Capture The Goddess From Douluo - Chapter 766

Chapter 766

The evil demon killer whale family's vast Tangtang swims towards the place close to Sea God Island, with great momentum.

This time, the evil demon orca clan dispatched more powerful men than ever before. Obviously this time, it was a battle of extermination.

Many sea creatures watched this scene with complicated thoughts. The evil spirit killer whale is tyrannical and bloodthirsty. If the Demon Soul Great White Shark clan is destroyed, the lives of other races will be even more sad in the future.

In the future, who would dare to resist the rule of the evil spirits orca tribe? I am afraid that when the time comes, they can only hide from the evil demon orca group.

The demon soul great white shark clan is docile and will not take the initiative to take action against other races, so they even more expect the demon soul great white shark clan to rule the deep sea.

This will be a battle concerning the future of the ocean, but the ending seems to be doomed.

There is a huge gap between the demon soul great white shark clan and the evil demon killer whale clan.

Demon soul great white shark.

At this time, the whole clan is on alert, arranging the lineup, and preparing for the battle.

They have received news of the attack from the evil demon orca clan.

"How could this be? How could they dispatch so many powerful people this time? The evil demon killer whale clan will destroy us at all costs?" Xiaobai transformed into a stunning beauty in a blue dress, azure blue There was a little sadness in his eyes, and his pretty face was very pale. Xiaobai stood there with bare feet, her beautiful eyes staring into the distance.

All the young and middle-aged of the evil demon orca clan have already been dispatched, and they have not left any hands.

This time, even if they resisted the attack of the evil demon orca clan, they would suffer heavy losses.

And now the Evil Orca Clan is getting stronger and stronger, and the Evil Orca King is much stronger than her, if it is time to fight. If you are not careful, I am afraid that their demon soul great white shark clan will disappear in the deep sea.

"Fortunately, Xiuxiu has left." Xiaobai thought about Bai Xiuxiu, and the sadness in her heart dissipated a little.

At least, their demon soul great white shark clan still has descendants.

"Evil Tiger, what are you doing with so many people coming to the territory of my Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan?" Xiao Baijiao screamed, and his voice rang far away.

Xiao Bai was a little puzzled.

The demons orca clan can completely eat them slowly.

Over the years, the Evil Orca clan retreated in time for every clan battle, and after severely wounding them to gain benefits, they quickly left. Therefore, the Evil Orca clan loses little in the battle.

If you really want to completely fight against the evil demon orca clan, they will also suffer heavy losses, at least half of the clan members will be killed by them.

She believed that this account would be counted by the evil demon orca clan.

"Haha. Xiaobai, your daughter killed my son. Now you are asking about me. It's ridiculous." The evil tiger roared.

A huge evil demon killer whale appeared in front of Xiaobai.

The evil tiger opened its mouth wide, looking very cruel and terrifying.

The evil tiger turned into anger at this time, and he also only had a son of the evil demon. In order to cultivate his own heirs, he spent a lot of energy and treasure. But his son died so unexplainably, and he died so uselessly, how could he bear it?

His son, Demon, has been cultivated for nearly 100,000 years.

Such a powerful soul beast, even Xiao Bai couldn't kill it silently. There must be something strange in this.

"What?" Xiao Bai was dumbfounded.

She naturally knew Evil Tiger's son, that was a 90,000-year-old Evil Orca, and he was also considered a first-rate strong in the deep sea. And such a strong man would die in Xiuxiu's hands?

How can this be?

Xiuxiu's cultivation base is only 70,000 years old. Even the demon soul great white shark who is a fellow cultivation base is not an opponent of the evil spirit orca, let alone Xiuxiu's cultivation base is lower?

Xiaobai's first reaction was impossible.

The rest of the demon soul great white sharks are also unbelievable.

Their cultivation base is not low, and they have the blood of a fierce beast.

"Huh. The news of the evil demon's death said that your daughter Bai Xiuxiu is with a human being." The evil tiger's voice was cold, but the killing intent became stronger and stronger.

The loss of his beloved son almost collapsed his mentality.

His original tyrannical and murderous heart became even more cruel.

"With humans?" Bai Xiuxiu was even more puzzled. She asked Xiuxiu to try to find the strong soul beast, why did Xiuxiu mix with the strong human?

And how did the demons meet Xiuxiu?

If nothing happened, Xiuxiu would never take the initiative to attack the demons.

"I'm afraid it was your evil demon who had evil intentions towards my Xiuxiu, and was killed by Xiuxiu." Xiaobai's pretty face also had a chill. She was smart and quickly realized something.

The demons probably learned about Xiuxiu's departure from the group and went to intercept. In the end, Xiuxiu was saved by the human strong, and the demons were killed by the human strong.

Soon, Xiao Bai figured everything out.

She also had a nameless fire in her heart, and she was grateful for the human being she had never met before. Fortunately, there is that person, otherwise, wouldn't Xiuxiu want to...

She dare not think about it.

Xiuxiu is her daughter, and if she dies, she will feel distressed to death.

"Haha, are these useful?"

"My son was killed. I want your family to bury him."

"All the clansmen obey the order, this time, destroy the demon soul great white shark clan, and in the future, our evil demon orca clan will become the real ocean overlord, and there will be no opponents." The evil demon orca king roared, hundreds of incomparably powerful The demons orca clan launched an offensive.

The evil tiger also began to attack Xiao Bai at this time.

The battle between the two ethnic groups caused huge waves in the surrounding waters for hundreds of miles.

The huge waves rolling, mixed with huge energy, make many marine creatures who are not in a hurry to bury them.

"No, the evil demon killer whales have already launched an attack."

Bai Xiuxiu carried Xu Ran on her back, feeling the huge energy sweeping, her face changed wildly.

Her heart twitched.

She can't worry about her people, and even more worry about her family.

"Don't worry, I'm in UU reading," Xu Ran comforted.

"Yeah. I'll speed it up." Bai Xiuxiu felt relieved, she knew Xu Ran's strength. If Xu Ran made the move, even if Xu Ran was not the opponent of the Evil Orca King, and her mother would fight the Evil Orca King, he would be able to drive away the Evil Orca King.

Moreover, she faintly felt that Xu Ran's strength far surpassed the Evil Demon Orca King.

Xu Ran can easily kill demons. Perhaps his father, the evil tiger, the evil demonic orca king, Xu Ran can also easily kill them.

Xu Ran will be her master in the future, and she naturally trusts Xu Ran unconditionally.

And there is a faint guess in her heart...Where are there so many peerless powerhouses in this world? Could Xu Ran be one of the two strong men who caused the deep sea change? One of them is a strong soul beast, and Xu Ran...

A powerful beast can easily transform into shape.

But all this is just Bai Xiuxiu's guess. But the woman's sixth sense told her that her guess was not wrong.