On the same day after school, the atmosphere in one of the classrooms was abnormally frozen.
The reason was clear. It was the feeling of intimidation that came from the man sitting at the podium, overlooking Class C.
Looking back on the exams so far, there are several unnatural things.
The name of the man who spoke to the class was Ryen Kakeru. He's the leader of Class C and a dictator. Standing beside him was Albert Yamada, Ishizaki, as well as other students proficient in martial arts. One could feel the silent threat being made in the event that there was a student who wanted to rebel against Ryen, they would not hesitate to resort to violence.
For it to come to this, it couldnt have been by chance.
It was like he was talking to himself, but there was a vague feeling as though it was being spoken to someone.
Based on what happened on the uninhabited island, and at the sports festival, there appears to be a person in Class D who thinks like me.
Someone like Ryen-kun? I dont think Class D has someone like that
Ishizaki couldnt help but speak, doubting that there could be someone else out there like Ryen. This is because Ryen is both respectable and detestable, an amazing and incomprehensible existence. Ryen smiles and looks at Ishizaki.
I used to think that too, but I feel like I need to face reality.
Is this also related to the results of the uninhabited island exam and the sports festival?
Thats it. But rest assured, I have a general idea of how the other side is doing things. Listen you. Moving forward, we'll be looking to launch an all-out attack on Class D. I must take out the person running Class D from the shadows. Class A and Class B will have to be put aside for now.
Few students had objections to Ryens plans. Even if someone was against it, it would be impossible to speak up because the class has signed a contract with the devil himself.
Ryen-san Does Class D really have someone working in the background? Someone other than Horikita or Hirata?
Yes. And, the people in this class have the key to exposing their identity.
His eyes moved away from Ishizaki and once again went to Class C.
What are you trying to say, Ryen?
In this heavy atmosphere, Ibuki stood in the classroom with her arms crossed at her chest and threw these words at Ryen.
Kuku. Ibuki, can you not even listen quietly?
I dont have that much free time, and you dont get to keep intimidating your classmates.
Youre a big talker for someone who hasnt asked for permission. Havent you already made a fool of yourself?
In the face of his remark, Ibuki had no choice but to eat her words. In particular, her failure at the sports festival was embarrassing. Ryen had changed the students lined up to race against Horikita after Ibuki had requested to compete with her directly. The result was a very narrow defeat. It was a pity, she had almost caught up with Horikita.
However, Ibuki also had the option of rebuttal. She lowered her arms and glared at Ryen.
Are you one to talk? At the end of the day, you failed to defeat Horikita at the sports festival. Did you manage to get the private points for the collection? Arent you the same as me?
The same as you? Dont make jokes like that. The strategy I set up at the sports festival was perfect.
Whats up with that outcome? You dont even explain anything to us and now you say there's another guy that thinks like you in that class? You want us to just accept that?
All of the students in the class were trembling due to the rebuttals being made by Ibuki. They all wanted to avoid offending Ryen. But Ryen paid them no mind, and showed a constantly slight smile.
Dont you think that no matter how perfect a strategy, it will fail if somebody leaks it?
The mysterious success of Class D is due to the mysterious existence of X, who dares to draw and manipulate the Class C students at my command. In short, we have spies among us.
There was a little confusion in the classroom because of his remark. Ibukis eyes blew open in surprise.
Are you serious?
This is a fact. My cohesiveness no, it seems that authority was not enough. It truly is a pity.
Ryen smiled happily at the fact that he will become intertwined with the spy.
A disaster had sprung for everyone in the class, not just those looking to get out of the room and attend club activities.
Everyone present began praying that this would be over soon.
However, this noisy espionage will end here.
Ryen slammed the podium with his palm and silenced the chaos of the room. The scene sank into silence.
First of all, I will try to asking honestly. The student who betrayed me, raise your hand.
He did not hesitate to issue a direct declaration. Of course, none of the students raised their hands. Some of the students glanced around at each other, which was responded to with feigned ignorance. There are also those who stayed still and held their breath to avoid attracting attention.
Oh yeah if you come forward easily, you wont have betrayed me at all.
The presence of a spy may shake Class C, but there was nothing but joy in Ryens heart.
I knew that the spy would choose to hide. Then, you dont have to raise your hand. No, rather, dont raise your hand. Even if youre now considering it, stay completely hidden.
Ryen made an unexpected statement to the spy who would have been found sooner or later.
What are you saying? Are you really tolerating traitors?
Youre annoying, Ibuki. Dont disturb my pleasure. Ill kill you if you do that again.
Ryens smiling face tightened into an expression of anger for a moment and he glared at Ibuki.
His sentence seemed to be a joke, but his message was serious. Ryen wouldnt treat anyone differently due to their gender. As long as he judges them to be the enemy and in the way of his plans, then no matter what, he would settle the matter with his fist.
Ive been trying not to make a big deal out of it. Others may think I'm lying, but its true. To put it simply, Ive been slacking off.
Bam! Bam! He struck the podium twice. It was the sound of the upcoming purge.
However Maybe that's a bad thing. After all, there is a traitor.
Bam! The classroom further resounded with the sound. Every time this happened, timid students began to shake.
All this means is that I'll have to play some games. Its nothing. Not a big deal. Its just a silly game where we find a spy whos trying to remain hidden. For most of the students present, this should be meaningless, so theres nothing to be afraid of. It shouldnt take long, itll take less than 30 minutes.
Ryen said this since, other than for the spy, this situation was not relevant to everyone, so theres no reason for them be afraid.
The room was full of an atmosphere of fear, so it wasnt so simple. The only one who had remained calm in the face of Ryen was Ibuki, but even she was beginning to be swallowed by the authority of Ryen.
First things first, everyone unlock your phone and place it on your desk. Ill check it myself. Are there any idiots who dont have their phone with them? If you dont, speak up immediately. That person is the culprit.
Complying with Ryens instructions, the students placed their phones on their desks immediately to avoid suspicion.
A very sensible decision, its very helpful.
Ishizaki went around the classroom and gathered the phones one by one. As he didnt know whose phone was whose, he attached a note paper with their name written on it ahead of time.
Ibuki also took out her mobile phone from her pocket. Although she wasnt convinced, she handed it over to Ishizaki.
Ryen-san, everyones phone has been collected. Our phones have also been included.
Thank you for your hard work. Then, its time we conduct a thorough investigation.
But where should we look Call history?
As if someone who is trying to stay hidden is going to use the call function! Look at the email history, and of course look at the text messages. Even if its a conversation with someone, look at all of it. We cant rule out the possibility theyre interacting with each other under an alternative name.
Wait, wait a minute, there are a lot of very personal messages on my phone!
A girl shouted. She couldnt help but scream.
The fear of her personal information being seen had surpassed her fear of being suspected.
Nishino. You don't want me to look at your phone?
Of course! Even if it's you Ryen-kun, It's unacceptable!"
Are you joking, Nishino? You gave your phone to Ryen-kun on the cruise ship, didnt you? Why are you so concerned now?
This, this is different from that time! All he did then was do a confirmation check of my email from the school!
Ryen was not surprised at all, and listened to Nishinos appeal indifferently. During the special exam on the cruise ship, Ryen collected all of the phones in Class C and confirmed their contents. However, as she had complained, nothing personal was inspected at that time. It was simply a confirmation of the messages received from the school. This was the same type of event, but altogether the situations are different. If its private messages, information such as who someone liked or disliked would inevitably be read. Those type of things people would absolutely prefer to remain hidden from others.
Of course you know that you will be suspected, Nishino.
I, I will obey you, Ryen-kun, but there are some things that cannot be accepted!
Nishino wasnt the type who would usually take a strong stance, but she didnt seem to be willing to back down.
It was as she if was broadcasting that she had something hidden that she didnt want to be seen.
Nishino, was it you?
Students in the class had begun to suspect Nishino.
One of them, Takumi Oda, had voiced their doubt.
No! I am not the spy!
But youre hiding something and acting so suspicious
I just want to protect my privacy!
Ryen didnt show any interest in the conversation happening in the classroom. He reaches out and grabs one of the phones on the table.
Your cell phone is this one, isnt it, Nishino?
Nishino expects for him to start to look over the contents and begins to panic. However
Ryen hands Nishinos phone over to Ishizaki and says:
Give this back to Nishino.
Sh-should I? You didnt confirm the content.
I told you to return it to her.
Ishizaki promptly apologized to Ryen and returned the phone to Nishino.
In the face of this series of events, Nishino, as well as the other students are shaken.
Its not such an incredible thing. I judged you to be innocent, thats why I returned it to you. Thats it. Its to be expected right? It wasnt the traitors cell phone. It would be a waste of time and energy to look at it.
Ryen disregarded the dumbfounded Nishino and other students, and without any change to his attitude he continued:
If you find this unacceptable like Nishino has, feel free to raise your hand. However, be prepared to be suspected much more than she was.
Nishino didnt have her phone inspected, and was considered innocent, the second and third people wouldnt be so lucky. His statement conveys this message: choose between raising Ryens suspicions, or privacy.
In the face of these two options, four girls and two boys raised their hands despite their fears.
There are actually six people who are defying Ryen-san The spy is definitely one of them! And the last one to raise his hand, Nomura, you aren't thinking of saving yourself by jumping on the bandwagon, are you?
Ryen showed a gloomy smile in response to Ishizakis words.
No, no! I wasnt going to do that!
Nomura denies out of fear of being suspected.
Gather their phones.
Ishizaki collected their six phone and handed them over to Ryen.
So, even if you all are suspected, you dont want us to take a look at anything?
They all gave different responses, but they all agreed to this statement.
Nomura, you took quite some time before raising your hand, don't tell me you were waiting for the right opportunity?
Eh! No, that
Your eyes are darting around the room in an exaggerated way, and youre sweating.
Nomuras personality was originally weak, and it seemed that he was so distressed that he was on the verge of fainting.
Looking at him in such a state, Ryen gave out a happy laugh before turning to Ishizaki to give out instructions.
Ishizaki, these people are all innocent, give them their phones back.
He was ordered. This was another shock. Ryen did not look at the contents and had Ishizaki return all of the phones. None of the students outside of Ryen could understand the reason behind these actions.
Will you explain whats going on?
Ill explain it later.
Ryen did not give Ibuki the answer she was hoping for. He ran his hand through his hair and picked up her cell phone.
As for the rest of the cell phones lets thoroughly investigate. Well start with Ibuki.
Whatever you say.