Man up, boy. You faced down demons tonight. How can you shirk now?
Then again, fighting demons was a lot easier than asking out a girl he real y liked. They couldn't hurt his feelings.
With one word, she could crush him.
Just do it!
Taking a deep breath, he glanced away and spoke before he chickened out. "Would you like to go to the Cafe Du Monde with me tomorrow after school and grab some beignets? That is, if my mom doesn't ground me for life for letting Bubba tranq her?"
Time seemed to hang on forever before she spoke. "Sure.
I'd like that a lot. But no more zombies, okay?" In that instant, Nick felt like he could fly. "Yeah, al right. No zombies."
But in his head was the voice of Ambrose. You only learned part of lesson one tonight, kid. You have nine more to go. Do you really think making time with a girl is the thing you should be focusing on?
Honestly? Yeah. 'Cause when he looked into Kody's eyes, he could see into the future. There was something about her that warmed him, and after this night, he real y needed that.
Especial y given the chal enges he would have to face in the future.
Lighten up, old man. This is my life, not yours, and I intend to make the most of it.
Ambrose flinched as he heard Nick's voice in his head with words that sent a cold chil down his spine. But he pul ed back and left the kid alone to enjoy his victory.
"Unfortunately, Nick, you are living my life and G.o.d help us both, we're making al new mistakes."
He just hoped that this time they didn't kil everyone he loved.
As for Nekoda ...
Ambrose had learned long ago to fear anyone he let near him whose past and future he couldn't see. Any time he'd made that particular mistake, the person had done their best to destroy him.
And in his gut, he knew Nekoda would be no exception.
A new face. A new chance.
But would it be enough ... That remained to be seen.
It was almost dawn before Bubba dropped Nick off at Kyrian's house. They'd had to run back to the store to let Brett and company out of the storeroom before Nick could face the dragon known as his mom.
Caleb stood beside him in the driveway while Nick looked up at Kyrian's mansion with holy terror gnawing on his gut.
"You ever had something you real y dreaded doing?" Nick asked him.
"Yeah. It usual y starts first thing in the morning when the alarm clock sounds and I know I have to go to school to learn stuff I already know."
Nick could definitely commiserate with that. "How do you stand it?"
Caleb shrugged. "You're my a.s.signment, Nick. You do what you have to do or a bigger demon eats out your liver and uses your spine to pick its teeth."
The sad thing was, Nick wasn't sure he was joking about that. "Yeah, wel , I just want to say thank you for everything you've done to keep me safe. I'm real y sorry you got swarmed tonight and beat on so badly."
Caleb was completely stunned by the heartfelt words. Not once in al these centuries had anyone ever thanked him. Not even when he'd bled for them.
Nick held his hand out to him.
He started to mouth off, but changed his mind. He wasn't going to slap down someone who was being nice to him. It was too rare. "My pleasure, Nick." He shook his hand and inclined his head to Nick's newly healed arm. "By the way, you might want to keep that thing in the sling for a while yet. Your mom would freak out if you show up healed." Nick tucked it back into the sling. "Good point." He took a step toward the door, then stopped. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yes, you wil . Evil always stalks you, kid." Caleb smiled before he turned into a raven and flew off.
Nick watched him vanish into the darkness.
What a screwed-up day this'd been. But at least he'd survived it, and he strangely felt better about himself and his future than he'd ever felt before.
I am so messed up.
Laughing, he went to the door and rang the bel . His fear returned a thousandfold while he waited for the inevitable.
A few seconds later, Kyrian opened the door.
He let out a relieved breath. "Thank the G.o.ds you're home.
Your mother has made me insane since she woke up. Dang, she can nag with the best of them."
"No kidding, right? If it were an Olympic sport, she'd hold al the world records."
Kyrian let him in, then closed the door and locked it tight. He set the alarm.
His mom came running from the living room to grab Nick into a tight hug. "Oh my G.o.d, you're covered in blood! What happened to you? Where have you been? I swear I'm kil ing Bubba and Mark tomorrow. First thing. And you, Mr. Gautier, are grounded for eternity."
Nick started to ask if he could be exempted from restriction for his meeting with Kody, but decided to hold off until she calmed down. As mad as she was tonight, the answer would be no and then some.
"I'm sorry, Mom. It was just a crazy night and I didn't want you hurt."
"Hurt? Boy, if I'm not fired, it'l be a miracle." Kyrian crossed his arms over his chest. "Wel , if you're fired, Mrs. Gautier, I can get you another job." She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Kyrian. "Doing what?"
"Sanctuary is owned by friends of mine and I know they're looking for a cook and waitress. I could get you on there in a heartbeat."
That calmed her down. "Real y? I've heard their waiters get the best tips of any place in New Orleans."
"Yes, ma'am."
She turned back to Nick and her anger snapped right to where it'd been before her distraction. "But I better not be fired over your shenanigans or else. Now get upstairs to bed." Nick was stunned by her order. "We're staying here?" Kyrian nodded. "I've got to go to sleep and your mom can't drive a stick shift so I can't loan her a car. Rosa wil be in in a few hours so if you need anything when you get up, just let her know."
"Come on, Nick." His mom headed for the stairs.
Nick fol owed after her.
Halfway up, he stopped and turned back to say thanks to Kyrian, who was in the middle of a yawn.
A yawn that showed him Kyrian had a set of long, sharp fangs.
Oh c.r.a.p ...
Here we go again.