Card Apprentice Daily Log - Chapter 2194 Creating A Rule Stream

Chapter 2194 Creating A Rule Stream

Chapter 2194 Creating A Rule Stream

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Spiritual Location- World Will's Womb

Physical Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

The idea of using the world-devouring plague to deal with Dredre's unruly unborn celestial was well and good. Still, Wyatt had yet to understand his innate plague enough to know how he could use the world-devouring plague to do so without killing the unborn celestial because if something were to happen to it Dredre would be inconsolable. He feared the grief might just kill her. Losing Dredre will be devastating for Wyatt and his friends but the chain of events that would unravel after that would be beyond Wyatt's control as he could not stand along with the likes of the Librarian Jr and the rest let alone fight them when they knock on his door for an explanation. Apart from the fear of accidentally killing Dredre's unborn celestial Wyatt was worried that in his realm his innate plague 'World Devouring Plague' might not be capable of targeting a celestial even if it was an unborn one. After all, the celestial and mortal were leagues apart. Even a regular ruler cla.s.s being would be outcla.s.sed in the presence of a celestial. Now Wyatt was in a pinch, he had the perfect means to solve his problem but he wasn't sure if he was strong enough to use it on his intended target or aware how to use the means at his disposal avoiding accidents. That was to say, Wyatt needed to explore and experience his new abilities, especially his 4th form, more to use it to use it to solve his problem avoiding unnecessary accidents. Knowing that it would be a while before he could deal with Dredre's unruly celestial Wyatt decided to get back to pursuing the zenith of the blood rule. He had achieved plus ultra mastery in the blood rule by comprehending three blood rule meanings to the ultimate tier and forging ultimate tier runes for each blood rule meaning. Now there was only one step remaining for him to achieve the ultimate mastery in the blood rule and it was to form a blood rule stream. Yes, the last and final step for Wyatt to achieve the ultimate mastery in the blood rule was to form a blood rule stream by combining all three blood rule meanings he had comprehended to ultimate mastery if he manages to achieve that he would be able to begin a new climb in his pursuit of the zenith of the blood rule giving him advanced comprehension into any blood rule meaning without having to worry about comprehending each one to ultimate mastery before choosing another meaning. Once he was able to form a blood rule stream Wyatt or any being like the card world's blood rule stream and Bloodette could comprehend any blood rule meaning at will without having to comprehend them to the ultimate mastery before choosing a new one to comprehend. Forming a rule stream by combining the three rule meanings was the final step of rule comprehension and also the first step into advanced rule comprehension. This was a feat easier said than done. Even the likes of the great Field Marshal Heatsend, the Southern Ruler, the Founders, etc have been struggling to achieve the same for different rules for centuries. Wyatt had no evidence to say that neither of the world leaders of the card world had created rule streams as such information was very sensitive information but he believed that the likes of the top strongest might have created rule streams for one or two rules setting them above the other card apprentice in the Card world. However, the creation of a rule stream was not that rare among the devils making them stronger than the card demiG.o.ds or any other natives of the world they were invading. There was a reason why the beings capable of creating rule streams were uncommon even among the devils. It was because combining the three rule meanings of the said rule was not an easy task it was like solving a puzzle. They had to find common ground among the three rule meanings as even if they were from the same rule they would still not come together to form a rule stream instead hinder each other. It was up to the beings themselves to find a way to bring the three rule meanings they comprehended together there was no answer with celestial or at the rule source. This was the ultimate test of rule for the beings and their understanding of the rule meanings. Only by pa.s.sing it would they be able to move to advance comprehension of the said rule. Just because one had achieved ultimate mastery in a said rule meaning did not mean that they could achieve anything with the said rule meaning, they could achieve anything within the bounds of the rule meaning but to combine two or more rule meanings meant one had to move out of the bounds of the rule meanings. Apart from the beings' capability, there was also a compatibility factor between the rule meanings. Some rule meanings get along with each other more compared to other rule meanings. Since the beings have to depend on chance to choose the rule meanings at the rule bifurcation point one can also say that a beings' luck was also a huge factor in their ability to create a rule stream. However, this was not a matter for the dark tribes who had invented the sacrifice method to communicate with the realm and its will. Just like how Wyatt bribed the Card World's blood rule stream spirit to choose a descent blood rule meaning, they too have similar means at their disposal.

Hence, beings with rule streams were not a rare sight in the dark realm compared to the myriad realms. Still, one had to know that due to compet.i.tion the sacrifice method to communicate and bargain with the realm did not come cheap in the dark realm. Only the most wealthy and powerful could truly make use of this shortcut in the dark realm. Hence, one gets to see the fierce struggle in the dark realm among the tribes that cannot be seen anywhere else in the myriad realms.