Inside a man of light there is light and with this light he lights the world.
The angels and the prophets will come to you and give you strength.
Blessed are the ones who have heard the Father's word and kept it in truth.
Have you then discovered the beginning so that you ask the end? Where the beginning is, there the end will be.
The kingdom is inside you. When you really understand you will know that you are the son of the living Father. If you do not understand yourself you will be in poverty.
Split wood and I am there. Pick up a stone; there you will find me.
Come to me because my yoke is easy, my lordship gentle. You will find rest.
The kingdom of the Father is spread over the earth and men do not see it.
Blessed are the solitary and the elect; you shall find the kingdom because you have come from it and you shall go there again.
I say, whenever one is one he will be filled with light, but whenever he is divided he will be filled with darkness.
Love your brother as your own soul. Guard him as the apple of your eye.
There will be days when you seek and you will not find me.
These logia appear for the first time in a journal.
They are from the 4th century Coptic book,
The Gospel According to Thomas,
discovered in Hammadi, Egypt,
quoted through the courtesy
of the translator, Dr. Ray Rummers,
Chairman, Department of English, Baylor University.