=Ireland.= Universities. _See_ =Colleges and universities.=
=Iron and gold.= _See_ =Gold and iron.=
=Irrigation works.=
The government ought to construct an extensive system of irrigation works. Brookings, p. 144: Briefs and references.
=Irving and Hawthorne.= _See_ =Hawthorne and Irving.=
=j.a.pan.= Anglo-j.a.panese alliance. _See_ =Anglo-j.a.panese alliance.=
=j.a.pan-China war.= _See_ =China-j.a.pan war.=
=j.a.panese as American citizens.=
Should the j.a.panese be eligible to American citizenship? C. L. of P.
Reference lists.
=Jefferson and Hamilton.= _See_ =Hamilton and Jefferson.=
Has Jesuitism been a greater evil than good? Matson, p. 480: Briefs and references.
Anti-Semitism in Russia. Askew, 1906, p. 14: Briefs and references.
Is the creation of a Jewish state desirable and practicable? Askew, 1906, p. 132: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 133: Briefs.
=John and Paul.= _See_ =Paul and John.=
Journalism; are signed articles desirable? Askew, 1906, p. 135: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 135: Briefs.
The judges of the superior courts and the judges of the courts of appellate jurisdiction of the states should gain office by appointment of the state executive. Pearson, p. 345: Synopses of speeches, and references.
=Judges, Recall of.= _See_ =Recall of judges.=
=Jury system.=
Askew, 1906, p. 135: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 135: Briefs.
Do the advantages of the jury system outweigh its evils? Is the jury system worthy of being retained? Should a three-fourths majority be sufficient for a decision by the jury? Matson, p. 158: Briefs and references.
In the state of (New York) a unanimous verdict should no longer be required in jury trials. Thomas, p. 194: Briefs.
Is the unanimity required from juries conducive to the attainment of the ends of justice? Rowton, p. 217: References.
Jury system should be abolished. Brookings, p. 55: Briefs and references.
Less than the whole number of the jury should be competent to render a verdict. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
Should we abolish trial by jury? Gibson, p. 215: Briefs and references.
Trial by jury. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
=Juvenile court.=
C. L. of P. Reference lists (affirmative).
Children's courts. Askew, 1906, p. 40: Briefs and references.
Does Kant's "Critique of pure reason" give a true account of the origin and limitations of knowledge in the human mind? Do Kant's writings, taken together, afford a self-consistent and positive philosophical system? Was Kant a greater philosopher than Descartes? Matson, p. 438: Briefs and references.
=Kempis, Thomas a, and Bunyan.= _See_ =Bunyan and Thomas a Kempis.=
=Kindergarten system.=
Askew, 1906, p. 136: Briefs and references.
=Labor, Division of.=
Does the division of labor, as it now exists, tend rather to hinder than to help individual development? Matson, p. 229: Briefs and references.
Is the division of labour now carried to hurtful excess? Gibson, p. 119: Briefs and references.
=Labor and laboring cla.s.ses.=
Labor is more to blame for hard times than capitalists are. C. L. of P.
Reference lists.
_See also_ Child labor.--Chinese labor.--Home labor.--Machinery.
=Labor party.=
The best interests of the laboring cla.s.ses would be advanced by the formation of a separate labor party. Brookings, p. 154: Briefs and references.
Organized labor should form a political party and actively enter politics. Thomas, p. 202: Briefs.
=Labor unions.= _See_ =Trade unions.=