_See also_ Farm colonies.
=Unions.= _See_ =Trade unions.=
Has the influence of American Unitarianism been favorable to Christianity? Matson, p. 484: Briefs and references.
=United States.=
Are the conservative forces in our nation sufficient to insure its perpetuity? Matson, p. 153: Briefs and references.
Is it probable that America will hereafter become the greatest of nations? Rowton, p. 226: References.
=United States.= Army. Increase. _See_ =Army= (United States). Increase.
=United States.= Imperialism. _See_ =Imperialism= (United States).
=United States.= Navy. Increase. _See_ =Navy= (United States). Increase.
=United States.= Territorial expansion. _See_ =Imperialism= (United States).
=United States government and English government.= _See_ =English government and United States government.=
=Universities.= _See_ =Colleges and universities.=
=University, National.= _See_ =National university.=
=University extension.=
Askew, 1906, p. 215: Briefs and references.
Should usury laws be repealed? Matson, p. 231: Briefs and references.
Is the principle of utility a safe moral guide? Rowton, p. 216: References.
Askew, 1906, p. 216: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 250: Briefs.
Should vaccination be enforced by law? Gibson, p. 218: Briefs and references.
Askew, 1906, p. 219: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 252: Briefs.
Resolved that we endorse President Cleveland's message relating to the Venezuelan boundary. Alden, p. 236: Speech (affirmative).
=Vice and virtue.=
Does not virtue necessarily produce happiness and does not vice necessarily produce misery in this life? Rowton, p. 213: References.
=Victorian literature and Elizabethan literature.= _See_ =Elizabethan literature and Victorian literature.=
=Virgil.= _See_ =Iliad and aeneid.=
=Virtue and vice.= _See_ =Vice and virtue.=
Askew, 1906, p. 220: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 254: Briefs.
Is the practice of vivisection for scientific purposes justifiable? Is vivisection cruel and unnecessary? Matson, p. 409: Briefs and references.
Should we prohibit vivisection? Gibson, p. 222: Briefs and references.
Has the influence of Voltaire, through his writings, been on the whole beneficent? Matson, p. 354: Briefs and references.
=Voting.= _See_ =Ballot.=
Fair wages clause in public contracts. Askew, 1906, p. 92: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 94: Briefs.
For work the same in kind, quant.i.ty and quality, should woman receive the same wages as man? Should woman receive the same wages as man for work or service of equal value? Matson, p. 232: Briefs and references.
Wages boards. Askew, 1911, p. 257: Briefs.
Has Wagner made an important improvement in musical theory and practice?
Is Wagner's musical drama likely to be the music of the future? Should Wagner be ranked with the great masters in music? Matson, p. 374: Briefs and references.
=Wales, Church of.=
Disestablishment of the church in Wales. Askew, 1906, p. 69: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 74: Briefs.