Chapter 275: Severed Head
Date- 27 Mar 2321
Time- 12:21
Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Box no.1
After the ambush incident with demiG.o.d wors.h.i.+pers concluded. Pax, Eliza, Susan and the rest of the gang followed Wyatt to the VIP Box no.1. Where another surprise ambushed them. Anna is the Southern Emperor. No freaking way! This was the thought that run through their mind when they saw the City lord and his entourage respectfully bow and address Anna as The Southern Emperor
If it were some other time Eliza, Susan, Jaya and the rest would try to leave a good impression on the Southern Emperor but since they have already met with the Southern Emperor as unbridled and rude Anna they did not know how to approach her majesty. Who knew that the southern emperor was just another h.o.r.n.y and spoiled brat. Therefore they chose to just spectate and not partic.i.p.ate in the conversation between Anna, the weird old man Lorenzo and Wyatt. But staying quiet for too long someone broke the silence.
Guys should we take our leave, I think our presence here is not required. Whispered Beth, she was still frightened remembering the gaze of the southern emperor when the city lord threw them under the bus to protect his a.s.s.
Before that, we have to clear the misunderstanding the city lord has created. Do not be afraid we are the victims here. If we explain the truth to the majesty she will understand. Eliza whispered to her frightened sister a.s.suring her that everything is going to be alright. Eliza was waiting for the moment when Anna would ask them to explain the city lords claims. As she knew if they left this matter as it is, all the blame will be pushed on the Whiteburn family. Public opinion can be regained but if her majesty forms an opinion about their family then it will be unfavourable for her siblings and the family.
Yeah, good luck with that. From the way that girl behaved earlier I can tell you for sure that she is a cuckoo. Corey sneered at Elizas statement. And she did not seem to care if Anna was a card emperor or the ruler of the southern region.
Corey, shut up. That is the southern emperor you are talking about. Be more respectful. Susan whispered to Corey with a stern frown.
She may be a little crude but she is right. The southern emperor said it herself that she killed her sister. Now you tell me if she will be reasonable. Jaya whispered, supporting Coreys statement. Jaya was worried right now, this time she had done it. Her sister sent her to mend her relations.h.i.+p with Wyatt. But Jaya was not only unable to fix her relations.h.i.+p with Wyatt but she offended the mother freaking southern emperor, the fuqing ruler of the Southern region.
Are you guys dumb or what? Her majesty is a higher being in the card emperor realm. Dont you think she can hear you guys whispering about her? Amy whispered reminding her siblings and friends that they were stupid to whisper about the card emperor right next to her.
Hearing Amy, Beth, Jaya and Susans faces turned pale. Beth was anxious for Pax who was at the centre of the demiG.o.d wors.h.i.+pers incident. Jaya was worried that she might have ruined any chance of leaving a good impression on the southern emperor. As for Susan, she was worried for Corey who did not seem to understand the repercussions of not showing proper respect to the southern emperor which she deserved.
Come on guys, you make it seem like Anna is some kind of ruthless tyrant. Well, she is but to her friends she is the opposite. You do not have to worry, I do not think Anna will make things hard for you knowing that you are Wyatts friend. So be comfortable, you have nothing to worry about unless you did something wrong. Seeing the girls frightened of Anna, Elliott a.s.sured them that Anna was good to her friends.
Elliotts a.s.surance only added to the worry of the girls, what does he mean by, you have nothing to worry about unless you did something wrong? Did we do something wrong? What is wrong? What are the dos and donts in front of the southern emperor? What if we do something wrong, will she Kill us? She killed her sister, she wont bat an eye killing us? Does she kill just for fun? These were the thoughts running on each of their heads.
Corey grabbed worried Susan by her wrist and a.s.sured her, Big Sis Su, do not worry? I will protect you if she acts up?
Someone please protect me from this loon. Susan did not reprimand Corey this time around but let out a weak helpless laugh. This girl used to be so timid and cute, when did she turn into such an ignorant and self-righteous Brat.
*Cough*Seeing the girls more worried Elliott coughed in embarra.s.sment.
You are destined to die alone Karen commented and added salt to Elliotts wounds.
No, I am not. I have you. Seeing Elliott be cheeky with her Karen blushed and mumbled, idiot
Elliott aint she your secretary. JK LTDs heir in relations.h.i.+p with his secretary. Is it finding love at unexpected places or Is it just another filthy secret of big companies? This would make a good sandal right! Jaya taunted Elliott, seeing him be affectionate with his secretary without caring for his surroundings.
Is it a threat, I remember Wyatt saying he would not do any kind of business with you Fine Gold sisters. So why are you here? Elliotts face turned cold, though Elliott was enjoying his new life he still remembered his old grudges and people who did not hesitate to kick him when he was at his lowest. And Jaya was one of them. If not for her coming with Wyatt he would have already had her thrown out of the VIP box.
Well, isnt it obvious Wyatt invited me? Relax, it was not a threat but a satire. I thought it would help lighten the mood. Elliott your anger is justifiable but please understand that the incident back then was just business, right now I am here as a friend. Just put yourself in my shoes and ask yourself what would you have done as a good businessman at that point. Jaya was not offended by Elliott las.h.i.+ng out at her as she understood where his anger stemmed from.
Good businessman? A good businessman does not build his fortune on other businesses Since Wyatt invited you I will tolerate you for now. Socialising with people he hates was not new to Elliott.
Thank you. Jaya was grateful that Elliott was not making things more difficult for her then it currently is.
No, sorry I will never consider it. But could you explain to me what are the uses of the severed head, if senior Lorn wants it then it should not be something of little value? I rejected Annas proposal without a thought as if it was a reflex and asked her about the uses of the severed head. Can it be used for necromancy type cards? Will it allow one to summon the dead? According to their conversation, the severed head belongs to a card emperor, will it be possible to use the severed head as an ingredient to summon an undead card emperor.
Well for starters it is a card emperors severed head so it is very precious. Until or unless a civil war is going on it is hard to get one of these.
Usually, a Card Emperors severed head is very valuable but the card emperor whom this head belongs to is a domesticated card emperor so it is useless for someone of my strength.
As for its uses, hahaha how about you win the tournament and I will tell you. Knowing too much too early is not good for you. Anna explained how precious the severed head was but acted mysteriously when it came to informing its uses.
Boy, if I were you I would accept her offer. Let me just tell you what you will be missing, with that severed head you can easily defeat a card overlord or even a card king if you are capable enough. I do not see why you would reject such a good deal? With this deal not only will you be getting power but beauty by your side. The old man seemed to be genuine but for some reason, I felt his words were meant to mock me.