=British empire.= Federation.
British imperial federation. Askew, 1906, p. 108: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 97: Briefs.
Ought our empire to federate? Gibson, p. 96: Briefs and references.
=Brown,= John.
Was John Brown's raid into Virginia to rescue slaves unjustifiable? Was John Brown's execution justifiable? Should John Brown be regarded as a hero and martyr, or as a fanatic? Matson, p. 129: Briefs and references.
=Browning and Tennyson.=
Is Browning a greater poet than Tennyson? Matson, p. 317: Briefs and references.
=Browning,= _Mrs,_ =and Eliot,= George. _See_ =Eliot,= George, =and Browning,= _Mrs._
=Brussels sugar convention.=
Shall the Brussels sugar convention be denounced? Askew, 1906, p. 203: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 222: Briefs.
=Brute mind and human mind.= _See_ =Human mind and brute mind.=
=Brutus and Caesar.=
Was Brutus justified in killing Caesar? Rowton, p. 209: References.
=Bryant and Longfellow.=
Is Bryant a greater poet than Longfellow? Matson, p. 322: Briefs and references.
Has Buddhism, in its essential principles and spirit, more of truth and good than of error and evil? Is Buddhism more unlike than like Christianity? Matson, p. 473: Briefs and references.
=Bunyan and Thomas a Kempis.=
Has Bunyan's "Pilgrim's progress" exerted as much influence as Kempis's "Imitation of Christ"? Matson, p. 514: Briefs and references.
=Burial, Premature.=
Premature burial; are preventive means necessary? Askew, 1906, p. 183; Askew, 1911, p. 185: Briefs.
=Burns and Byron.= _See_ =Byron and Burns.=
Are Lord Byron's writings moral in their tendency? Rowton, p. 215: References.
=Byron and Burns.=
Which was the greater poet, Byron or Burns? Rowton, p. 222: References.
=Byron and Sh.e.l.ley.=
Was Byron a greater poet than Sh.e.l.ley? Matson, p. 312: Briefs and references.
=Byron and Wordsworth.= _See_ =Wordsworth and Byron.=
=Cabinet government= (England).
Government by cabinet. Askew, 1906, p. 31: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 28: Briefs.
=Cabinet ministers= (United States).
Cabinet ministers ought to have seats and the right to speak in Congress. Brookings, p. 40: Briefs and references.
Members of the president's Cabinet should have the right to be present and speak in the House of representatives. Thomas, p. 164: Briefs and references.
Should members of the Cabinet have seats on the floor of Congress, and a voice in its debates? Matson, p. 157: Brief and references.
=Cabinet system and congressional system.=
Cabinet system of government is preferable to the congressional system.
Brookings, p. 37: Briefs and references.
=Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon.= _See_ =Alexander the Great, Caesar, Napoleon.=
=Caesar and Alexander the Great.= _See_ =Alexander the Great and Caesar.=
=Caesar and Brutus.= _See_ =Brutus and Caesar.=
=Calvin and Luther.= _See_ =Luther and Calvin.=
=Calvin and Servetus.=
Is Calvin's part in procuring the condemnation and death of Servetus deserving of censure? Matson, p. 521: Briefs and references.
=Calvin and Wesley.=
Has the influence of Wesley in the promotion of religious thought and life been greater than that of Calvin? Matson, p. 519: Briefs and references.
=Campaign funds.=
All contributions of $100 and over to political parties should be publicly accounted for by the officers receiving them. Thomas, p. 174: Briefs and references.
=Canada.= Annexation to the United States.
The annexation of Canada by peaceable means would be an economic advantage to the United States. Thomas, p. 206: Briefs.