Cactus Culture for Amateurs - Part 16

Part 16

Cereus caerulescens.

" extensus.

" fulgidus.

" giganteus.

" grandiflorus.

" Lemairii.

" Macdonaldiae.

" Mallisoni.

" Napoleonis.

" nycticalus.

" peruvia.n.u.s.

" pleiogonus.

" repandus.

" serpentinus.

" Royeni.

" triangularis.

" variabilis.

Echinocactus concinnus.

" coptonogonus.

Echinocactus cornigerus.

" corynodes.

" cylindraceus.

" Haynii.

" horizonthalonis.

" Le Contei.

" longihamatus.

" mamillosus.

" multiflorus.

" myriostigma.

" obvallatus.

" Ottonis.

" pectiniferus.

" polycephalus.

" Pottsii.

" scopa.

" sinuatus.

" tenuispinus.

" turbiniformis.

Echinocactus Visnaga.

" Williamsii.

" Wislizeni.

Epiphyllum, all the kinds.


Mamillaria, all not mentioned under "Cool-house Or Frame."

Melocactus, all the kinds.

Opuntia, all not included under "Cool-house or Frame."


Pereskia, all the kinds.

Phyllocactus, "

Pilocereus, "

Rhipsalis, "


The following may be grown out of doors in the more favoured parts of England. For directions as to culture, see the chapter on Cultivation :--

Cereus Fendleri.

Echinocactus Simpsoni.

Mamillaria vivipara.

Opuntia brachyarthra.

Opuntia missouriensis.

" Rafinesquii.

" R. arkansana.

" vulgaris.



The difficulty experienced by amateurs in procuring plants of many kinds of Cactus has suggested to us that a list of some of the dealers in these plants would prove of service to English growers. So far as we know, there is no nurseryman in England who makes a specialty of Cactuses. Plants of such well-known genera as Epiphyllum, Phyllocactus, and Cereus in part, may be obtained in England, but for a collection of representative kinds we must perforce apply to Continental nurserymen. The most reliable of these for Cactuses are:


Messrs. HAAGE & SCHMIDT, Erfurt.

Herr F. A. HAAGE, Junior, Erfurt.

Messrs. MuLLER & SAUBER, Ka.s.sel, Hanover.

Herr H. HILDMANN, Oranienburg, Brandenburg.

Herr ERNST BERGE, Leipsic.


M. EBERLE, Avenue de St. Ouen, 146, Paris.

M. JAMIN, Rue Lafontaine, 42, a St. Ouen, Paris.


M. LOUIS DE SMET, Ledeberg, Ghent.

M. BETTES, Borgerhont, Antwerp.

M. F. VERMUELEN, Rue Van Peet, Antwerp.