City of Sin - Book 5, Chapter 30

Book 5, Chapter 30


Ensio looked around at the carnage wrought on Sharons residence, sniffing the air a little before flas.h.i.+ng a mocking smile towards Voidbones, Ah, the star-destroying thunder. Master is still Master, you pathetic b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you dont get to lay your hands on her. Still, it looks like youre better at running now; to think you arent dead

Voidbones glare was cold as death, body slowly crouching like a beast as he said hoa.r.s.ely, Dont think the legendary realm is everything. Im not as weak as I was back then!

Oh? Ensio chuckled, I agree being legendary isnt everything, but it looks like you want a match. Why not? Lets see if you can beat me at least once, its been ten years already.

A dangerous flame ignited in Voidbones eyes, the azure flames around him starting to swell up. He kept silent and pointed upwards, forming a short-distance portal that sent him to Floe Bay. He waited there in mid-air, waiting to free himself of ten years of trauma.

Ensio wasnt as hurried. He first looked towards Blackgold and Fayr, casually flicking out two b.a.l.l.s of light that sunk into the grand mages and eased the impact of the chaotic energies. He then turned towards Richard who was still struggling his way towards Sharons room, a complicated expression crossing his face for the first time since his arrival. He eventually just sighed, stretching his fingers to shoot another ball of light towards him, this one a lot bigger than the other two and filled with a powerful life force that neutralised the azure flames.

Tch If only I could save you later without Master killing me Ensio shook his head as Richards organs were repaired, his body abruptly fading away as he appeared before Voidbones.

Ive been waiting for a long time, Ensi

Cut the c.r.a.p. Im in a really s.h.i.+tty mood right now, so try your best to escape or you die.

You think youre going to win for sure? Just because you were the only one ranked legendary? Voidbones features contorted with rage.

Against you? Theres no question, Ensio replied seriously.

There were no warning signs as a bright multicoloured glow covered the two mages, slowly becoming like a tiny sun in the sky. Its radiance was so bright that it blinded all the grand mages observing the battle from afar.

n.o.body knew just how many spells were being shot at each other, but the glaring radiance slowly burnt a hole into the clouds, only to fade away a few moments later. Ensio was left standing alone, traces of a portal still s.h.i.+mmering a short distance away.

Tch, and he escaped. Dammit Ensio shook his head, but a proud smile rose up on his face. He was the one true genius amongst all of Sharons students, the one with the greatest potential and skill.

However, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked back at the Deepblue, confusion written all over his face. He remained floating in mid-air for a few seconds before his silhouette vanished once more.

Within the Deepblue, Richard slowly opened his eyes. He didnt understand where he was at first, but the moment he regained consciousness he shrieked loudly and sprung up from the ground. Only then did he realise that all his injuries were gone, a stark contrast from the torturous pain he had fainted to.

He raised his head to look at the broken residence around him, expression turning pale as he immediately dashed for Sharons room. However, in only a few moments he suddenly stopped and turned around.

The first thing that he noticed was Blackgold and Fayr standing ever so slightly separate from the rest of the grand mages. It wouldnt normally be a noticeable difference, but it was significant. The second thing was a bald mage looking intensely at him, eyes filled with curiosity.

h.e.l.lo, Richard, Ensio flashed a das.h.i.+ng smile, My name is Ensio, Im also one of Masters apprentices.

Richards expression suddenly turned cold. He took two steps back towards the side of the room, lifting his elven longsword that had fallen to the ground. A cold, murderous aura erupted from his body.

Not bad, youve still got some strength left in you, Ensio said with a nod. For a fleeting moment, the sheer killing intent in Richards aura had caused him to tense up. He had tried to peep into Richards soul, but had been blocked by what looked like a world of boiling lava.!

Wheres Voidbones? Richard asked as he slowly raised the sword into a stance, Whats your relations.h.i.+p with him?

Ensio just shrugged, The b.a.s.t.a.r.d ran away after I beat him up. Do you think youd be alive right now if he was still here?

Richard was stunned for a moment before confirming Ensios words through a glance at the grand mages. Ensio had to be extraordinary to send Voidbones running, making him feel his own weakness that much more clearly. It was like he had been dipped into the Bay, extinguis.h.i.+ng the great halo that had surrounded him as a great runemaster and unrivalled commander.

His complexion eased, but just as he was about to let go of the sword Ensios face darkened, Now, get out of here you runt. Too weak to even defend yourself from Voidbones, youre an embarra.s.sment to Master. Im taking over the Deepblue, you dont have to concern yourself with it any longer.

Richard was shocked at first, but his expression turned solemn and cold once more, You will not take charge of the Deepblue.

Ensio laughed frigidly, And I have to listen to a runt like you? You havent even finished your preparations to become a grand mage yet, and it wouldnt matter even if you had! Do you think a bunch of grand mages are enough to run the Deepblue? Without Masters glory, do you think youll be able to resist the tribes of the north?

He paused for a while before continuing his cold mockery, Even Voidbones was ridiculous, and he at least had a chance of fighting off the local tribes. Hmph, do you even know who Masters real enemies are? Forget him, even I cant guarantee being able to resist them if they show themselves! I dont need dead weight here!

Dead. Weight? Richards eyes narrowed as blood rushed to his head. His body seemed to burn with unspeakable shame; this was the first time anyone had called him dead weight to his face!

He was the king of the Archerons and the royal runemaster of the Sacred Alliance. He was a Duke of Faelor, and someone blessed by the Eternal Dragon himself! When had he ever suffered such humiliation?!

Ensio couldnt care less about Richards boiling blood and bloodshot eyes, just smiling coldly as he repeated once more, Yes, youre dead weight.

This time, Richard went silent. All the fury condensed within his sea of consciousness, calling forth the gold glow of his truename from the depths of his bloodline. The boiling Archeron blood immediately cooled down, growing dense with energy as it prepared to lash out.

Such was the nature of his truename. Dizmason, meaning destruction. It took a collected warrior to maximise ones destruction on the battlefield.

A vague sense of worry flitted across Ensios eyes, but his expression remained unchanged, Haha, you dont see it, do you. Very well, why dont we head out for a battle?

Ensio! Fayr suddenly spoke up, Richard is greatly valued by Her Excellency.

I heard that he was the worst of all of Masters apprentices, Ensio said casually.

If you harm him, Her Excellency will

If Masters true enemies appear right now, who do you want here fending them off? Do you think you eighteen will do it? Will Richard? Or do you really think just you joining hands with him will be enough?

Fayr was rendered silent. Unlike Voidbones, Ensio was known for his integrity. If he said that even Voidbones was no match for Sharons true enemies, then that was likely a fact. That meant the grand mages would die just that much faster. Richard was almost useless in such a high-level battle.

Just as Fayr was thinking of a response, Richard just grabbed his sword and headed for the terrace. Ensio chuckled at the sight, immediately vanis.h.i.+ng from the place as he left three words behind, Ill be waiting.