The tariff should be for revenue only. Foster, p. 380: Speech of F.H.
Hurd (affirmative).
The time has now come when the policy of protection should be abandoned by the United States. Brookings, p. 96: Briefs and references.
Which is the true economic policy for nations, protection or free trade?
Is protection or free trade the wiser policy for the United States?
Should a tariff be levied exclusively for revenue? Does protection protect? Matson, p. 198: Briefs and references.
_See also_ Steel.--Sugar.--Wool.
=Psychical research.=
Askew, 1906, p. 188: Briefs and references.
=Public trustees.=
Askew, 1911, p. 193: Briefs.
=Publishers and authors.= _See_ =Authors and publishers.=
=Pulpit and press.=
Is the pulpit more influential than the press? Matson, p. 504: Briefs and references.
Which exerts the greater influence, the pulpit or the press? Gibson, p.
165: Briefs and references.
=Pulpit oratory.= _See_ =Preaching.=
=Punishment.= Should not all punishment be reformatory? Rowton, p. 218: References.
=Punishment, Capital.= _See_ =Capital punishment.=
=Punishment, Corporal.= _See_ =Corporal punishment.=
=Punishment and reward.=
The fear of punishment has a greater influence on human conduct than the hope of reward. Craig, p. 77: Speeches.
Has the fear of punishment, or the hope of reward, the greater influence on human conduct? Rowton, p. 209: References.
=Puritan revolution.=
Was the Puritan revolution justifiable? Matson, p. 61: Briefs and references.
Have the New England Puritans been censured too severely for their treatment of the Quakers and the so called witches? Matson, p. 78: Briefs and references.
A national quarantine act is desirable. Brookings, p. 146: Briefs and references.
The principle of a present quorum as laid down in Reed's Rules is sound.
Brookings, p. 85: Briefs and references.
=Railroad pooling.= _See_ =Pooling.=
=Railroad rates.=
The cost of the service rendered by a railroad company should be made the basis for the regulation of its rates. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
=Railroads.= Government ownership. _See_ =Government ownership.= Railroads.
=Railroads and navigation.= _See_ =Navigation and railroads.=
=Raphael and Michael Angelo.= _See_ =Michael Angelo and Raphael.=
=Reading and observation.=
From which does the mind gain the more knowledge, reading or observation? Rowton, p. 213: References.
=Reading and travel.= _See_ =Travel and reading.=
=Reason and imagination.= _See_ =Imagination and reason.=
=Reasoning, Inductive.= _See_ =Inductive reasoning.=
The recall should be adopted in the United States as a measure of control by the people. C. L. of P. Debates: References.
The system of recall in use in Los Angeles, California, would be beneficial to the city of ----. Wisconsin University, no. 262: References.
=Recall of judges.=
All judges other than federal should be subject to the popular recall.
Speaker, v. 7, p. 301: Briefs and references.
The recall of judges is const.i.tutional and will further the best interests of the people of the United States. C. L. of P. Debates: References.
The policy of concluding reciprocal commercial treaties with other nations is a wise one. Ringwalt, p. 105: Briefs and references.--C. L.
of P. Reference lists.