City of Sin - Book 8, Chapter 11

Book 8, Chapter 11

Civil War

Richard wanted to defeat the armies of all three empires!

It was a simple strategy in theory, but anyone who heard it could only call him insane.

How was one n.o.ble to stand up to such combined might?

One of his generals gulped and asked hesitantly, Your Grace Would that be alright? They still havent started or even declared their attack; if we send out our troops, wont we be giving them the perfect excuse?

To attack us? Richard chuckled, Theyd do that regardless.

Over the next few days, Richard locked himself in his laboratory and never left. However, tens to even hundreds of orders were given out every day, some going to the soldiers around Blackrose while others were sent to his various planes. Exactly five days later, the portals in the castle all lit up for his followers to pa.s.s through one by one, each possessing an imposing aura. Senma, Asiris, Tiramisu outside of Olar and Gangdor, basically everyone had showed up.

Behind these followers were an endless stream of warriors, those from Faelor coming in the greatest count. The tall, muscular winter soldiers were especially adept at drawing attention, taking the limelight from the arrowbeasts who were just as powerful. Other drones had joined as well, with the humanoids being the weakest of the lot and still a powerful troop that was rare in Norland.

Most important was the numbers; the long line of soldiers stunned even some of Richards generals; all major n.o.bles hid their core battle power in their private planes, but for it to reach this quality and quant.i.ty was unusual at best.

Once all the soldiers were out, Richard showed himself as well. Taking a glance at the gathered troops, he summoned the unicorn and rode it down the hill. His followers immediately tagged along, with the rune knights, regular knights, and footsoldiers all getting into formation right behind. In only minutes, an army of a hundred thousand was following Richard northwards.

The troops of the Sacred Alliance got wind of Richard setting out before his soldiers were even in formation. Duke Turing immediately called an emergency meeting to discuss strategy, a full hundred people squeezed into his command tent with some of them forced to stand. This was despite a limit of two people per family joining in; almost everybody had found some reason or the other to bring extras along for the pure status.

He actually dares to attack us?

Hes out of his mind!

We should take him head on!

The tent grew chaotic, many considering Richards initiative an unacceptable provocation. The n.o.bles were all furious, almost having forgotten the power and aggression of the Archerons when and even before they owned a floating island.

Duke Turing knitted his brows together, realising it was all hot air. Those screaming right now didnt possess the ability or resources to do anything meaningful, and there werent any strategies being suggested either. They were all just venting their feelings with hollow words. However, he couldnt just dismiss them either. This was a very loose alliance, and those who had brought their troops could just as well leave at any time. He was the commander, but he didnt possess absolute control over everyone.

The Duke turned to a middle-aged mage and asked softly, What do you think, Mister Ca.s.sius?

Ca.s.sius wasnt very high in level, not even a grand mage yet, but Duke Turing was still extremely respectful to him. The man pointed at the n.o.bles and smiled, Look at them, the situation has already come to this. Can we still not fight this battle? Do you really believe we stand a chance to lose?

Hearing this, Duke Turings tightly knitted bows finally relaxed. There were more than 150,000 soldiers gathered here by the Sacred Alliance, with twelve full squads of rune knights backing them. Although most of the soldiers were from lesser families and not elites, the numbers were more than enough to make up for that gap. Meanwhile, they had far more saints than Richard as well. If they didnt dare to take the challenge despite these advantages, it would be a joke.

Turing suddenly realised he had actually been scared of Richards undefeated legend, but looking at Ca.s.sius once more, his confidence grew immediately. He had recruited the mage more than a year ago; despite being personally weak, only level 15, this was someone with unparalleled leaders.h.i.+p and management abilities that was an a.s.set to any family. In only a few months, Ca.s.sius had broken a years-long stalemate in a private plane and defeated the two strongest empires there to conquer the entire plane. The Duke trusted him greatly.

Still, he had to make sure to give the man a warning, Richard isnt an easy opponent.

I know, Ca.s.sius chuckled, Trust me, I never underestimate my enemies.

Nodding, the Duke walked up to the podium and gestured for silence. Once everyone quieted down, he stated clearly, If Richard dares to challenge our dignity, lets give him a fight!

After a short moment of silence, the hall was filled with loud cheers.

To the north of Azan was a large plane dotted with some mountains and rivers. This was a natural battlefield, suitable for both large-scale engagements as well as tactical guerilla warfare. When Richard led his army into the plains, he saw a long row of tents on the distant horizon already waiting for him. Ca.s.sius had chosen this place as the battlefield as well.

The war started the very next day. Richard placed 30,000 soldiers on the wings and led 60,000 directly into battle, staring down the 120,000 under Duke Turing.

Hes definitely going to lose, Ca.s.sius stated calmly.

Turing nodded, He already has a numbers disadvantage but he still dares to split his troops. This is a full battlefield with hundreds of thousands, not a small skirmish. Ha, the so-called king of the battlefield doesnt understand the difference at all.

You shall be the new king of the battlefield from now, Ca.s.sius said in flattery, prompting a poised smile.

Richard stopped his unicorn and looked at the army of the Sacred Alliance that was a kilometre away. They had been on the same side not long ago, but they were now opponents on the battlefield. He felt his heart stir and stopped his troops from advancing, riding forward alone. From the opposite side, Duke Turing galloped over as well.

Richard, you cant fight the entire Alliance by yourself. As an acquaintance, Im giving you one last chance. Surrender immediately, rejoin the Alliance, and swear your loyalty to the Empress. This is the only way for you to avoid destruction! Turing said firmly.

Richard smiled, Took the words right out of my mouth. Surrender immediately, and your family will still be able to hold on to your island.

The Dukes expression darkened, So be it; we have nothing to talk about.

As the two returned to their armies, chilling war cries reverberated above the battlefield and the huge armies started to move. Turing glanced at his platoon of rune knights, the full 120 present leaving him excited. He didnt hope to defeat Richard with them it was public knowledge that the Archerons had more than 200 but with many tied down in other planes he expected to hold Richards higher-level soldiers at bay while his army won the war. With Richards advantage in terms of rune knights, the battle was half won.

Or at least, that was what he thought. As the black tide of Richards cavalry started moving, the vicious mounts, black armour, and boundless auras of the shadowspears going into full effect, he still felt a chill in his heart. The other n.o.bles around him paled as well, thinking of what the shadowspears were known for these were rune knight killers.

Dont worry, Ca.s.sius reminded him promptly, We have the elites to match.

All of Norlands families had started discussing ways to deal with Richards shadowspears the moment he showed them off. While some families had their own special troops to fend them off, Ca.s.sius had identified two key points. One, a large number of rune knights would be able to crush them regardless. Two, a troop of specially-trained elites would be able to hold them at bay and target their actual weaknesses.