Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 23

Chapter 23

 Min Jingfeng had always tried to keep up with Lin Cha's thoughts. But it was clear that her brain was no longer comparable to ordinary people.

 Min Jingfeng thought she was using this excuse to approach him, and so he followed whatever she said.

 Now, he tried to deal with Lin Cha with a rational and logical approach.

 Min Jingfeng really couldn't see any sign that she was joking about this matter. It was as if she really felt that his skin disease had something to do with those people. Not only that, but she also felt that his skin disease could be cured as long as their problems get resolved. 

This was serious!

  Above all the things, Min Jingfeng was worried about how to get the little princess's life back on track.

 He lowered his head and saw Lin Cha frowning. She was explaining to him how to solve these three people's issues.

 As long as he didn't choose to live in revenge mode, he could have lived without concern. He was living in a carefree way, until the day he met Lin Cha.

 Min Jingfeng interrupted her and said, “We got an important issue to discuss. Let's talk about it first.”

 She felt that he still did not believe her and no longer persuaded him with her theory. Instead, she changed her way and looked at Min Jingfeng pitifully, “Please! “

 He sighed and said, “Only for this once, after this, you have to go back to studying, you know?”

 Lin Cha straightened her back: “No problem!”

 Then, she pulled him and walked to the three boys who stood on the other side.

 She asked the three, “How old are you?” “Are you from the neighboring school?” “Where do you live?” “How many people are there in your house?”

 The three boys didn't answer.

 Lin Cha said, “If you don't say anything, I would call your teacher, Then let your teacher will call your parents. So I can then ask your parents about it.”

 One of the boys was scorned, “Who do you think you are?”

 “She is Lin Cha.” Min Jingfeng, who was next to him, heard his disdainful tone and was very uncomfortable. He said coldly, “Haven't you ever heard of her?”

 The boy's expression changed. He heard the name, but he never met the person himself.

 People like them could only take advantage of the weak. They avoid some people, knowing who they should or shouldn't provoke.

 They didn't know that this rich little princess would skip cla.s.s with Min Jingfeng! These two were people from two different worlds. Also, they didn't attend school these days, so they never heard of it.

 At this time, one of the boys secretly took out his mobile phone. He went online to find a junior high school cla.s.smate to ask him about it. A photo was quickly sent over to his phone. Wasn't this the girl in the photo who is in front of him?

 Lin Cha didn't realize that she was threatening people. She was merely talking about the methods she needed to collect the data for her experiment.

 She held her phone, opened the notebook, and repeated the words with a smile: “Well, let's start with you. Introduce yourself.

 ” The day before, one of you guys lost a tooth after being beaten by Min Jingfeng. The boy was still worried that this person would really find their teacher who would invite his parents. So he said awkwardly, “Zhao Qian, seventeen years old this year, Living in Tonggang, four people in the family, parents, and a younger brother … “

 She recorded their voices. She looked at the person and continued, “Oh, why do you fight others?”

 Zhao Qian: “…” Why fight with someone? How could he answer this?

 The next person continued to introduce himself.

 After Lin Cha recorded the basic information of the three people, she looked at them. They were unwilling to cooperate. She continued: “The amount of information is too little. So go back and summarize your life in 3000 words. Add another thousand words at the end, which include: a summary of the past, a description of the current situation, and an outlook for the future. Give it to me at lunchtime tomorrow. “

 The three looked at each other, and Zhao Qian couldn't bear it anymore: “What the h.e.l.l are you doing? Let's fight if you have the ability?”

 “We fought yesterday, you lost.” Lin Cha continued, “Go back and wrist and hand it at noon tomorrow. Try to write as much information as possible. If there is false information or plagiarism, you will have to rewrite everything.”

 Three boys: “…”

 Regardless of their protest, she happily pulled Min Jingfeng towards the school.

 Min Jingfeng frowned. He couldn't scold or refute this girl.

 His hand was very painful as if there was something going to break through the skin. So painful that he didn't have the time to think of any other things.

 It was not the first time he had experienced such a thing. He knew what kind of changes would happen to that piece of skin thereafter. He didn't want Lin Cha to see it. The woman should only see clean and beautiful things with her eyes.

 Min Jingfeng gritted his teeth, endured the pain. His face was calm, and he said, “You go back to the cla.s.sroom. First, I have to go home.”

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