City of Sin - Book 6, Chapter 10

Book 6, Chapter 10

War Horns

The Crimson Dukedom was a terrifying neighbour to have, but its threat was partially abated by its focus on the barbarian plains. Almost a third of the ancestral highlands had been occupied, an area even larger than the Bloodstained Lands. n.o.body knew whether the land was fertile or barren, whether it had any rare materials or other economic lifelines, but it was definitely enough territory to form a true empire.

Countless eyes were focused on the alarming growth of this behemoth, and despite numerous parties hoping to contain it none had the courage or resources to try. The Crimson Dukedom hadnt aggressed against anyone, and there wasnt anyone contesting the ancestral plains. There was a short attempt made to capture the slaves of the Crimson Dukedom, but that was quickly stomped out without the main army even having to act. Many of the smaller countries nearby were left ashamed at the fact that even the slave army of the Crimson Dukedom was more powerful than their full standing forces.

This wasnt to say the Dukedom had no conflicts. There were still constant skirmishes along the border with the Iron Triangle Empire. The dozens of minor battles had reached an astonis.h.i.+ng casualty count, and after losing nearly 40,000 troops in total they were forced to cede a significant portion of their western territory. The land itself was barren, but now that it was gone the Crimson Dukedom was the only way to access the Ashen Plateau and barbarian plains.

Salwyn had been made a scapegoat once more. Accused of betraying the country, he was forced to surrender his military power and return to fis.h.i.+ng in his lands. The ill-fated prince had now been a foil to anothers success for the second time. With Richard already considered a divine general, the mysterious Andrieka now surpa.s.sed Rislant in prestige.

Of course, everyone in the Iron Triangle Empire knew that the true distance between the two was unimaginable. The only reason Rislant hadnt been embarra.s.sed yet was the fact that he had used the excuse of the Dragon Church to keep away from this battlefield. Salwyn was the only one in the country with the courage to step forth despite almost certain loss, but his enemies had made use of that weakness to push him out.

Now that he had a general understanding of the situation in Faelor, Richard looked over the map in front of him and turned to Flowsand, Do you think we have the power to launch a divine war?

Flowsand shook her head immediately, Impossible. A real war of the G.o.ds isnt just a war between churches. Even for a weakling like Neian, destroying a few avatars is useless. We dont really have the capabilities to break into divine kingdoms ourselves, and until we do we wont pose an immediate threat to any deity. Even if a G.o.ds faith is completely destroyed, it will take centuries before they lose their divinity and fade away.

So I need to get to legendary Tch. Richard shook his head. The biggest advantage of being in the legendary realm wasnt pure might but the ability to somewhat control the laws of existence. Even an artificial product like Stardragon was difficult to face; defeating them was one thing, but leaving them with no way to run was another problem entirely. Given the strength of Richards party, it would be easy to beat a legend. However, killing one wasnt a guarantee at all.

Richard himself was still somewhat scared of offending a deity completely. If he truly pushed one to the edge, they could abandon all honour and send a powerful avatar to engage in guerilla warfare. A sneak attack here, an there such a strategy was almost impossible to counter. It was the same reason legends were so respected in Norland; angering one just wasnt a good idea.

Then we cant attack yet, he frowned.

If youre only worried about legends, theres a 30% chance I can stop them from escaping now, Flowsand added.

No, not good enough. Anyone who survives will be a thorn in our side forever. We dont need to take such risks, well have control of it all in a few years anyway. Right, Kellac, he pointed to a part of the ancestral plains, This is where the central shrine of the Highland WarG.o.d is?

Yes, Kellacs voice trembled a little.

And the one who got you excommunicated

His current t.i.tle is Leitun, the Lord of the Highlands. Hes already the pope of the church.

The Lord of the Highlands? Heh, who qualifies to give him such a t.i.tle? Whatever, lets show him whos boss.

My Lord, you want to

If we cant fight a proper G.o.d, why not fight one outside of the pantheon? Lets go take the nest of the Highland WarG.o.d.

The Highland WarG.o.d was originally a part of the Faelorian pantheon, but he had fallen from his post and Lutheris had taken his place. However, at one point he grew a foundation in the barbarian plains and became a deity of the barbarians. However, he was still weak.

The Crimson Dukedoms borders were now only 200 kilometres away from the great shrine of the Highland WarG.o.d. The only reason Richards followers hadnt pressed in further was to wait for further commands, and the self-proclaimed Lord of the Highlands didnt have the guts to attack.

Notify the three G.o.ddesses to prepare for war, were leaving in three days, Richard said before stopping to think, Also send messengers to Neian, Cerces and maybe some other chaotic G.o.ds. Tell them were going to be fighting the Highland WarG.o.d and they can support.

Support? Gangdor scratched his head. He had personally killed a number of priests and clerics of Faelor in the past, so he didnt understand why the churches would be willing to support them in this endeavour.

G.o.ds are selfish too, Richard smiled, The Highland WarG.o.d isnt a member of Faelors pantheon, so destroying his church will be a huge blow. At the same time, the G.o.ds can barge into his divine kingdom and tear him apart. It wont be nearly as expensive as fighting against a full-fledged deity, and the additional domain and powers are too much to refuse.

But dont we have the G.o.ddesses with us? Why not let them do it? Gangdor continued. This was something Richard appreciated in the brute; he didnt understand everything, but he made sure to ask questions without feeling embarra.s.sed.

Those three arent good at fights. Even if we hurt the Highland WarG.o.d, they cant be a.s.sured of victory in his divine kingdom. Besides, if they do win then theyll have divinity far beyond what their strength should allow. Someone else will steal it away later.

But isnt this making it easy for those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds? Gangdor was still puzzled.

Richard smiled, Whoever takes the initiative in the divine war will certainly suffer losses. Itll take a lot of energy to a.s.similate the new kingdom, which will leave them week for a long time. It will take decades to recover

Richard paused for a moment, a malicious glint flas.h.i.+ng across his eyes, But why would we give them so much time?