Celestial Peak - 43 Vicious!

43 Vicious!

His student was angry. When he felt that his student was angry, Jiang Wen knew that the situation was starting to escalate.

[I better step forward right before Tian De kill this arrogant brat.

But then again, this one-armed swordsman has his own protector. I better focus on Tian De rather than caring for that arrogant brat,]

As blood spurted out of the wound that was inflicted by w.a.n.g Ling. Tian De was in a state of bewilderment as he did not know what had happened. He stopped on his tracks as his right knee landed on the ground.

Looking down, he saw blood trickling out of his wound. He touched the wound on his face and felt the warm blood on his fingers. His face paled but soon turned red from anger.

He was injured. He was injured by someone weaker than himself. He was injured by a sky root stage ant. His face was profusely breathing but that cannot compare to the injury he had received mentally.

He could still remember those cold eyes that were filled with disappointment and contempt. Those words that belittled his strength he had trusted to defeat his the opponent in front of him was something that reverberates in his ears.

'He held back.' those were the words that was whispered under w.a.n.g Ling's breathe but he was so close to him that he managed to hear it without a problem. It was a word that not meant to insult him but he still felt insulted nonetheless.

So what if he held back when he attacked? He was an energy palace cultivator while this one-armed swordsman was nothing but a sky root stage ant. When he held back the strength behind his sword enough to handle any early-energy palace cultivator.

[I… lost? This is impossible.]

He was a genius who could fight a normal late-energy palace stage cultivator. Even if held back, how could he lose to someone who didn't even use a single martial technique?

[I don't accept this! That was just a fluke! I am strong and the only reason why I was injured is because I was underestimating this brat… that's it, I was underestimating him!]

Tian De consoled himself as he looked up only to see w.a.n.g Ling was not there. He looked for him and saw him in front of him with his back turned. He was disregarded.

Anger was rising in his heart.

Crack! Crack! Rumble!

The clear sound of lightning crackling echoed and the rumbles of thunder followed shortly after. A terrifying surge of spirit qi came out of Tian De's body as he slowly got up from the ground. He grasped his sword tightly as he called out to w.a.n.g Ling.

"Where the f.u.c.k are you going!? You have not beaten me yet!"

w.a.n.g Ling felt the surge of spirit qi behind and turned to look over and saw Tian De that was glaring at him full of battle intent. His heart began to throb as a lot of killing intent was directed at him.

He smiled and took out the sword that had already be kept away after injuring Tian De. He had thought that Tian De was already done when he cut his face, but it seemed like this genius of the Piercing Heaven Academy has the will to continue.

Getting ready to step forward, w.a.n.g Ling was feeling ecstatic. But then, he heard a voice float over his ears.

"First Young Master, please back away and let me handle this. It is too dangerous so can please step back."

Feeling the dangerous aura coming out of Tian De, Qigang chose to step forward to defend w.a.n.g Ling. However, just as he was about to pa.s.s by w.a.n.g Ling, he heard the First Young Master's voice.

"Don't interfere." w.a.n.g Ling's voice was chilly. It signified his displeasure of Qigang stepping forward when it wasn't needed.

"But." Qigang was unconvinced and tried to pa.s.s w.a.n.g Ling.

"I told you… don't interfere." w.a.n.g Ling turned his head over and a red glint appeared in his eyes. Qigang shuddered at the sight of those dangerous eyes of his. He was a saint but he felt threatened.

Qigang was still unwilling but then, he heard w.a.n.g Ling's words.

"Do not worry, I won't lose." It was a confident proclamation that travelled to Tian De's ears and made the already angered Tian De frown deeply.

Qigang reluctantly nodded his head as he gave up on stopping w.a.n.g Ling. "Please be careful."

w.a.n.g Ling stepped forward and was just about to say something to Tian De when he heard an explosion accompanied by the crackling of lightning.

"Heaven's Fury!"


Tian De did what he had did from before and came from below. But this time, he didn't hold anything back and unleashed his power unabatedly.

Tian De's eyes were bloodshot as he stepped in to take care of w.a.n.g Ling in one hit.

w.a.n.g Ling felt danger and started to frantically circulate his supreme spirit qi. He explosively retreated. Tian De's sword missed w.a.n.g Ling by a few centimeters. The lightning that was on Tian De's blade brushed pa.s.s w.a.n.g Ling's face.

"You're not getting away!" Tian De roared as he saw w.a.n.g Ling escaping by the skin of his teeth. With a boom*, he created a mini crater on the ground and he disappeared once again.

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Tian De disappeared and reappeared above w.a.n.g Ling, like an eagle diving from above his sword drew an arc formed by lightning.


As if the lightning as resonating with Tian De's anger. It roared as it came down to w.a.n.g Ling with the intent of lacerating everything.

"Lightning Descends! Die!" Tian De's eyes and face were filled with blood. The bloodied Tian De created a picture of himself as Great General fighting to his death.

[Not good.] w.a.n.g Ling saw Tian De's ferocious and vicious combination of attacks and felt danger. Although he was indeed caught off guard by Tian De's sudden attack, w.a.n.g Ling managed to get himself together.

w.a.n.g Ling made his move and stabbed his sword forward and as if the calm of ocean had come.


"Piercing Wave!" He made the sword coming to him stop. This sword technique was one of his consummate skill so w.a.n.g Ling was very proficient on using.

Tian De was taken aback by the fact that his attack was stopped. The momentum that Tian De had built through his relentless onslaught came to a stop resulting for his movement to dull momentarily.

Noticing that he had been stopped, Tian De was just about to take a step backward when w.a.n.g Ling moved. With his sword still occupied, w.a.n.g Ling used his feet and kicked Tian De upwards.


Tian De was sent flying up making him lose footing. He was no saint so he can't fly, w.a.n.g Ling had restricted his movement. w.a.n.g Ling managed to send Tian De flying for about 15 meters high.

"This can't stop me!" Tian De bellowed as he stabilized himself. He had just managed to straighten himself out when a shadow appeared right beside himself.

w.a.n.g Ling had already jumped up and followed Tian De. Activating his bloodline by a tiny bit, w.a.n.g Ling felt a surge of power. His body became energetic and his bloodline started to ignite.

The h.e.l.lish qi of his body circulated and his movements became sharp. When he appeared beside Tian De his current prowess had already improved by a lot.

Holding the sword with his right hand, w.a.n.g Ling formed a fist and slammed it to Tian De's body.


Tian De was sent down like meteor and crashed on the ground. Web-like cracks appeared on the ground where he crashed.

Tian De vomited blood as the impact of w.a.n.g Ling's punch and the impact of cras.h.i.+ng on the ground was simply too strong. The lightning that was crackling all over his body quickly dissipated as w.a.n.g Ling's. .h.i.ts were too effective.

w.a.n.g Ling descended from above and moved in. Tian De has yet to get up from the ground and if he wants to finish this fight then now was the perfect time to do so.

Das.h.i.+ng forth with explosive speed, w.a.n.g Ling circulated both his supreme qi and h.e.l.lish qi at once. He made use of his sword intent and made his sword as sharp as possible.

w.a.n.g Ling exuded a thick aura of slaughter as he made his way towards Tian De's location. His sword flash as it reflected the sun and a power that could destroy all malicious and evil things manifested.

"Now, die for me, Judgement!" w.a.n.g Ling roared as his sword traversed the s.p.a.ce needed to mutilate Tian De. w.a.n.g Ling's eyes exuded a dangerous light as his intent to kill became stronger and the urge to cut down Tian De echoed in his mind.

[He tried to cut me down earlier, it's my turn to have him a taste of his own medicine.]


Tian De watched as w.a.n.g Ling's sword came closer and closer. The killing intent and aura of slaughter that w.a.n.g Ling emitted out of his body made him suffocate. With his movements already dulled because of the injuries he had, Tian De could only watch in horror as w.a.n.g Ling's blade closed in on him.

[I'm going to die!] Tian De thought to himself.


Tian De felt a strong gust of wind coming towards his direction, but just as w.a.n.g Ling's sword was about to cut him down. A figure suddenly came forward and stopped w.a.n.g Ling's sword.

"What are you doing!?" w.a.n.g Ling questioned as he looked at Jiang Wen who was st.u.r.dily holding on his sword. He glared at this teacher and spoke with an ice cold tone, "Why are you stopping my sword? This is not over yet."

Qigang who was beside was looking at Jiang Wen with threatening eyes. He had moved the same time Jiang Wen did so Qigang was just beside w.a.n.g Ling as his protector.

"That is enough! You have won already, stop or else you won't be able to enter the academy even if you pa.s.s this examination." Jiang Wen looked at w.a.n.g Ling with his eyes full of ferocity.

This person had just beaten his student and even attempted to kill Tian De. From what he could tell about the force of that sword, w.a.n.g Ling was serious about grievously injuring Tian De.

[This kid is dangerous. Just what kind of house can nurture such a ruthless person?]

Jiang Wen had to reevaluate w.a.n.g Ling base on the result of this bout.

w.a.n.g Ling realized what he was doing and slowly retracted his blade from Jiang Wen's hands. This was a duel to examine his worth not to kill the enemy. w.a.n.g Ling knew that he was wrong but he did not apologize.

What he had done happened because of Tian De trying to kill him earlier with those ruthless onslaught of his. w.a.n.g Ling did not feel a little bit of guilt in this little incident.

"Does that mean I pa.s.sed?" w.a.n.g Ling innocently asked while silently keeping the sword away.

Jiang Wen hesitated for a bit but still acknowledged w.a.n.g Ling's victory as him pa.s.sing the examination. Normally, Jiang Wen has to instruct w.a.n.g Ling what he needs to do for entering the academy but because Tian De was injured, that is more important.

He gave w.a.n.g Ling his Teacher's Emblem and had them go to a place called [Student's Pavilion]. After doing so, Jiang Wen left with Tian De so he can heal his injury.

w.a.n.g Ling took the emblem and smiled before entering the academy with Qigang. While he was walking away, he thought of something.

[Now, I better think of ways how to squeeze the resources out of this academy.]

w.a.n.g Ling entered the academy. He is now a step closer to his goal of entering the ThunderG.o.d Academy.