Card Apprentice Daily Log - Chapter 2188 Two Blood Rule Meanings

Chapter 2188 Two Blood Rule Meanings

Chapter 2188 Two Blood Rule Meanings

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 11:45

Physical Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Standing at the bifurcation point Wyatt felt the profound connection between his abilities and the various blood rule meanings. His abilities were crying to him in joy similar to a thirsty man in the desert who found an oasis. They were trying their very best to tell him which blood rule meaning would help him further enhance or develop them. If Wyatt had the luxury, he would listen to each one of them and comprehend all of the blood rule meanings they pointed at. However, he did not. As of now, he could only comprehend one more blood rule meaning. So he had to be wise about it and get his priorities straight. His primary focus was to use the third blood rule meaning as one of the conditions for him getting one step closer to unlocking the primordial calamity soul gem's fourth form such that he could finally breakthrough to Card Grandmaster level and solidify his upgrades with World Will's baptism. Therefore, Wyatt tuned out the resonance of all the other abilities and focused on his primordial calamity soul gem's transformation skill. It resonated with two different blood rule meanings. He wasn't surprised by this because a few of his abilities resonated with a bunch of blood rule meanings. Actually, he could find many more blood rule meanings that were fit for his abilities at the blood rule source however he wasn't strong enough to choose from that stream of meanings and was limited to the stream of meanings the Card world's blood rule stream spirit had comprehended from the blood rule source so far. Wyatt did not let this get him down, he was just happy that the meanings pointed out by his primordial calamity soul gem's transformation skill were less than the chances given to him by the blood rule stream spirit. Now if it exceeded then he would have been in a bind, stuck choosing between the known and the unknown. Well, he could always get more chances in exchange for more blood rule ingredients.

Without any delay, Wyatt signaled the bored blood rule stream spirit and pointed at the two blood rule meanings resonating with his primordial calamity soul gem's transformation skill, "These two, what are these blood rule meanings called?" "Interesting choice, this one is called Blood Colossal, and the other one is called the Blood Plague," the blood rule stream spirit answered, a little intrigued by Wyatt's choice as she had a feeling that he did not choose these two blood rule meaning from sheer coincidence but she did not let her curiosity get the better of her and pry into Wyatt's reason for his choices. "Blood Colossal and Blood Plague" Wyatt uttered the names of the two blood rule meanings in confusion. He could understand his primordial calamity soul gem's transformation skill resonating with the blood colossal blood rule meaning considering that with every transformation it allowed him to grow gargantuan but he could not figure out why it also resonated with the blood plague blood rule meaning. Then, he wondered, 'Is it because of the plague egg I fed to the primordial calamity soul gem as an evolutionary ingredient?'

'That's it. It has to be it,' Wyatt exclaimed to himself as he accessed his grimoire's origin card info and checked on the conditions to unlock the fourth transformation of his primordial calamity soul gem. [Conditions to unlock the Fourth transformation, 100,000 median tier soul grades (Satisfied) Plague Egg (Evolution Ingredient)SSS-rank Dungeon Core (Satisfied) World Will Fragment Primordial Energy (Satisfied)??? (Explore by Self) ]

After feeding Blephegor's plague egg to his mutated ego gem, Wyatt was able to check two conditions of the list to unlock its fourth transformation. The plague egg itself counted as an evolutionary ingredient while the 'world will fragment' Belphegor used to enhance the potency of the plague egg itself counted as another condition. Leaving Wyatt only two unknown conditions to satisfy to unlock his mutated ego gem's fourth transformation. He thought he was going to be stuck exploring the other two conditions as he had no idea where to begin except for trying his luck with Rules and their Meanings but luckily for him, primordial energy was able to satisfy one of the two conditions. Leaving him with one last condition to check off his list to unlock the fourth transformation of his mutated ego gem. Now, he hoped that the blood rule meanings resonating with his mutated ego gem's transformation skill would be able to satisfy the last condition to unlock its fourth transformation. However, he was at a crossroads now that two blood rule meanings resonated with his mutated ego gem's transformation skill. He had a little mixed feelings about this, he was relieved that he only had to choose between two meanings and not more but considering that there could be a better blood rule meaning fit for the evolution of his transformation skill out there in the blood rule source Wyatt could not help but look at the Card world's blood rule stream spirit with a little blame thinking, 'If onlysigh!' "What's with that look?" the blood rule stream spirit asked sensing Wyatt's gaze on it. "Nothing, I think it would be easier for me to choose if I had more to go on about these meanings than just their names," Wyatt defended using the first thing that came to his mind not wanting to displeasure the spirit with his complaints. "That's right," the spirit thought for a second before proposing, "How about this, I will give you little details about these meanings in exchange for the remaining chances of yours." "How little of details are we talking about here?" "Don't worry, the details will be enough for you to make a sound decision. So, do we have a deal?" "Sure."

AN: Hi Guys,

I'm discharged and home but am still in recovery. On the plus side no hospital staff to ban me from using my laptop or mobile to give you guys your regular updates (except for my swollen hand from regular IV injections. Don't worry, it can't stop me, at best slow me a little. The staff said the swelling should go away in a day or two.) These past few days have been tough on me, especially when I learned I have EPS disease the hard way (due to my body's adverse reaction to an medication) but amongst all my troubles there was one silver lining your well-wishes and support. I cannot thank you guys enough for your encouragement and faith in me, it meant the world to me. I cannot mention enough how much it meant for me to open the ReadNovelFull app to find and read your well wishes and support, thank you. Thank you all. I promise you, I will keep your good faith in me.