Chaotic Sword God - Chapter 3716: The Outcome

Chapter 3716: The Outcome

Chapter 3716: The Outcome

Its over just like that? But but who exactly won?

But theres no outcome

Many Immortal Exalts on the Reverent Observance Heaven had doubts. Due to their limited strength, none of them managed to see the exact details of the clash between Lu Wujin and the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable.

If Lu Wujin suffered defeat, then the Immortal Sect of Six Combinations will definitely face destruction. Lets see the fate of the Immortal Sect of Six Combinations.

Some Immortal Exalts thought.

Wujin was defeated? Mo Zhi and his partner were filled with worry as they floated above the Immortal Sect of Six Combinations. They glanced between outer s.p.a.ce and the Observance Heaven City.

However, they soon realised something and sighed gently. Its fine if he was defeated. At the very least, he hasnt completely offended the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants. Winning would instead be trouble.

Lu Wujin has already retreated in defeat back to the Observance Heaven City. Lets see just who else is there to save you today, Immortal Sect of Six Combinations. Ancestor Ling sneered.

At this moment, the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable silently appeared before them. It was impossible to tell what he was feeling.

Brother, can we touch the Immortal Sect of Six Combinations now? Ancestor Zang smiled with bloodthirst behind the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable, already eager to get started.

The s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable did not answer him, instead glanced deeply at the couple. Only then did he growl to the six people behind him, Lets go!

He did not provide any further explanation. The s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable directly left the Immortal Sect of Six Combinations with them.

His decision immediately startled the other ancestors. Only the Cloud-treading Ancestor was left in thought.

Their departure also took the couple by surprise. They were stunned.

Originally, the couple had been filled with despair, prepared for one last struggle to the death, but they never antic.i.p.ated that the seven ancestors of the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants would actually turn around and leave.

Dont tell me, dont tell me little Jin won? He won against the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable? the ancestor of the Immortal Sect of Six Combinations, Mo Zhi, said in a daze. His face was filled with disbelief.


Brother, what exactly is going on? D-dont tell me you were defeated by the promising junior Lu Wujin? ancestor Yue said carefully.

When he heard that, the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerables face immediately sank. You cant call that defeat. Even if he possesses the Way-bearing blade from the Courtyard of Ways, its impossible for him to defeat me in a single strike with his cultivation at the Sixth Heavenly Layer. However, theres no reason to offend such a powerful enemy for the insignificant Immortal Sect of Six Combinations.

Brother, whats there to worry about? We have the Sacred Beast clan behind us. Worst comes to worst, well just ask the experts from the Sacred Beast clan to lend us a hand, ancestor Zang said without any concern.

His words infuriated the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable. The s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable immediately slapped ancestor Zang across the face, sending him hurtling through the air several times before regaining his footing. A bright-red handprint appeared on his face.

Ancestor Zang was completely dazed.

He was still an Immortal Exalt ancestor of the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants. No matter how bad the arguments between them became, they had never slapped one another like this.

Yet right now, he had actually been slapped across the face in front of the other ancestors as an Immortal Exalt ancestor of the sect.

This was unprecedented.

You idiot. Hes just a Sixth Heavenly Layer junior, yet you still want to alarm the Sacred Beast clan? You might not have any shame, but does that mean that I dont have any shame? The s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable did not care about how ancestor Zang felt right now at all. He unleashed a vicious verbal a.s.sault.

Please calm down, brother The five other ancestors of the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants spoke up in a hurry. Their eyes flickered; their expressions were rather mixed.

The s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable rarely lost his temper against them. Even if he did lose his temper, he had never been as furious as right now.

Brother probably suffered significantly in his clash against Lu Wujin.

The other ancestors of the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants all thought of the same thing.

Even after being slapped across the face, ancestor Zang said nothing, following behind the others silently. He was very much aggrieved.

Please give me a moment, fellow s.p.a.ce-splitting! At this moment, the senses of an Immortal Exalts soul arrived from afar. The Wayless Immortal Exalt from the Immortal Feather sect rapidly approached them with over a dozen native experts from the Reverent Observance Heaven.

Apart from the Wayless Immortal Exalt, the native experts behind him were all unsettled. They were filled with uneasiness.

None of them wanted any close contact with the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable at a time like now. After all, he had recently gone through the pain of losing his sect.

The ancestors of the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants hovered in the air. They all looked at the Wayless Immortal Exalt and the others, but when they saw the Immortal Exalts behind the Wayless Immortal Exalt, their eyes immediately shone coldly.

Dont tell me these people really think theyll be safe just because they have the Immortal Feather sect speaking for them? The Cloud-treading Ancestor sneered.

In the next moment, the Wayless Immortal Exalt led over a dozen Immortal Exalts and arrived before the seven ancestors of the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants. Ancestor Zang quickly used his cultivation to erase the handprint from his face.

The people from the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants did not say anything. They all just stared at the Wayless Immortal Exalt.

The Wayless Immortal Exalt ignored their coldness. He immediately smiled awkwardly and said, Fellow s.p.a.ce-splitting, I have a piece of news for you. I might possess an important clue regarding the person who destroyed the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants.

When they heard that, the seven ancestors all shuddered inside.

Is that true? Do you really possess an important clue? the s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable said eagerly. With a step, he crossed the distance between him and the Wayless Immortal Exalt and said rather excitedly, Wayless, if you tell us this important clue, our Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants will thank you heavily.

That wont be necessary. The Wayless Immortal Exalt smiled. The value of the clue isnt as great as you imagine it to be. Moreover, what doesnt our Immortal Feather sect have? Its not like were lacking in resources. Ill give it to you as a favour.

We are eternally grateful! The s.p.a.ce-splitting Venerable clasped his fist towards the Wayless Immortal Exalt solemnly.

If you want to find the person who destroyed the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants, you just need to follow the lead with the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens. Im sure youll get to the bottom of it very quickly, said the Wayless Immortal Exalt.

What? The Sword Sect of Violet Heavens? Dont tell me the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens was behind it all?

Impossible. Fellow Wayless, have you gotten it wrong? How could the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens possess the ability?


The native experts behind the Wayless Immortal Exalt were all astounded. They were in disbelief.

The seven ancestors looked at one another as well. They had once suspected the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens, but they dismissed it very quickly. After all, it was completely impossible for the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens to achieve this with their strength.

On the other hand, they instead believed that under numerous coincidences, the unknown a.s.sailant tried to obscure their view and purposefully s.h.i.+ft their attention towards the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens.

After all, the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants had run wild for all these years. They were not without enemies in the Immortals World.