Has the use of machinery been, on the whole, beneficial to the laboring cla.s.s? Matson, p. 228: Briefs and references.
=Magistrates, Stipendiary.=
Askew, 1906, p. 149; Askew, 1911, p. 157: Briefs.
Have the races of men a specific unity and a common origin? Are the races of men of diverse origin? Matson, p. 401: Briefs and references.
Is the evidence sufficient to prove the great antiquity of the human race? Matson, p. 399: Briefs and references.
Is the savage state the primitive and natural condition of man? Is savagism a degenerate condition of human nature? Matson, p. 402: Briefs and references.
Is there any ground for believing in the ultimate perfection and universal happiness of the human race? Rowton, p. 220: References.
=Man and animals.= _See_ =Human mind and brute mind.=
=Man's intellect and woman's.= _See_ =Woman's intellect and man's.=
=Manufactures and commerce.= _See_ =Commerce and manufactures.=
=Marathon and Waterloo.=
Was the battle of Marathon more important in its results than the battle of Waterloo? Matson, p. 30: Briefs and references.
=Markets= (London). Munic.i.p.al ownership. _See_ =Munic.i.p.al ownership.=
=Marriage laws.=
A const.i.tutional amendment should be adopted giving Congress exclusive power to regulate marriage and divorce in the United States. Ringwalt, p. 194: Briefs and references.--C. L. of P. Debates: References.
Reform of marriage laws. Askew, 1906, p. 152; Askew, 1911, p. 158: Briefs.
_See also_ Deceased wife's sister.
=Mary,= _queen of Scots._
Do the facts show the complicity of Mary, queen of Scots, in Darnley's a.s.sa.s.sination? Matson, p. 58: Briefs and references.
Was the execution of Mary, queen of Scots, justifiable? Matson, p. 59: Briefs and references.--Rowton, p. 207: References.
=Mathematics and philosophy.= _See_ =Philosophy and mathematics.=
=Mathematics and the cla.s.sics.= _See_ =Cla.s.sics and mathematics.=
=Maurice and Newman.= _See_ =Newman and Maurice.=
All executive duties in American cities should be concentrated in the hands of the mayor and his appointments should not require confirmation.
Brookings, p. 49: Briefs and references.
=Mechanic and poet.= _See_ =Poet and mechanic.=
Do the mechanicians of modern equal those of ancient times? Rowton, p.
215: References.
=Mechanics' inst.i.tutions.=
Have mechanics' inst.i.tutions answered the expectations of their founders? Rowton, p. 229: References.
=Medical education for women.=
Askew, 1906, p. 226: Briefs.
=Memory and hope.= _See_ =Hope and memory.=
American men of the present day are lacking in chivalrous respect for women. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
=Mexico.= Annexation to the United States.
Should Mexico be annexed to the United States? C. L. of P. Reference lists.
=Michael Angelo and Raphael.=
Is Michael Angelo a greater artist than Raphael? Matson, p. 370: Briefs and references.
=Microscope and telescope.= _See_ =Telescope and microscope.=
=Middle ages.=
Are there good grounds for applying the term "dark" to the middle ages?
Rowton, p. 224: References.
=Middleman, Elimination of.=
Askew, 1906, p. 152: Briefs.
=Military renown.=
Is military renown a fit object of ambition? Rowton, p. 210: References.
=Military service.= _See_ =Army.=
=Milton and Dante.= _See_ =Dante and Milton.=