Upon closing hours, Ichinose suggested going back before it became crowded which everyone agreed on. While the others were preparing themselves, I secretly snuck out to the poolside waiting for my visitor.
Ah, Im tired
Before long, Karuizawa appeared slapping my back.
Good work, how was it?
It was as you said. Im feeling really disgusted about it
Dont say that. You could say its the hot blood of youth flying off the handle.
Karuizawa who stood beside me made a sound as if vomiting then looked passed a glance at her surroundings.
So how was it? Been a long time since you last went to the pool?
Its nothing really. I dont really feel anything but
She surveyed the area once more worryingly.
Even though its a lie, Im still seeing Hirata-kun. If Im seen alone with you, weird rumours may start spreading you know.
Really? If was was as handsome as Hirata that may be so, though sadly to say, my presence is pretty bleak. We probably look like one of the groups who came to play at the pool.
This wasnt a situation where a boy and a girl were together would mean something suspicious. It would be different if it was evening at a bench nobody frequented. Since it was crowded it was easy to blend in. By the way, Hirata, who acted as the boyfriend, was nowhere to see at the pool. Probably busy with the club. I dont know about the soccer club practises but from what Ive heard, he is one active guy.
We were allowed to wear rash guards today, you saw some here and there right?
Well, yeah. But are you alright with the money for this? Wasnt it expensive?
Its necessary expenses after all.
Karuizawa reached out her hand so I casually gripped it. I felt the hard texture of something on my palm. The whole ordeal didnt last more than one second.
What, are you planning?
What do you mean?
Why are you different from the others, you could have enjoyed your happy little youth if you let it be, right?
I see. So we are moving the topic to what I held in my hand.
For the first, I have to make sure the class isnt disadvantaged for now. Even if its a small thing, it may lead to mistrust of each other. Thats what I want to avoid.
That is why I called her here. Letting her enjoy the pool was also one of my aims.
Did you invite someone else today?
Its just me now. There were two others, but I had them disperse and let them have fun.
A good call.
I began walking by the poolside. She hurried after me.
Are you aiming for class A then?
You not interested?
Hmm, I dont know. Points are always good to have and Id be happy to land a job but
With her hands in her pockets, she kicked the air.
Im not very interested in fighting those guys from class C, I think.
She probably meant the girls in class C. I have managed to seal their lips to some extent, but she would ending up remembering it if she would face them again. Unless the curse binding her was lifted, she probably wouldnt be able to show her true potential.
I want to talk to you about something.
I dont know that the next exam will entail, but I will be making the arrangements for a certain plan.
While walking, blending in with the surroundings, I put the unusually important things into words. I havent even told Horikita about it.
To expel someone.
She froze for a second, maybe from not quite understanding what I said. Realising that I didnt stop, she hurried after me.
W-wait, what did you mean by that?!
Exactly what I said. Im going to force an expulsion from a first year. The idealistic ones would be those three girls who know about your past. If that wont work, then someone else. If thats impossible then
Then some useless humans from class D.
You even understand what you are saying? Its not easy to expel someone in the first place.
Is that so? Not really. I have such a method available to be me right now.
I held my fist, making her turn her attention to it.
You mean, that what it was for?
Depending on the situation I could get the expelled in a swipe. Right?
B-but, wait a bit. How did it come to this? Didnt you make every effort to save him earlier?
I did indeed rescue him from his expulsion crisis. But that was in the past when I didnt need to aim for class A. Im preparing to make my way, even though it my be temporarily, to that class. Which means cutting away useless existences is a matter of fact. As Horikita once told me.
Even after saving Sudou, you are going to kick him off?
Nah, not Sudou. A human with his physical strength is important for the class.
There arent many students in the other classes that have physical abilities comparable to him. Leaving aside Kouenji, Sudou with his high potential is an important existence.
What will happen to our class points, if someone is expelled?
Well of course, the best option would be to expel someone from the other classes.
Though having said that, if someone from our class gets expelled, the rest would work their hardest not to. That wouldnt exactly be bad either.
You are horrible you know?
You should know that already right?
Well yeah.
I threatened her, my actions even approaching rape. I dont think she has a good impression of me.
How about consulting Hirata?
I wonder about that. Hirata isnt someone I can fully trust as of now.
You know about his past?
Ah, yes. He told me about it when I talked about my past. His friend jumped to his death right?
Indeed. He told me the story, as if he was regretting or repenting. That was probably true.
In that case, did his friends suicide lead him become a failed student and end up in class D?
That wouldnt be the reason for a smart and popular person like him to end up in our class.
It would have been understandable if he had lots of absences and low grades like Karuizawa, but I havent heard anything like that of him. No traces of it either. Thus I cant trust him at this stage.
So thats why you asked my about my past yesterday
To assess Hiratas situation. A trauma in the past doesnt equal class D.
After confirming that with Karuizawa I was convinced she was a trustworthy person. The problem is with Hirata. He would be very difficult to deal with. I have no idea if he speaks the truth or lies so I have to figure him out discreetly.
You are really digging for answer from me when you dont even tell me anything.
You are not normal either. Something must have happened to you as well, is what I think.
Not really.
Thats a lie.
Nothing. There was no bullying like in her case, there was no attempted suicide from Hiratas beloved friend either.
I know it from looking at your eyes. You can even kill people without hesitation, thats what I feel from you.
So violent. Nothing that dramatic happened in my past either.
It was truly nothing. No little I cannot even talk about it. Just a Pure White existence. Her eyes was gripping onto me as she watched me. She was probably quite interested in the continuation. There was no doubt that holding onto this affect the later events.
However. What are you going to do with it? As if to answer the feelings behind this question, I clenched my fist even harder. The plastic made a screeching sound as it was bent and mangled.
I went to a garbage bin close by and threw away the plastic bits.
I wont expel anyone from class D. I need to go back to my group. Thanks for today.
Thats fine too, I guess
Lets return then.
It was approaching closing hours and the students were flowing out from the changing rooms. Which group you belonged to influenced when you left. The group returning before closing hours like Ichinose, the group that returned once the hours were up or the group leaving right before it closed. I wonder which group is fastest.
We were, on the other hand, sending the leaving backs of the students off. After a while, there were none left except for the pool lifeguards.
Not leaving yet?
You know the answer already so why ask? I have some circumstances on my own to consider when changing.
She said in a bit frustrated as she patted her jacket on the part that hid the scar. She couldnt show this to anyone. Thats why she couldnt use the congested changing rooms. That being said, she couldnt go home without changing. Thus being the last to change was the only solution.
You can swim in that competition swimsuit right?
There would be no need to worry about her scar drawing attention.
It looks so lame so thats impossible, no way! I hate it when we have to wear it during lessons, why do I have wear it during my spare time too, so lame.
Seems the girls have their own kind of hardships to consider. For Karuizawa who feared dropping in he class caste system, a swimsuit that showed little was a necessity.
You like swimming?
Ha? Well, I dont exactly hate it.
In that case she could at least swim.
How about taking a swim? There are nobody here except for the lifeguards and they are busy cleaning up.
She probably aware of the congestion so she wouldnt blame me for it immediately.
Im fine
Come on.
As I said Im fine already!
You will be fine being seen with that swimsuit of yours.
Thats not the problem, why do I have to show you my swimsuit?
It seems that was her problem. In that case, should I use a more forceful method to let her swim?
Thats an order.
Once those words came out, she glared harshly at me.
You really are the worst, I hate you!
You decide on whether to obey or not, which would it be?
okay then.
She unwillingly followed my forceful order. Her lips pouting in dissatisfaction. She removed her rash guard and left it on a chair. I look at her swimsuit appearance. She was standing with her back against me, not intending to turn around.
Maybe I will have to wear this swimsuit for the rest of my life
She couldnt use the other kinds even if she liked them. Her her scar would draw attention and she feared she would be asked about it. I moved closed to her and forcibly grabbed her arm.
W-wa, wait!?
Then I pulled her towards the pool and pushed her into the water. Splash! The water sprayed. A lifeguard heard the splash and came towards us with a megaphone in his hand.
We are closing! Please leave now!
Puhaa! What are you doing!
As the angry face of a girl surfaced, I reached my hands towards her.
Did you have fun?
You think being pulled into the water is fun?
She grabbed my hand without hesitation. Then she pulled me towards her, in other words, into the water. I didnt resist, just letting her pull me down. Even so, I made sure to not crash into her as I fell. The even bigger splash would surely be enough to enrage the lifeguards even more. Watching the lifeguards rushing in, Karuizawa laughed. She then caught sight of me surfacing and then pushed me down, sinking me into the water again. I think it was very childish even for me, but seeing her smiling face for just a little moment made me think it was worth it after all.
Having finished going for a round of swimming in the pool, perhaps it's due to having exhausted myself but I felt incredibly thirsty. The other members must have felt the same too, as on our way back from the dusk-lit pool one of Ichinose's friends said this reservedly.
"Hey Honami-chan, I'm thinking I want to have some ice cream, how about it?".
"That's right---I think I might want to have some too".
Even though I'd say we were refreshed, there was still a seething heat left.
"If you're fine with it, why don't have make a detour before going back?".
Seeing a convenience store nearby, she said that. Perhaps everyone had the same idea as her as there were no objections. As we entered the store together, the members of the group all rushed to the ice cream corner. Horikita entered, seemingly conflicted about whether to have a drink but now exactly like her surroundings, it seems she now wants to have ice cream.
"I'll have this! The Ultra Choco Monaka!".
Ike extended his hands and grasped an ice cream that was 3 times the standard size. The price of it was almost 4 times the standard one. I did feel like it was just a loss but if the person in question is satisfied with it then that's fine.
Sudou and Yamauchi chose to have kakigori while Ichinose chose to have ice candy. Even in such a place, I found it interesting that each of their personal idiosyncrasies were slipping into view. From behind my back, Sakura was looking on hesitantly.
"What'll you be doing?".
"Umm, w-what should I do?".
She flailed around in panic but it's natural that she would not be able to answer. Because from a slight distance away, Sakura was eagerly standing on her tiptoes to look into the ice cooler and see its contents. It's just whether or not she could see a part of it from my point of view. Ike and the others, at a slight distance away, were lightly stretching their backs.
"Let's go".
Since she seems to be having a difficult time buying ice cream, I followed up for her and together we chose our ice cream. Sakura seems to be confused and her hands were shaking.
"I wonder what I should do......".
"Do you dislike it? Ice cream" I asked her.
"No, I like them all. I've probably eaten all of the ones around here" she said while pointing towards the right half of the case.
As we were doing so, Horikita, who had also remained behind, chose her ice cream and went to the counter.
"Hurry up already---. You'll get left behind---".
Having finished paying, Ike says that jokingly. Towards that statement, perhaps Sakura received it nervously as she becomes more pronouncedly rushed in her actions.
"Umm, ummmm.....sorry.....I'm, at a time like this, I'm the type to take my time when choosing.....".
"There's no need to panic. He's just joking. I haven't decided yet either".
"Ayanokouji-kun, what will you be having then......?".
Taking my attention off Sakura for a moment, I glanced at the contents of the case. Honestly, all I could see were that most of them looked identical to each other.
"I'll have this I suppose".
As I answered her, what I took into my hands was the standard soft cream. The one with the milk coiled around it round and round. There were also ones with chocolate mixed into them but let's leave those for next time.
"S-So, I'll have those too then. Because it's delicious" Sakura said.
I did feel like I forced her into making that choice, but if Sakura is satisfied with it then all is fine I suppose. Having made our purchase and gone outside, together with everyone we gathered in the open space of the convenience store and began to eat. Opening up the cup, and ferrying the soft cream into my mouth, I felt the soft milk melt and spread out inside me.
"This is...delicious...".
The sweetness and coldness that could end up being a bad habit seeps through my body. Honestly, this is revolutionary. I never knew ice cream was something this delicious.
It's just eating too much seems like it'll be bad for your body though.....
"You sure are eating it like it's that delicious---. It's almost like you're eating it for the first time in your life".
"I'm sure anyone would find this delicious. If it's in this simmering heat".
As a matter of fact, that would be obvious if you look at the figure that's eating it up this peacefully.
"I guess---. It's just you're eating it like it's so delicious, you see. It's the first time I've seen an expression like that".
"It's because he's like a doll. He never changes his expressions".
I received such an interjection from someone who's the same doll-type as me. I really can't accept this. But despite that, perhaps it seems their opinions aligned, but Horikita and Ichinose were happily chatting away. Their topic changed from me to the upcoming second semester.
"Hey Ichinose, it's fine to talk and all but your ice cream's in a terrible shape".
"Wawa, it's real!".
It was only a matter of time before her ice candy melted in this heat. Panicking, Ichinose quickly licked the liquid that was dripping and put the stick into her mouth.
Perhaps she's expressing her gratitude while mumbling? She's saying something like that. It seemed delicious even as the ice dripped onto the asphalt and left stains on top of it.
Part 9
"It was a good day, today was fun. Right, everyone?".
"Yeah. It was fun being able to talk to Horikita-san and Sakura-san. Let's play together again".
The girls of Class B seemed to have spent the last day of the vacations satisfactorily since they thanked us. Sakura, too, seemed to have opened up a little since she showed a small smile.
On the other hand, Ike and Yamauchi, as well as Sudou, seemed to be uneasy as after some farewells they got into the elevator.
"Ayanokouji, we'll be coming to play in your room later".
Leaving behind such an unnecessary word, they left.
"I wonder what happened? I got a more cheerful impression from them though".
"Today they seemed especially strange. It seems a certain someone knows what the matter is though".
They slighly glanced towards me, but I persisted in making no comments on it. I have various reasons for it.
"Then, I'll see you again at school, Ayanokouji-kun".
"See you again tomorrow then.....".
Parting ways with Kushida and Sakura too, only me and Horikita were left in the lobby. I had thought she had only stayed behind to avoid Kushida but even when another elevator arrived she made no move to get on.
"You're not going back?"
"How about you? If you're fine with it, when don't we have a little walk?".
"I guess so".
As I left the lobby with Horikita once again, while looking up at the sky dyed by the color of the sunset we walked along a tree-lined road.
"I had fun today. Occasionally it might not be too bad to have such a vacation too" she said.
That is, as the person in question admits too, a most surprising statement. Horikita speaks slowly as her hair which had not fully dried yet flutters.
"From tomorrow, the second semester begins. Surely a tougher battle than the first semester awaits us".
"I suppose so".
The school should have normally given the newly enrolled students easy-to-understand, simple tests. Yet the survival test on the uninhabited island, or having us deceive one another on the cruise ship, only tests far removed from ordinary high school students continued to be repeated. There's no way of knowing how much hardship awaits us from now.
"I've been thinking various things over the summer vacation. The things I have done, I was able to do".
"And what could you tell from that?" I asked her.
"That's a secret.....even if I told you, you'd only laugh at me".
Perhaps there was something she thought was shameful, but saying that she dodged the question.