KURLEY, MINNIE, 5 years old, Logansport, Ind.
KEKMAN, FRAMELLES, 525 Austin avenue.
KOUTHES, MRS. E. K., Montreal.
KWASUIEWSKI, JOHN, 25 years old, 122 Cleaver street.
LAKE, MRS. ALFRED, 60 years old, 278 Belden avenue.
LANGE, HERBERT, 16 years old, 1632 Barry avenue.
LANGE, AGNES, 14 years old, 1632 Barry avenue; body identified by her father.
LA ROSE, LAURA, 12 years, 833 N. Clark street.
LA ROSE, JOSEPHINE, 8 years old, 833 N. Clark street.
LA ROSE, MATILDA, 10 years old, 833 N. Clark street.
LEATON, FRED W., 24 years old, University of Chicago.
LEAVENWORTH, MRS. CARRIE, 45 years old, Decatur.
LEFMAN, MRS. SUSIE, 38 years old, Laporte, Ind.
LEHMAN, MISS FRANCES M., 525 North Austin avenue, Oak Park, a teacher in the H. H. Nash school.
LEMENAGER, MRS. JESSIE, 38 years old, 53 Waveland Park.
LEVENSON, ROSE, 28 years old, 268 Ogden avenue.
LONG, RYAN, 12 years old, Geneva, Ill.
LONG, HELEN, 14 years old, Geneva, Ill.
LONG, KATHERINE, 9 years old, Geneva, Ill.
LUDWIG, MISS EUGENIE, 18 years old, Norwood Park.
La.s.sMANN, MRS. SUSIE, Laporte, Ind.; identified by Frederick M. Burd.i.c.k, a friend.
LIVINGSTON, MRS. DAISY, 271 Oakwood boulevard; body identified by her brother, T. B. Livingston.
LOWITZ, MRS. NATHAN, 274 Sheffield avenue; identified by means of ring, "Nat to Minnie."
LOWITZ, MRS. N. S., Keokuk, Ia.
LEATON, FRED W., aged 25 years, 537 East Fifty-fifth street; medical student at the University of Chicago; home at Terry, S. D.
LINDEN, ELLA, 21 years old, 4625 Lake avenue; identified by her brother, Frank Linden.
LOVE, MARGARET, Fulton street.
MAHLER, EDITH L., 8 years old, 2141 Jackson Boulevard.
MANN, MISS EMMA D., teacher of music in public schools; 1388 Washington boulevard; identified by Louis Mann, her brother.
MACKAY, ROLAND S., 6 years old, 5029 Indiana avenue.
MARTIN, HAROLD C., 14 years old, 11 Market circle.
MARTIN, ROBERT B., 12 years old, Pullman, Ill.
M'CHRISTIE, MISS ANNA, 27 years old, 6315 Lexington avenue.
M'GUNIGLE, MISS MAYME, 30 years old, New York; visiting Miss Reidy, 614 South Sawyer avenue.
MEAGLER, MISS MARIA, 656 Orchard street, a school teacher.
MEYER, ELSA, H., 10 years old, lived at Grossdale, Ill.
MILLER, HELEN, 23 years old, 369 West Huron street.
MILLS, CHARLES V., 623 Sedgwick street.
MILLS, MRS. W. A., 623 Sedgwick street.
MILLS, ISABELLA, 21 years old, 6263 Jefferson street.
MOORE, MRS. MATTIE, 33 years old, Hart, Mich.; staying with sister-in-law, Mrs. Bond, at 4123 Indiana avenue; identified by Herman Mathias, 107 Madison street.
MOSSLER, PEARLINE, 13 years old, Rensselaer, Ind.
MUIR, S. A., 35 years old, 301 Winthrop avenue; connected with the Chase Furniture Company, 1411 Michigan avenue; identified by George B. Chase, vice-president of the company.
M'CLURG, ROY, 14 years old, 5803 Superior street, Austin.
M'MILLEN, MABEL, 20 years old, 2824 North Hermitage avenue.
M'KENNA, BERNARD, 2 years old, 758 Kedzie avenue; body identified by the father.