Is Goethe's Mephistopheles a better conception of the Prince of Darkness than Milton's Satan? Matson, p. 304: Briefs and references.
=Goethe and Schiller.=
Was Goethe a greater poet than Schiller? Matson, p. 302: Briefs and references.
=Goethe and Shakespeare.= _See_ =Shakespeare and Goethe.=
=Gold= (currency).
All nations should unite in adopting the same monetary system and that system should be gold. Brookings, p. 88: Briefs and references.
The single gold standard is for the best interests of the country.
Craig, p. 28: Speeches.
_See also_ Bimetallism.
=Gold and iron.=
Which is the more valuable metal, gold or iron? Rowton, p. 211: References.
=Gold mines and coal mines.=
Have the gold mines of Spain or the coal mines of England been more beneficial to the world? Rowton, p. 213: References.
=Gothenburg system.=
The Gothenburg system of eliminating private profits offers the best solution of the liquor question. Brookings, p. 176: Briefs and references.
Should England adopt the Gothenburg system? Askew, 1906, p. 103: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 103: Briefs.
=Government by commission.= _See_ =Commission form of government.=
=Government ownership.=
Ought the state to own all railways, mines,, etc.? Gibson, p.
191: Briefs and references.
The state ought to organize and conduct manufactories and commerce.
Brookings, p. 129: Briefs and references.
_See also_ ownership.
=Government ownership.=
Nationalization of Askew, 1906, p. 103: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 31: Briefs.
=Government ownership.= Coal mines.
It is for the best interests of all the people for the government to own and control coal mines. Craig, p. 318: Outline.
The United States ought to own and control the coal mines of the country. Pearson, p. 435: Synopses of speeches, and references.
=Government ownership.= Railroads.
The federal government should own and operate the railroads in the United States. Thomas, p. 180: Briefs.
The railroads in the United States should be owned and operated by the federal government. Brookings, p. 123: Briefs and references.
Railway nationalization. Askew, 1906, p. 189: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 195: Briefs.
The railways of the United States should be owned and operated by the government. Ringwalt, p. 163: Briefs and references.--C. L. of P.
Debates: References.
Should the government of the United States own and control the railroads? Craig, p. 106: Speeches.
Should the government own and operate the railroads? Matson, p. 176: Briefs and references.--Robbins, p. 88: Briefs and references.
=Government ownership.= Telegraphs, telephones.
All telegraph lines in the United States should be owned and controlled by the government. Brookings, p. 126: Briefs and references.
The government of the United States should own and control the telephone and telegraph systems. Craig, p. 185: Speeches.
=Greece and Rome.=
Has Greece contributed more to the civilization of the world than Rome?
Has Rome been really a greater power in the world than Greece? Matson, p. 25: Briefs and references.
=Greek, Study of.= _See_ =Cla.s.sical education.=
=Greek art and renaissance art.=
Is Greek art surpa.s.sed by renaissance art? Matson, p. 359: Briefs and references.
=Greek dramatists and English dramatists.=
Are the Greek dramatic writers superior to the English? Matson, p. 277: Briefs and references.
=Greek letter fraternities.= _See_ =Secret societies.=
Should greenbacks be retired and the government go out of its present system of banking? Craig, p. 232: Speeches.
=Gregory VII and Charlemagne.= _See_ =Charlemagne and Hildebrand.=
=Guarantee of bank deposits.= _See_ =Bank deposits, Guarantee of.=