Chaotic Sword God - Chapter 3733: Great Grandfather and Great Granddaughter

Chapter 3733: Great Grandfather and Great Granddaughter

Chapter 3733: Great Grandfather and Great Granddaughter

Fang Jing spoke without any respect at all, stomping over the dignity of the Azure Dragon clan viciously again and again.

The supreme ancestor of the Azure Dragon clans face became extremely ugly, but he lacked the confidence to retort her. After all, Fang Jings strength had already reached a terrifying level that was enough to make him shut up.

The three supreme experts from the Black Tortoise clan, White Tiger clan, and Vermillion Bird clan had sunken faces as well. Their four clans stood together, prospering and suffering as one.

Fang Jing insulting the Azure Dragon clan was akin to insulting their three clans as well.

But at that moment, the three supreme ancestors all cleverly chose to keep their mouths shut.

At this moment, a great power radiated from Daowei Fatians soul clone. It enveloped him and Fang Jing, completely isolating them from the outside world.

Not only did it isolate all sounds, but even what was going on inside was obscured.

Covered by the supreme power of a Grand Exalt, even other Grand Exalts would struggle to see what was going on, let alone these Ninth Heavenly Layer Immortal Exalts.

Jinger, the Dominions Brush seems to have grown much stronger than before. I do remember that the Dominions Brush never possessed the same power as today in the past. Inside the powerful energy barrier, Daowei Fatian continued to speak kindly with an amiable tone. He looked at the Dominions Brush in Fang Jings hand, and his eyes shone with a strange light.

Fang Jing fiddled around with the Dominions Brush. She stroked the Dominions Brush gently and said seriously, Youre right, great grandfather. The Dominions Brush has indeed become far more powerful than before, as it has awakened over a dozen laws that even I dont grasp.

Jinger, how did the Dominions Brush awaken these laws? Daowei Fatian stared at Fang Jing closely.

When she heard that, a smear of puzzlement appeared in Fang Jings eyes as well. This puzzlement was not an act. She was very puzzled by it as well.

Actually, I dont know either. These laws just suddenly appeared with the Dominions Brush, said Fang Jing.

Then did the Dominions Brush go through any special experiences before? Did you take the Dominions Brush to any special place? Or did you encounter any special people or objects? Daowei Fatian asked closely.

Fang Jing furrowed her brows in thought and closely recalled everything she had experienced after obtaining the Dominions Brush. Suddenly, she remembered how she had handed the Dominions Brush to Jian Chen in the final moment before she fell unconscious in the chaotic sea when she was being pursued by one of the seven Grand Exalts of the Saints World, the Ice G.o.ddess.

She did not know what had happened afterwards. She only knew that once she awakened again, she had already arrived at the Grand Sovereign Heaven of the Immortals World.

After a lengthy period of thought, Fang Jing ended up shaking her head gently.

When he heard that, a smear of disappointment immediately appeared in Daowei Fatians eyes. He was racking his brains over unleas.h.i.+ng even greater power from the Book of the Populace, and he had finally found a potential lead from Fang Jing.

But now, all of his hopes had been crushed.

Jinger, then where did you go during the years you were missing? Daowei Fatian suddenly asked.

Fang Jings heart skipped a beat, but her expression did not change. She said without any concern, I paid a visit to the chaotic sea. Originally, I wanted to cross the chaotic sea and visit the Saints World, but I ended up coming across four experts of the Saints World coincidentally. Encircled, I ended up facing certain death, so I was forced into reincarnation.

However, during the years I reincarnated, the Dominions Brush was lost in the depths of the chaotic sea as well

Maybe thats when the Dominions Brush began to change? Fang Jings eyes flashed.

Thats definitely a possibility. Daowei Fatian sank into his thoughts before staring at Fang Jing in interest. Jinger, during the time you were gone, I searched for you everywhere. I paid many visits to the Daemons World and the Demons World. After all, you possess the Dominions Brush. I was afraid that the Grand Exalts of the Demons World would lay their hands on you.

In the end, I even went to the Saints World

What? Great grandfather, you actually went to the Saints World to search for me? Fang Jing was immediately startled by that. She was worried. After returning to the Immortals World, I heard how the Grand Exalts of the Immortals and Demons World battled the Grand Exalts of the Saints World several times. I just never thought that great grandfather had specially gone there to look for me.

Great grandfather, you cant risk your own safety like that again.

I called for you in the Saints World before. Looks like you had already left the Saints World back then. Daowei Fatian sighed gently.

Great grandfather, I remained in the Saints World for a very short amount of time. I went to the Spirits World as soon as I recovered my memories. After all, the Saints World has Grand Exalts, which is a zone of danger to me. However, I refused to stay for long even in the Spirits World. I went to the chaotic sea as soon as I retrieved the Dominions Brush. I hid in the depths of the chaotic sea the entire time and slowly recovered.

As a result, I was completely unaware that great grandfather had actually gone to the Saints World to search for me.

Great grandfather, how are your injuries? Fang Jing said with a face filled with concern.

My injuries are not a big deal. Actually, I only searched for you in the Saints World in pa.s.sing. Ancient Paths of the Saints World has been forging an extremely powerful G.o.d artifact. I originally went there this time to stop him When he reached there, Daowei Fatian seemed to think something. He let out a great sigh and faltered.

The matter seemed to influence his mood. He immediately became rather dispirited.

In the next moment, the power of the Grand Exalt around Fang Jing suddenly vanished. Daowei Fatians clone had already left silently.

With the Grand Exalts departure, the experts in the surroundings immediately felt their bodies lighten up. They gathered their composure once more.

Your majesty, s.p.a.ce-splittings soul please spare him this one time. the supreme ancestor of the Vermillion Bird clan said. Originally, she wanted Fang Jing to hand over the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerables soul, but when the words reached her mouth, she forcefully changed them. Her tone became tactful.

You still want s.p.a.ce-splittings soul? Come and take it for yourself. Fang Jing became overbearing once again when she faced the Sacred Beast clan.

The supreme ancestor of the Vermillion Bird clan immediately faltered. She seized up, afraid to say anything more.

They had all experienced Fang Jings strength. Now that they had reached a ceasefire after all this difficulty, they did not have the courage to infuriate her again and reignite the battle.

Lets go. Have you not been humiliated enough? The supreme ancestor of the Black Tortoise clan was dejected, leaving this place with the other three in tow. They never mentioned the matter of the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable again.

In the distance, numerous gazes, filled with the vicissitudes of life, landed on Fang Jing. Among these curious gazes was extreme fear.

At the same time, there was deep desire and greed.

That was greed for the Dominions Brush.

Fang Jing had fought one against four in this battle, overwhelming the four supreme ancestors of the Sacred Beast clan in an unstoppable fas.h.i.+on. This unprecedented feat had basically sculpted a living legend.

As the battle between Fang Jing and the four experts of the Sacred Beast clan subsided, the Grand Exalts formation that covered the entire Reverent Observance Heaven vanished.

At that moment, a terrifying power that belonged to the Reverent Observance Heaven swelled forth, pus.h.i.+ng the Reverent Observance Heaven back to its original position.

Fang Jing silently appeared outside the damaged ancestral grounds of the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens. She gripped the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerables soul firmly in her hand.