice.
However, Horikita had actually thought to create a joint study group. The final exams are likely to be more efficient if its based on the premise of actually working with each other. For example, by exchanging information between classes, a large number of people will have a relatively larger number of viewpoints to consider for writing the test questions.
But at the same time, we will also be facing some risks. If there are students in Class B who are close with someone in Class C, the information might leak out. Of course, Horikita already understands this point, but she had chosen to unite together because of the positives that it would bring.
The students from each class freely fill up the empty seats.
Lets sit here, Ayanokji-kun."
Ah, alright.
Sat beckoned for me to come over, and just as she requested, I sat down in the seat next to her.
Ooh, Sat. Youve been around Ayanokji a lot today.
Naturally. We are a pair, after all.
To avoid looking inept in front of Ichinose, I took out my textbooks and notes after I got to my seat. Even if its just a formality, I will have to study.
Hey, Ayanokji-kun. I wonder how I should study?
Ask Horikita questions like that.
Is this not a good opportunity? Youre a pair, so why not take care of teaching Sat-san?
Horikita doesnt understand other peoples feelings and said such an irresponsible thing.
There was only a slight difference between my test scores and Sats, so theres probably nothing I can teach. I want to receive some instruction myself.
Because Ichinose was right in front of me, I quickly responded, but it might have failed.
Is that so? I get it. In this case, Ill teach you how to study well.
She responded in such a way as if to draw out my commitment.
Lets work hard together, Ayanokji-kun.
Ah, okay
The really troubling study group seems to be about to begin.
This hunch almost came true.
Ayanokji-kun youre always so calm, and you kinda give off this feeling of maturity. What were you like back in middle school?
Sat suddenly turned and leaned forward, then looked up into my eyes and asked me. Her uniform was undone a little bit at her chest, and for a moment, her valley of cleavage catches my eye. I felt like her breathing did seem to be a little intense, so I wonder if Sat noticed this.
It was pretty normal. Nothing particularly eye-catching or inconspicuous, and not really all that different than now. Maybe its the reason why Im so gloomy?
I tried to distance myself from Sat by passing off my past as something boring.
No, its not that Sat cant have a crush on me, but instead that there were several uncomfortable pairs of eyes that are looking at the two of us.
In particular, Ike and Yamauchi were giving me a blatantly skeptical look.
Ayanokji-kun isnt gloomy. Ah, should I say that you feel pretty cool or collected?
I dont think cool relates to me very well.
Really? I dont know about anyone else, but I think it describes you well.
It seems that no matter what I say, Sat will interpret it to be interesting and positive.
In which case, Ill have to get out of this situation with the standard response.
Well, lets start by asking what your weaknesses are. Do you have your old midterm exams with you?
I do.
She took crumpled test papers out of her bag and spread it out. Her scores for each subject hovered around 50 points. It was outside of the failing range, but her answers were rather rough. Her simple questions were answered correctly, but the ones of higher difficulty were devastating.
Its incredible that Sat has managed to overcome all of the exams so far without studying.
How is it? Is it that bad?
Yeah We will need to study together since I have about the same
Sat nodded in high spirits, but I wish she could have used a quieter voice.
Arent you two being too intimate with one another?
Ike said this while watching our conversation from afar, and then cast us a suspicious look.
Were paired together, so its a given that we work with each other, right?
In the face of his suspicions, Sat defended the test with a dignified response.
Prepare for yourself instead of commenting on things you dont understand.
Horikita didnt care about who got along with whom, and immediately proceeded to rebuke Ike.
Tsk, I know that.
Ike seemed very dissatisfied, but he hastily began to prepare to study.
This was really the fruit of education Hes been tamed very well.
(Part 6 End)