Card Apprentice Daily Log - Chapter 2053 Thief

Chapter 2053 Thief

Chapter 2053 Thief

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 16:54

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air s.p.a.ce

"Come at me a.s.sholes! Even if I am to die I will die fighting!" Adriene yelled letting out a warcry. JJ and Cervos were not in control of their let alone be provoked by warcry. Their body just had one instinct right now and that was to kill Adriene even at the cost of their life. But just as they neared Adriene to end her for good, they paused hearing "Halt!"

With Wyatt's command, not just JJ and Cervos came to a halt but even Adriene did. However, this time she didn't break free of Wyatt's domain effect like the previous times, and also soon she lost the golden grace covering her body as her inner G.o.ddess totally abandoned her. Leaving her to fend for herself. Surprisingly this did not diminish Adriene's fighting spirit rather it made her spirit stronger. She turned to look at Wyatt who was far away and yelled, "Finish me off a.s.shole, I am right here. I dare you to kill me."

Adriene was like a cornered mad dog. There was fierce light in her eyes that said even if she were to die here she would take Wyatt down with her and avenge her sisters. In her hindsight, however, she apologized to the Southern Ruler, 'Sorry, I failed you.'

"Wyatt, you cannot kill her! She is protected by the Southern Ruler. If you kill her without a good you will become the enemy of the state even if it is you the southern hope," Aria announced out loud seeing that Adriene would be soon killed if she did do something about it.

Now that she knew for sure that Wyatt was really going to kill every single one of the card apprentices that came for his head, she no longer stood back and watched but actively tried to persuade Wyatt not to continue his madness as the consequence that would follow were not something that even he could handle.

Ignoring Aria's screams, Wyatt appeared next to Adriene and said, "I could care less if you live or die as what I really want to kill is the ent.i.ty inside you. However, if I kill you I will be freeing it from its prison."

"What do you mean? Wait, how do you know about her?" Adriene asked Wyatt in astonishment while her body barely stood with all the injuries she had sustained, especially now that her realm had reverted to her original realm since her inner G.o.ddess took back the power she loaned her.

"The ent.i.ty hiding in you for some reason chose you as its vessel to recover to its heyday. Hence, it did not hesitate to use its power to mutate your ego into some sort of harvester to collect pure rule energy to help with its recovery. However, in that process, it imprisoned itself in you unable to move into a new vessel in case of unforeseen circ.u.mstances. Therefore, it was willing to let you borrow its power to protect yourself," Wyatt explained, as he used his soul pupils to stare at the ent.i.ty.

"What did you mean by killing me will free it? Will it not die with me?" Adriene was astonished to see that Wyatt was aware of her situation better than her. However, focused on the point and did not get off track.

"Considering the level the ent.i.ty in your body is at, death doesn't mean the same to it as it does to you and me," Wyatt answered, after a brief pause to monitor the ent.i.ty in Adriene's body he then continued, "It seems to have become aware that I am aware of it and has gotten spooked. So, it is choosing to cut its losses and start all over again using its last resort to switch to a new vessel, that is to get you killed so that it can latch onto your soul and return to the cycle of reincarnation to latch on to another powerful soul."

"She said she is me and I am her," Adriene mumbled unable to come to terms with what she heard.

"She? You can talk to it," Wyatt asked as he and Hive AI used the soul pupils to study the ent.i.ty hiding in Adriene. From what they have learned through its and Adriene's soul pathway arrangement he was surprised to learn that Adriene could talk to the ent.i.ty as the soul pathways did not indicate a normal communication channel between them.

"No, I cannot talk to her. I keep thinking the question I want to ask her in my mind and sometimes on rare occasions I get these visions from her that give me vague answers," Adriene replied, she had not forgotten about her revenge but also did not want to miss out on the chance to learn about her inner G.o.ddess. She wanted to know about her now more than ever, seeing how she abandoned her and left her to die when she needed her the most.

"She is good, she gave the bare minimum while exploiting you for the maximum," Wyatt replied feeling pity for Adriene, and added, "If not for the ent.i.ty exploiting you, you could have been the next DemiG.o.d Baylor or even beat him and become the youngest demiG.o.d ever."

"What?" Adriene was sh.e.l.l-shocked listening to Wyatt say that she could have been the next DemiG.o.d Baylor the youngest demiG.o.d or even better than him.

All this time Adriene thought that she was lucky to have her inner G.o.ddess but it turns out her inner G.o.ddess was not her G.o.ddess at all but the devil incarnate who was stealing from her. Recalling that her family almost got destroyed and Southern Ruler almost fought the entire world because of this thief Adriene was beyond devastated and felt an unexplainable amount of rage toward the ent.i.ty inside of her.

However, one thing bothered Adriene, it even caused her to doubt Wyatt's words, 'If the ent.i.ty was harming her like Wyatt claimed then why did her grimoire conclude the ent.i.ty as her trait: inner G.o.ddess.'

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