Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 48

Chapter 48

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Dad Lin looked at Min Jingfeng and said, “Let's talk.”

Lin Cha grabbed Min Jingfeng's hand with a smile and said flatly, “I want to come too.” She had to listen to their conversation.

Dad Lin retorted: “Of course you have to listen, we just sheltered you so much that you don't know the height of the things!”

Lin Cha: “…” Was her dad going to hit her? And She was still in front of Min Jingfeng and would be ashamed if that happened.

When she came out, she knew that it would definitely not be easy to fool everyone. Actually, there was a way. She could pretend to be mentally stunned by the disaster she went through. Then her parents might not say a lot of serious things, and she would be just fine.

But Lin Cha couldn't bear to lie. Her parents should just vent their anger, and this incident would pa.s.s.

After they came out, they sat in the car. Lin Cha wanted to sit next to Min Jingfeng but was quickly ordered by her mother to sit in another car.

As soon as Lin Cha got into the car, she immediately hugged her mother's waist, raised her head, and said, “Mom …”

Mother Lin's heart tingled. She touched Lin Cha's soft hair and said emotionally: “You have been obedient and sensible since you were little. Your dad and I have never cared about what you do, we just hope you will be safe and secure.”


“Now, you listen to me, Lin Cha.” The tears of Mom Lin were on the verge to fall. “Mom will ask you, would you break up with Min Jingfeng?”

Lin Cha froze for a moment and whispered, “Mom, I'm not in love with him, and I can't give him up, either.”

She wiped her mother's tears and was very sad, but she continued to say, “Mom, you have taught me, one must know grat.i.tude. Min Jingfeng saved me, if it was not for him, you would not be seeing me now. “

“If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't even have to go to his house in the first place. If you didn't go to him, you wouldn't be caught by those notorious people.” Mother Lin looked at her daughter and was more afraid than anyone else. “He saved you, Your father will repay this. “

Lin Cha shook her head: “It's not like that. I have no luck. If I don't go to him, I will be in danger. Instead, If I meet him, I would have good luck.”

Mother Lin wiped her tears and looked at her daughter's eyes with a headache.

Lin Cha thought about it and said, “Mom, believe me, okay? I don't have any young love, and I didn't get infatuated … I really have something important which I can't share with you for now.”

This was too much to digest for Mother Lin. If everyone knows about Min Jingfeng's Aura, it would be too dangerous for him as he was a human with no power to protect himself.

If the Aura of fortune was on her head, she was 100% willing to tell mom and dad. Because they were her mom and dad, she believed them, and she was willing to bear all the consequences thereafter.

But the G.o.d of fortune aura was on Min Jingfeng's head. This was his personal matter. She couldn't say it even if she trusts her parents.

Mother Lin didn't know what to say for a moment seeing her bright and firm eyes.

Lin Cha simply lay down and nestled in her mother's arms: “Mom, Min Jingfeng is really a very nice person.”

Mother Lin patted her back: “I know.”

If it hadn't been for him investigating the decade-old case, it would have been impossible for them to return to school together..

Lin Cha continued: “He is really the best person in the world, and now he has saved me again. Don't say bad things about him.”

Mother Lin sighed: “Didn't you say you aren't in love? You are too kind, and now you are still young, it's easy to treat sympathy as love, you will understand when you grow up. There are many people like Min Jingfeng who are good. You now think he is the best person in the world, and there will be other people who can make you feel like this in the future. You deserve a better person. “

Lin Cha got up from her mother's arms and looked at her eyes seriously and said, “No, ordinary people like me are in millions in the world. As long as they grow up in an environment like me, they will be like me. But Min Jingfeng is different. “

Lin Cha couldn't express clearly what was in her mind. She only knew that if it was someone else in Min Jingfeng's shoes, no one could do what he did.

Lin Cha thought that even if he didn't have the Aura of fortune, he would still be a glowing sun.

“Mom,” Lin Cha said earnestly, “I know that a person's life should be simple– to grow up, get married, have children, raise children, and then take care of them. But I don't want to live like that. I want to do something more meaningful.

As a child, her dream was to change the world and make the world a better place. Later, she knew that she could do very little by herself, or she could end up doing nothing.

But this dream had been in her blood, buried deep in her soul until Min Jingfeng appeared.

Lin Cha misunderstood him in the beginning, but she slowly approached him, the more she understood him, the more she wanted to follow him and protect him.

She doesn't have the power to change the world, she doesn't have much ability to help others. So she must protect the hero who was willing to help others and who has the power to change the world, give him the flowers, applause, and the respect he deserves.

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter