Chapter 6 - The Curse Known as a Wish; Its Final Fate / "The blade - It's (un)breakable."
Part 1
She opened her eyes and woke up. Not because someone called her to get up nor because she recently learned how to use her cellphone's alarm function. It could have been the signs of the gradually brightening sky, transmitted through the paper sliding door—Or perhaps it was the blinking of the cellphone, its faint light piercing the room's darkness, informing her that a certain message had been received.
She opened her cellphone and tapped to operate it with her finger. A text message. Although there was no subject, the sender's name was enough to send her wide awake immediately. Hayakawa Chihaya.
The message was written in her characteristically rough tone of voice—
'Although I've personally served you pain already, there are still others who deserve to be hurt. So, I'll have to trouble you to do it in my place. If you dare fail and come back like a loser, I'll give you even more pain than last time. Prepare yourself.'
Fear recalled the pain from when Chihaya had delivered a slap to her cheek. She never expected to receive a text message from her with this kind of timing for Chihaya had been ignoring them ever since then. Could someone have told her today was the day of the showdown?
"But she's right. Yume... Because of me, Nirushaaki and the Commander—she lost her life. Although she was a member of the Draconians, it's still true that your friend died."
Just like the way she had slapped her, Chihaya surely wanted to hit those people too. Impossible to reason with, she was always driven by emotions.
Fear believed this was fine. And since Chihaya had asked her to do so, she had no reason to refused. Since Chihaya had asked for that pain on her cheek, that very painful strike, to be delivered for the enemy to savor as well.
"Yeah... Of course. I'll do it."
There were a number of reasons why Nirushaaki must be defeated. I'll just have to figure out my relationship with Cow t.i.ts after that. Although there are more things to consider, I can leave them aside for now.
Furthermore, the choice of avoiding a face off against those people never existed in the first place. Even if she stayed at home, curled into a ball or paying with her eyes closed, nothing was going to be resolved. In that case—
"...Stepping up is the only option."
All sorts of doubts were still swirling inside her heart, impossible to dispel—
But she felt thankful for the clear motive in her heart. Namely, the ambiguous and abstract motive of teaching the enemy a harsh lesson on Chihaya's behalf, which was ma.s.sive and unshakable nonetheless.
Fear got out of bed and clutched the Rubik's cube kept next to her pillow.
One. Next was the second one beside it.
Holding in her hand the toy cube inherited from Yume, Fear inexplicably found its sense of weight more firm and reliable than ever before.
Leaving the bedroom in the accessory dwelling, under the incredible colors of the pre-dawn sky, Kuroe walked to the outside staircase with quiet footsteps.
What should I pick for a punishment game? Kuroe wondered. For example, demanding that she spend a whole day ending all her sentences with weird verbal tics. Dressing her up in various costumes would be nice too. Like making her wear last time's Magical Scorching Girl outfit, or splendid costumes no one had ever seen before. I could also have her play games with me, whether a.n.a.log or digital ones. Despite looking uninterested on first glance, she's actually quite compet.i.tive in personality and very fun. I can also have her help out at the beauty parlor, like tending shop in a weird outfit. After all, I've been closed for business recently all this time, having her give a little help shouldn't be too unreasonable. Then even if I ask her wear skimpy clothes offering faint glimpses of the goods, she can't complain, right...?
"Hmm, my dream is really growing bigger and bigger."
Precisely because she was cursed, she always wanted to watch happy things forever.
She had already decided to maintain this mentality as much as possible.
After coming to this home and understanding she could stay here...
"Does Kono-san still remember what happened that time? I guess... she's already forgotten?"
Murmuring softly, she looked up at the sky at the same time.
"Then I guess I must make you remember. If I can't use that sure thing of a fundoshi to bully you anymore, it'd be such a shame~"
She hoped she could continue watching happy things forever.
Without particular meaning, she decided it would be better to do more than less.
Hence, Kuroe lightly clapped her hands together and prayed to the sky with its incredible colors.
Standing at the entrance, Kirika was checking her appearance in the full length mirror. Out of considerations for ease of movement and economy in the event of damage, as well as the convenience of subst.i.tution—She decided to set off dressed in school uniform. Besides, having gotten caught up in many recent battles while in uniform, she already gave up and bought many sets beforehand. Even if one or two sets went out of commission, it was nothing of consequence.
"However... I guess being dressed in uniform does suit my style. It's my usual look."
She leaned forward slightly, bringing her face closer to the mirror. The usual hairstyle. Definitely washed her face. Although her eyes seemed a little intimidating and her expression was cold too, there was no helping it by this point. She made her decision and tried smiling—still sort of acceptable. Yes. When smiling, it was still acceptable...
"Ho... Absolutely ridiculous."
Pulling herself back, she saw her reflection smiling faintly with wryness. Now that was more like herself. No additional decorations, her standard look as usual. She believed it suited today very well.
Because for her, today was also an important day.
For the sake of coming to terms with her feelings, this day held absolutely inescapable significance.
"Well then, it's time to go."
With an appearance that suited her, in a mood that suited her, Kirika put on her shoes like going to school as usual, opening the front door without giving it a further thought.
Okay—Let's go.
To complete her confession.
Haruaki gently picked up her on his desk and stroked the frame with his fingertips.
"If she gets her memory back... It's better to have"
Wrapping the in a handkerchief, he placed it in his pocket.
This was the final set of preparations. Everything else needed had already been done.
After surveying the room and confirming this fact, Haruaki nodded as though cheering himself on and turned around.
Nothing else could hinder his footsteps now.
"Ready to go?"
"Okay, time to leave~ We already decided where we're meeting up, right?"
After Haruaki converged with Fear and Kuroe, they left the house together. It took everything the could to suppress the impulse to run at full speed.
There was only one desired goal. This was the day for actualizing that goal.
Today, absolutely, he was going to bring Konoha back.
Thinking over this matter repeatedly while staring straight ahead, Haruaki started walking.
Part 2
The enemy neither hid nor ran away. Identical to one week earlier, they faced off again in that mansion's garden.
One side was Haruaki, Fear, Kuroe and Kirika. As well as—unlike the previous occasion—Lilyhowell who was allied with them, carrying many swords on her back. Perhaps due to tension, she seemed even colder than usual, her entire body shrouded in an aura of unpleasant gloom. Haruaki could sense that she was casting her gloomy gaze upon him more frequently than usual. Was she worried whether he would be able to carry out the battle plan successfully?
The opposing lineup remained unchanged. Attired differently this time but giving off the same impression, Kotetsu was dressed in Wa Lolita fashion with a Shinsengumi haori worn on top. This was probably Kotetsu's only battle outfit. Just by having the haori added, Kotetsu's vigor felt different from usual, exuding airs of acute ferocity even surpa.s.sing past encounters. Another person was Konoha, still dressed precariously in the gorgeous kimono. Finally, barefooted, dressed in nothing but an American Indian shirt, holding a mask decorated with feathers, wearing a pair of swirly that ill-suited her, there was Nirushaaki.
"Well then... I shall exhibit my true skills today. It would be best not to waste too much time on warmup exercises. After warming up, all that would be left is focusing on the main and proper event—"
"Perfect. Then let's settle this...!"
Fear declared. Hearing that, Konoha shrugged, unconvinced.
"Ha, such audacious words. Perhaps thou shalt flee at the first signs that the situation goeth against thy favor."
"What did you say!?"
"In any event... I have had enough of ye. Now that ye have arrived, then I shall serve as your opponents. As the saying goeth, ye can only try a saint's patience so far. Do not make the mistake of believing ye can retreat unscathed again."
While baring her teeth in a malicious grin, Konoha exuded a dark murderous intent from all over her body. Just as her master had mentioned about exhibiting her true skills, Konoha looked like she also intended to fight seriously. The other girl—correction, boy was the same. No, the displeasure and hostility in his eyes could not compare to Konoha's at all.
"Do you people really care that much about bringing Muramasa-sama back...!?"
"For us, the usual Kono-san is the true Kono-san."
"Shut up! Truth be told, a pathetic and rusted sword is utterly meaningless! It was no easy task transforming Muramasa-sama back to her old self. Transforming her into one who shares a collective existence with me! To think you want her to turn back into that kind of blunt sword—Your foolishness knows no bounds! I won't accept it no matter what!"
"How truly presumptuous in your beliefs. Absolutely ridiculous."
"Yeah. You're free to think what you like, but it's also our freedom to disagree. We're definitely going to bring the usual Konoha—even though I'm not able to do anything."
"Ha! Truth be told, you are clearly a man, but look how truly pathetic you."
Hearing Kotetsu's mockery, Haruaki quietly turned his gaze away. Of course, not being able to do anything was a lie. Even if mocked or ridiculed, Haruaki was fine with it provided he was able to accomplish his mission in the end.
Haruaki secretly glanced at Lilyhowell. She had long stopped looking so concerned about him and was now staring straight at Nirushaaki with eyes filled with dark willpower.
Of course, in order not to arouse suspicions on Nirushaaki's side, the «Toxic Sword Poison Ritter» that Haruaki was going to wield was still kept carried on Lilyhowell's back. During the instant when the opportunity arrived, Kuroe was going to use her hair to extract the sword together with its scabbard from Lilyhowell's back then throw it to Haruaki. They had practiced this step already.
But before that, Nirushaaki and the j.a.panese swords must be fully restrained first, even if only for an instant. To this end, Haruaki could only rely on Fear and the others to put in their best effort.
Nirushaaki then took off her and put on her mask instead. Namely, the decorated mask that was connected to two other masks by a ring. Although there were super deformed elements on the masks that were extremely filled with tribal flavor, the current mask she was wearing seemed to be depicting an expression of anger.
Fear took out a Rubik's cube while taunting:
"I was thinking before, is it really okay for you to take off your It'll be problematic if you can't see in front of you, teacher."
"No need to worry. My poor vision originates from this mask's second curse—As long as I am wearing this mask, even without wearing, my eyes can still function normally."
Having said that, Nirushaaki took a step forward, her left hand dangling naturally by her side.
"—Let us begin."
Waiting on hand by the side, Kotetsu took a leap, transforming into a j.a.panese sword to be held in her left hand. Likewise—
"Having said that I shall exhibit my true skills... Ha, this shall end in an instant."
Also transformed into a j.a.panese sword, Konoha was held in Nirushaaki's right hand.
Kotetsu in her left and Murmamasa in her right. Her naked body was clad in nothing except for the «Wounded Knee Ma.s.sacre» garment that neutralized all attacks. Niruashaaki walked silently forward on her barefeet with their snow-white complexion. Invincible defense combined with the strongest dual wielded swords.
This was it—Nirushaaki's true skills currently. It was evidently her combat state with nothing held back.
Furthermore, the bizarre mask covering her face was not mere decoration, of course. Lilyhowell had mentioned that it seemed to be tool for self-augmentation...
Probably noticing Haruaki's gaze, Nirushaaki spoke while continuing to walk:
"«Ionyomott of the Past»... is this mask's name. This mask will absorb part of the strength of slain enemies, thereby supplying the wearer with the stored power—Its curse grants it the ability to raise overall arm strength, agility and endurance."
"Hmm, then it works like experience points in RPG systems? Like becoming stronger the more enemies you defeat...? That's so unfair."
Ignoring Kuroe's groaning remark, Nirshaaki said:
"To the strength obtained from the enemies I have defeated so far—let your strength be added now. You should feel honored!"
Then switching from stillness to action, Nirushaaki leaned forward and started sprinting all at once. Let alone a fusion of east and west, she was essentially a wild beast whose weapons and equipment were far too contradictory in style.
"Strength, strength! That's all you people talking about, it's making my ears grow calluses! Mechanism No.19 gouging type, spiral form: «Human-Perforator»—Curse Calling!"
Yelling out, Fear turned her Rubik's cube into a drill of torture in her hand.
At last, the battle commenced for taking Konoha back.
Part 3
Probably due to the mask's powers, Nirushaaki's strength was astonishing. Even when Fear made a thrust of the drill combined with the speed of a sprint, it was easily deflected by a swing of Kotetsu. Fear could sense Kirika's belt and Kuroe's hair extending from her left and right to serve as cover. At the same time, she retreated for now to regroup—
While the «Tragic Black River» and Kuroe's hair were being severed, Fear could see Lilyhowell ahead. She was using «My b.l.o.o.d.y Valentine» to engage Konoha on Nirushaaki's right. Then taking an opportunity to reach towards her back with her left hand, Lilyhowell drew out a dagger from the shortest sheath. Once drawn, she immediately let go. Fear was expecting her to throw it away, but the dagger remained unnaturally in midair. Then—
"Go forth... «Epetamu»!"
"Ohoh! A new toy!"
The Ainu dagger flew through the air autonomously, stabbing towards Nirushaaki. While Konoha was deflecting the dagger, Lilyhowell used her left hand again to draw the burning sword.
She was able to dual wield too—no, considering the dagger flying in the air, it could be described as triple wielding—to attack Nirushaaki. Fear was not going to lose to her either.
"Mechanism No.22 bludgeoning type, spike-ball form: «Morgenstern»!"
If only this superma.s.sive spiked metal club could just smash everything, whether Kotetsu or Nirushaaki's arms and legs. Everything would come to an end once that was achieved. Then things would not need to get so complicated. Lilyhowell's battle plan was based on the a.s.sumption that Kotetsu and Konoha's combined defense was flawlessly perfect. But if Fear could break through their defense, there would be no problem. Then Haruaki would no need to sully his hands either.
"Take this!"
"Truth be told, in contest of pure strength—This Kotetsu's blade absolutely cannot be shattered!"
The spiked metal club was blocked using one hand, but Fear did not give up and continued to exert pressure on the opponent. Probably trying to divert the enemy's attention as much as possible, the hair and belt kept extending, even though they were being sliced apart by Kotetsu's slicing aura that seemed to be distributed in the entire s.p.a.ce.
"No improvement at all. Why won't you people understand that you can't defeat us? Truth be told, it is incomprehensible."
"I agree. You people should have gained a certain level of knowledge about me. Yes. Then since you already know, could it be that—?"
"Hahaha! Foolish, foolish, no matter what, too foolish! Clearly repeating the same result time and again, why can they not understand—Well then, I have seen that sword's critical weakness! Since it looketh quite scorching, allow me to liberate thee from thy suffering!"
Lilyhowell frantically withdrew her left arm while accompanied by the sound of something exploding violently, the flaming longsword she was originally holding in her left was shattered. As the flickering bright red flame sliced through the air for the last instant, the sword fell to the ground as ordinary pieces of iron.
"Oh my, I was thinking the aftershock could slice off a finger of thine. How sharp thy instincts are. Is it because thou hast seen it once before already?"
Without saying a word, Lilyhowell used her burned hand to clutch another sword. The golden «Calamitous Sword of Sigarsholm». Using terror as energy, it was the sword whose tip could extend and contract at will.
Mixed among «Epetamu»'s automatic attacks, Lilyhowell went on the offensive again. Fear also swung the spiked metal club with all her might. However, not only did Nirushaaki's defense hold up, she even started to counterattack. In order to exert force, Fear went too close to the enemy. Kotetsu's blade brushed past her shoulder, causing intense pain.
"Although the unpredictable movements are tricky, 'tis too light-weight after all. In that case, 'twould be like swatting a fly, using full strength—In this manner!"
Konoha's blade flashed towards «Epetamu» which was flying and circling in the air. «Epetamu» instantly shattered. Not only that, it was instantly imbued with opposite momentum, causing the fragments to fly away. Unknown whether it was aimed intentionally or not, the remains of «Epetamu» stabbed into Lilyhowell's arm. Although the wound was probably not deep, damage was still done.
Just as Lilyhowell threw down the dagger embedded in her arm, intending to retreat—
"Hey, the other side!"
«My b.l.o.o.d.y Valentine», which Kirika had gone as far as severing her wrist in order to strengthen the sword's sharpness, was also destroyed by Konoha's counter. Perhaps reacting too slow ultimately, Lilyhowell gained another fresh wound on her arm. At this rate, she'll just keep retreating in defeat, what a pain—thinking that to herself, Fear said:
"Let's swap! I'll handle that side!"
She switched positions with Lilyhowell. Even Konoha's blade can't destroy the torture tools that are my emulated forms—Probably.
"Oh my, 'tis thee again?"
"Don't sound like you're tired of me!"
"But in actual fact, Muramasa probably is weary of you for real."
No longer facing Kotetsu, the option of smashing the weapon together with Nirushaaki's limbs was no longer available. Fear's only recourse was to get past Konoha's blade and accurately hack off an arm or a leg of Nirushaaki's, or circle around her to deliver a blow to her back—Fear had no idea if she was able to do any of that, but there was no choice but to try her best in spite of the odds.
Turning the Rubik's cube into a hatchet, Fear fought against Konoha wielded in Nirushaaki's hand. Unlike Haruaki, Nirushaaki possessed combat ability on her own. Konoha entrusted her body's active control to Nirushaaki while simply focusing on improving the quality of movement together with Kotetsu. Given the increase in power conferred by the mask combined with the physical a.s.sistance provided by the two swords—Fear felt that Nirushaaki's speed and strength was enough to rival Hinai Elsie's movements.
"Take this...! d.a.m.n Cow t.i.ts..."
"Stop calling me that!"
"Like I'll listen to you! That's what I've always called you from the start! How can I change by this point!"
Indeed, starting with our first encounter. Starting from the time when you brought meat meat meat and potato stew. Why did I call you that? Of course it's because you've got a body shape that fits the name. It was also because it felt inexplicably infuriating how you could smile together with Haruaki so naturally. Just when I was wondering "Can I trust this guy?" A weird woman with huge suddenly popped up and stole him away. Of course I'd get mad, it's totally natural. Even though I was still so ill at ease back then.
"Back then, your body also had that familiar presence of a curse. I could immediately tell that you're one of my kind. Sigh, to think that the first fellow cursed tool I meet would be you, looking back now, I really think it's utterly unfortunate..."
"Again, thou art grumbling and complaining about matters I have no memory of."
"So what!? But still remember!"
The hatchet and the sword collided. Why hasn't she remembered? Fear was greatly incensed. She's supposed to dislike me in turn. I'm supposed to see her agitated. So she's supposed to remember. I'm that important inside her heart, right?
Probably. It would be fine if that were probably the case.
In Fear's own heart in turn, so very much—
"A weapon whose gimmick is merely an extensible sword tip definitely cannot defeat this Kotetsu here!"
"In that case... «Gladiator's Zulfiqar»."
Lilyhowell drew out another sword to dual wield. That sword... was the signal.
In the real match, I intend to use this sword. In other words, as soon as this sword is drawn, it means that the operation will start. Please be prepared to coordinate at any time—That was what Lilyhowell had told them. She probably decided to draw the sword after switching opponents from Konoha to Kotetsu, thus resulting in a lower chance of weapon destruction.
It still arrived. As much as Fear was loathed to carry it out, but the instant for the operation still arrived, leaving her no choice.
Even now, she still had no idea if it was right to let Haruaki to sully his own hands, to let him experience the smell of blood and the touch of death directly. If that happened, would Haruaki get cursed? Such worries were in Fear's heart. Compared to the curses enveloping their bodies, this was closer to a kind of concept, a curse that marked the soul.
However, now that things had developed to this step, hesitation was forbidden. This pertained to Haruaki's life. Once the opportunity came, all she could do was cooperate with the plan. So long as Haruaki did not give up, all she could do was cooperate—
In Lilyhowell's hand was a curved sword of Middle Eastern style with no notable characteristics in appearance. Next, Lilyhowell made a thrust with the scimitar. Guarding Nirushaaki's left body, Kotetsu allowed the blade to slide past before parrying it away effortlessly—
"What... the...!?"
Then Kotetsu groaned. Originally supposed to attack after parrying the scimitar, Kotetsu still remained in contact with the scimitar's blade. Although there was some slight shaking, only a gap of several millimeters appeared and Kotetsu could not pull away any further.
"This—I am getting clamped by something—!?"
Fear understood, having heard the explanation beforehand. That «Gladiator's Zulfiqar» was a sword that had a second, invisible blade existing parallel to the original blade.
It during a spectacle presented before a king. For the sake of his daughter who had been taken hostage by his opponent, the father, a gladiator, had no choice but to die, even without the opponent's sword stabbing anywhere fatal. Hence, from a dead angle where the king could not see, the gladiator pierced his own throat to commit suicide. As though there were a second sword, he was pierced to death by a sword that did not exist. That was the kind of sword the opponent possessed.
After understanding how the trick worked, Kotetsu attempted to retreat and draw out his blade, but he could not allowed to succeed.
"Let terror reside in this sword—«Calamitous Sword of Sigarsholm»!"
Lilyhowell extended the golden longsword's tip while closing in at the same time. Using it in concert with «Gladiator's Zulfiqar», she barely managed to prevent Kotetsu from escaping.
(d.a.m.n it! I've got no choice but to go...!)
Fear also prepared herself. Lilyhowell's method of restraint was completely putting her own life on the line. If Fear did not pin down Konoha, Lilyhowell was going to die in the next instant.
"Hmm~? Kotetsu seems to be—"
"Cow t.i.ts, your opponent is me! I can see that you're getting full of yourself after breaking all these boring weapons, but you ain't gonna break me. But if I get crushed by your super heavy udders, it might be even more dangerous!"
"Oh? How shallow a taunt... But I shall play with thee!"
Konoha flew for a strike. Fear blocked with the hatchet. A clash between crossed blades was exactly what she needed.
"Mechanism No.27 grinding type, cog-wheel form: «Gear Wheel Trismegistus»—Curse Calling!"
In that instant, Fear quickly transformed the hatchet into a device composed from three interlocking gears. With lightning speed, she operated the geared device in full force, creaking and grating away as Konoha was dragged between the gears in mutual contact.
But ultimately, the sword could not be broken immediately. Not only that, this device's original purpose was for ensnaring victim's limbs then crushing them. Whether it was capable of keeping an extremely thin object like a sword restrained completely was still an unknown question. As a result, while Konoha was still struggling to break free, Fear used her unoccupied hand to fish out the other Rubik's cube, pressing it on top of «Gear Wheel Trismegistus».
"Dual Emulation—Mechanism No.3 severance type, descending form: «Guillotine»!"
Then she transformed it into the guillotine mechanism. In manner closer to pushing it down rather than letting it fall, she used the guillotine's thick blade to clamp down on the body of Konoha's blade. Fear then reached out to hold down the guillotine's blade with her own hand, preventing Konoha from escaping easily.
"Ha—I see, I see. Thou seemest to have altered thy manner of fighting slightly! However, this is nowhere near enough to break my blade!"
"There's totally... no need to break you at all!"
Preparations were ready. Fear restrained Konoha's movements desperately. In the corner of her eye, she could see her companions' black avatars suddenly moving rapidly as though they had been waiting a long time for this moment.
"Now is the time—«Tragic Black River»!"
"Mode: «Killing Machine Masakado»!"
In order to stay away from the slicing auras of the two immobilized swords, Kirika's belt and Kuroe's hair wrapped themselves around Nirushaaki's extremities. Shoulders, elbows, abdomen, waist and ankles.
"Oh? Even my body is restrained as well."
While Nirushaaki could be heard murmuring, one of Kuroe's bundles of hair took other action.
That bundle of hair reached towards the back of Lilyhowell while she was pinning Kotetsu down, suddenly extracting one of the swords there.
Then together with its scabbard, the sword was thrown to the back.
The sword flew in a parabolic trajectory. Only one person showed up at the spot it landed.
Because everything had happened for this one moment.
Neither a miracle nor a stroke of luck, this was preordained.
The timing was perfect.
Having started sprinting already, Haruaki ran over to the landing spot, firmly catching the flying sword in midair—
Shouting in a manner that did not suit him, he drew out the black blade from the scabbard.
Nirushaaki seemed to groan from beneath her mask. She really had not expected this development, right? It would be terrible if she had.
Kuroe and Kirika did not relax their restraints on Nirushaaki. Fear and Lilyhowell could still barely manage to contain the two swords they were responsible for. Only now. By this point, there was no turning back. There was no way to stop Haruaki anymore—!
Haruaki tossed the scabbard aside and sprinted even harder. Step by step, he was gradually approaching Nirushaaki head on.
One step, another step, yet another.
Although this felt like an eternity to Fear, this duration pa.s.sed within the blink of an eye.
Then finally arriving in front of Nirushaaki, he—
In accordance with the practiced motion, he made a thrust with the sword towards the practiced location—
At the time—Haruaki was thinking, this will work!
Held in his hand was the weight he had already grown accustomed to through training, the shape he was already accustomed to. He was no longer affected by the sword's weight. There was no problem as long as he remained calm. Over these past few days, he had repeated the same action over and over again. Using this sword to thrust towards Nirushaaki's leg. That alone was enough. The target was also fully immobilized by Fear and the others. Hence he could not possibly miss. This will work...
On the other hand, the girls who were watching him—
Don't get cursed—Fear prayed. I wish the person named Yachi Haruaki won't get cursed.
I'll shoulder it—Kirika vowed. His hand will be equivalent to my own hand.
What will she say? Kuroe wondered. I really hope she won't lose her temper after coming back.
The only thing common to these four girls' thoughts was—Everything ends here.
However, only one person was thinking something completely different.
—Everything begins here. Lilyhowell thought.
Regarding what was to happen in the next instant, only she alone was predicting an outcome different from Fear and the girls.
According to the predicted plan, Yachi Haruaki was going to die now.
Part 4
"So this sort of thing... is your hidden trump card?"
In Haruaki's view, Nirushaaki simply shook her head lightly. Despite having the weapons in both hands suppressed and her four limbs tied down, she could not be prevented from making this sort of minor movement.
In this manner, she rotated the masks on her head. More precisely, she rotated the ring that connected the three masks, switching over to a mask that had remained on the side of her head until now—
Rather than the mask emulating an angry visage, this one simulated a sad expression.
"«Rew of the Present»... This mask..."
Haruaki found it strange to hear Nirushaaki's voice coming from much further ahead than expected.
Not the place where he was about to stab with the poisoned sword.
Nor the place where Fear and the whole group had immobilized her—Instead, her voice came from several meters further ahead.
"Its curse grants the ability to instantaneously teleport to a location one has visited in the past."
Her shirt, mask and both swords were still equipped on her body.
Yet Nirushaaki was standing over there.
Only the hair and belt that had been restraining her just now remained in their original location.
(No way...?)
Haruaki was shocked. Instantly, countless thoughts swirled around in his mind. How did this happen? This was not mentioned at all. This curse was way too powerful. To think it could grant instantaneous teleportation. Freed from restraints. They were had. Completely taken by surprise. What to do? What to do? What do do what to do what to—
During this time, Haruaki's body continued to rush forward, driven by the momentum of his sprinting, unable to stop for now. His body charged. His feet, kicking against the ground. Having lost its target, his body was hesitating, slightly falling forwards. He had two choices. One was to halt his steps and endure the reaction force, the second was—
She was right before his eyes. He was approaching her for real.
Indeed. A little more. Almost there.
All I need to do is touch Nirushaaki's body with this sword—Then Konoha can be rescued!
This thought compelled Haruaki's legs to advance, stopping was not an option. Mustering so much vigor that almost made him fall over, he forced his steps to advance.
"Haruaki? Wait, don't do it!" "Yachi!" "Haru, hurry and stop!"
He pa.s.sed between Fear and Lilyhowell. As though restraining an invisible person, entangling s.p.a.ce, the «Tragic Black River» and Kuroe's hair frantically moved at this moment, but Haruaki also managed to squeeze through the gap.
Just a little more. Just a little bit more!
Nirushaaki's figure became closer and closer. However, she remained completely still. Yes, I can touch—Just as this thought crossed Haruaki's mind...
"Since you are charging forth with a sword in hand, no matter how weak, you will be regarded as a warrior intending to fight."
"'Tis agreed."
Of course, she was staying completely still simply because standing there did not require any action yet.
Simply because the timing of action in her thoughts was far too different from the timing in his thoughts as an amateur.
"Wait... Stop right now, Cow t.i.ts—!"
Fear's scream. A flash of light.
Both reached him at the same time.
A kind of feeling flowed through his body. Like getting eaten away or cut open. The feeling throbbed and jumped as though it were a living creature, causing stimulation as though all his muscles were exposed to light, suddenly making his brain go tense—Only after a moment's delay did Haruaki remember the name of this feeling.
It felt as though the frozen time was thrown into a violent vortex, then starting to spin rapidly. Muscles were convulsing, blood was flowing out. An unpleasant sensation under his sleeve. Before his eyes was the masked woman, musing "hmm" quietly. The j.a.panese sword in her hand, the j.a.panese sword which was supposed to have pierced his heart, was currently on the exterior side of his shoulder, pushed from its trajectory by the black sword in his hand. This was the cause of the laceration in his shoulder.
"Oh my. Such an amateur of a brat should not have been able to deflect my blade...?"
Indeed. Haruaki also expected her blade to stab into his heart, but for some reason, he raised his sword subconsciously and barely managed to alter the trajectory of Konoha's advance. Naturally, this was absolutely not because the opponent had shown mercy. This simply stemmed from the fact that he had controlled Konoha many times previously, entrusting his body to her to engage in battle, thus allowing him to guess the blade's trajectory through intuition. In actual fact, it could be called a miracle that he was able to deflect her with a sword. Even if he were asked to repeat the feat, it was uncertain whether he could do so or not.
"No matter. Ultimately just pointless struggling at death's door—Oh!"
Wielding the hatchet in her right and the drill in her left, Fear charged straight. Nirushaaki swiftly withdrew Konoha and blocked the attacks together with Kotetsu. The «Tragic Black River» and Kuroe's hair proceeded to extend over, but—
"I am still able to return to the past. «Rew of the Present»—«This spirit knows the present sitting over the past»."
Nirushaaki teleported instantaneously again, retreating. Then making use of the resulting distance, she effortlessly sliced through the hair and the belt.
While feeling his shoulder hurt more and more, Haruaki quietly turned his head.
Lilyhowell was standing in the same spot without moving. Then—
"...How unexpected..."
She whispered in a daze. How right she is, Haruaki thought. No one expected the mask to have that kind of ability. No one expected her to struggle free of the restraints so easily.
However, we still can't give up, right? We must think of another way, right?
Nevertheless, as if his thoughts could not be transmitted over...
For some reason, Lilyhowell remained unmoving—
What was unexpected to her was not Nirushaaki using the mask's powers to struggle free of the restraints.
Of course, it was the fact that Haruaki did not die.
Lilyhowell secretly bit her lip.
(What to do...?)
She had known the mask's ability from the very start but had simply withheld the information. Hence, she knew. Under normal combat conditions, touching Nirushaaki with a blade was absolutely impossible. In that case—
There was only one conclusion.
In order to wait until Nirushaaki lowered her guard...
In order to seize the chance for a surprise attack that could only happen once...
She could only continue to wait for the very instant when Yachi Haruaki was killed by Nirushaaki.
Part 5
For a moment, the battle was stalled. Kuroe grumbled, a little at a loss for words:
"Combined with the mask for acc.u.mulating experience points, it feels quite unfair..."
"The mask is not that omnipotent. It can only return to locations within several minutes before the present."
"That's quite enough already. In principle, it's totally impossible to restrain you. And even your clothing and equipment moves with you... How absolutely ridiculous. Furthermore, no matter how I look at it, the remaining mask must possess a curse-granted ability of its own."
Kirika gnashed her teeth as she spoke. Nirushaaki shrugged slightly.
"Truly keen observation. This is the cursed mask set, the «Three Masks Pa.s.sed Down by the Nadengpayaroo»—pa.s.sed down the generations in a certain Asian tribe, a ritual artifact used to govern three spirits. The present, the past and the future. Taken collectively... This set of masks possesses the ability to see through the user's time."
She turned her head, changing the mask on her face. This time, it was the mask depicting a smiling expression.
"This is «Tutasgai of the Future»—«This spirit knows the future gazed at by the present». Its curse-granted ability is..."
Mid-sentence, Nirushaaki suddenly made a thrust with Kotetsu towards the side. Although it was pointless in terms of distance, she had taken action exactly when Fear had taken a step towards her while feigning inadvertency.
"You intend to circle around to my back while I am speaking, yes?"
"How do I know? Because this is its cursed ability. This mask of the future can see the future positions of every person within its field of vision—in other words, you could call it limited precognition. Although at most only a few minutes later."
Probably due to having been found out, Fear stopped moving and groaned with displeasure.
"Master, 'tis time for the chattering to end. Now that fresh blood is finally in sight, I am currently in a state of excitement."
"Truth be told, it is as she says—I would like to see more fresh blood, more."
"Very well. Time for the break to end."
Nirushaaki slowly stepped forward. The members of Haruaki's group entered respective stances in preparation for combat. What should they do?
"Let me summarize... There's the frontal combat mode which uses the experience gained from defeated enemies to raise her stats, there's the evasive mode allowing her to move to any recent position in the past, then there's the forewarning mode for getting a grasp on future enemy locations—In other words, the enemy can freely switch between using these three modes."
"Instantaneous teleportation means it's impossible to restrain her. Being able to learn future positions means it's impossible to circle around to her back. Even when fighting all-out, her physical stats can be raised... Is that it?"
"The usual pattern is probably to attack whenever she's switching masks..."
"But judging from what we've seen so far, she only takes an instant to switch masks. Let alone seizing the opening to attack, we could end up getting checkmated instead... Tsk. How absolutely ridiculous."
Kirika turned her gaze. Lilyhowell was still standing ahead not far away, still s.p.a.cing out silently. Kirika clicked her tongue again.
"Although I've no idea if she suffered too great a shock, it's useless now. Fear-kun, what are we doing now?"
"I am not so kind that I would permit you to leisurely hold a strategy meeting now."
Nirushaaki sped up all at once.
"Haruaki! Stop acting recklessly! Just stand over there and stay still!"
Just as Fear was about to intercept her, Nirushaaki rapidly switched masks and disappeared from sight.
An instant later, she appeared before Haruaki.
"Moving to a past position—I hope you will not be so naive as believe that I would only use it for escaping. This move is also very useful for advancing!"
The spot where Nirushaaki appeared was along the straight line between Fear and Haruaki. In other words, behind Fear but in front of Haruaki. Fear forcefully spun herself around, swinging the hatchet and the drill. Haruaki instinctively jumped sideways. Kotetsu swept through empty s.p.a.ce whereas Konoha clashed with Fear's tools of torture. Nirushaaki retreated again, as though reloading ammunition and swiftly rotated her masks. Then—
"«Penetrator Yoshimasa»...!"
"Although it could be considered an extensible weapon, the attacks can be predicted to a certain extent from the main body's location."
She intercepted the spear of hair that Kuroe was stabbing from behind after nonchalantly circling over to her back. Then switching mask modes fluently, she traveled to a past position, appearing in front of Kirika. Kirika hastily extended the «Tragic Black River» while retreating but could not evade completely. Kotetsu left a cut on her upper arm. Only by tossing an execution stake was Fear able to barely stop Nirushaak from following up the attack on Kirika.
"d.a.m.n it! That mask is too troublesome. There should be limits on how weird curses can get...!"
"This mask was inherited by each generation of a clan tasked with a special mission. That clan served as chieftains, mystics for divining the past, oracles for predicting the future as well as shamans for knowing the present, they were warriors for protecting everything. In other words, beings equivalent to G.o.ds."
Nirushaaki swapped masks again with one shake of her head. This time she augmented her strength and attacked Fear.
"«Ionyomott of the Past»—«This spirit knows the past leading to the future»"
"Guh! G.o.ds, you say...?"
"It is a type of concept. The wearer would ingest homemade narcotics, entering a state akin to drunkenness, answering when someone asked about the future, answering when someone asked about the present, answering when someone asked about the past. In the tribe, everything said by him as G.o.d was absolute. Even if what he said did not come true, action would be taken afterwards to turn his words into the truth. This made it equivalent toperfectly describing the present, past and future—Hence, this tool became the mask that knows everything."
Fear fought with all her strength while glaring viciously at the mask.
"Totally... nonsen... sical! After seeing it up close, I know it's also giving off a cursed smell just as ugly! The smell is totally disgusting!"
Using a momentary opening, Fear slid the drill over Kotetsu's blade, using the sliding trajectory directly to stab at Nirushaaki's abdomen. But of course, under «Wounded Knee Ma.s.sacre»'s action, there was no effect at all. Not even a drop of blood was bled, simply piercing her body without resistance. This unusual sensation made Fear lose balance at little, allowing Nirushaaki the chance to counterattack.
"Of course it was cursed. The nightmares suffered by the owners after ingesting narcotics, the resentment from the defeated enemies and the people who suffered losses due to the G.o.d's predictions—They all cursed!"
Fear tried her best to block using the hatchet in her other hand. Nirushaaki and Fear forcefully bounced off each other as though exploding then readjusted their stances.
"Because it is a mask capable of seeing through everything, it carries a curse causing a slow loss of vision in the owner; because it is a mask capable of dialogue with spirits, it carries a curse that hungers for narcotic drugs. To be honest, compared to the rare abilities they confer, these curses are totally insignificant."
"Wrong. Curses are ultimately inauspicious. If you have to get them in exchange for strength, then you shouldn't consider cost-effectiveness anymore!"
Within Haruaki's view, a battle scene persisted, beyond what common sense could imagine.
Nirushaaki disappeared and reappeared, frequently switching between mask modes without leaving a single opening. After teleporting and delivering a strike she would then escape at high speed. Using prescience of future positions, she completely guarded her back against ambushes coming from behind. Even if an opening could be seized, she would then make an emergency escape to a former position.
Dancing back and forth between existence and disappearance, she was completely like a ghost. That overwhelming arm strength was like that of a monster. The two unworn masks on the sides of her head formed protrusions, almost looking like the outlines of horns.
Was this the reason?
Haruaki remembered. About what others had called her. What Lilyhowell and others had called her.
—Battle Demon.
An elusive demon of battle. An existence that simply thirsted for battle.
Confronting such an enemy, what was he able to do?
(Just now... I almost lost my life, even.)
He knew at least that much. However, for some reason, his hands still had strength. He was also able to ignore the pain on his shoulder. His body had not gone limp yet.
(I must step up. No matter what, I can't flee with my tail between my legs at a moment like this...!)
Apart from that, although he had no idea whether he could succeed or not...
Nevertheless, he still held a trump card that he had not told anyone about.
Haruaki adjusted his grip on the sword. Fear and the others were fighting desperately. The enemy was very strong to begin with and even had Konoha as a weapon. Together with the shirt that rendered all attacks ineffective, this left only the arms and legs as possible attack targets. This battle was absolutely not easy. As long as I can help cover them slightly—Just as Haruaki was searching for an advantageous position, trying to move surrept.i.tiously—
"I already knew you were going to move there."
Nirushaaki suddenly changed the direction of her attack. Naturally, Haruaki had been avoiding her past positions all along, but there was nothing he could do if she predicted his movements and charged over. He watched as she came closer and closer.
"Allow me to confirm. After all, thou succeeded in blocking my blade once. Come come."
"Uh... Urgh... Guh...!"
Haruaki retreated while desperately using the «Toxic Sword Poison Ritter» to engage Konoha's blade. He could feel that she was holding back greatly. Otherwise, his skills as an amateur could not possibly have defended at all.
"Hmm, an amateur verily..."
"But his eyes intrigues me greatly. Those eyes have not lost hope."
"Haruaki!" "Yachi!"
"—Since Lilyhowell has not made a move, you should be able to handle them on your own. Kotetsu? Hold them off for now."
Haruaki could see Kotetsu appear behind Nirushaaki, totally naked, facing off against Fear and the others. This was quite a terrible situation. He was totally isolated from the group.
"Get lost!"
"Yachi, you must hang in there! We're going to rescue you straight away... «Tragic»!"
The three girls sprang into action simultaneously, but Kotetsu was no pushover. Brandishing his palms with curved fingers—in other words, tiger claws—he severed the belt, severed hair and blocked Fear's torture instruments.
"Truth be told, you are underestimating this Kotetsu. You would best recall the situation during the school excursion. Without Muramasa-sama's a.s.sistance, could you lot have defeated me?"
"Shut up! You're so in the way, get lost—!"
Fear's angry snarling and the sound of collisions between solid objects could be heard, but Haruaki no longer had the luxury to spare any attention towards that direction. Right in front of him was Nirushaaki and Konoha in her hand.
"Well, then since you have not abandoned hope, that sword apparently holds some sort of power. Probably a power that could reverse the situation in a single strike... For example, a cursed ability that could send me to my death or immobilize me from a mere scratch. It can produce electrical currents? Release flames? Spew poisonous fluids? Turn me into an idiot? Or something else?"
Haruaki was greatly shocked but tried hard not to let it show on his face.
"Shall I destroy it?"
"No. Once deprived of his last hope, perhaps this confrontation will end. I believe that would be too much of a shame. This boy stands before me with resolve, prepared for death. As a show of respect towards his determination, allow me to serve personally as his opponent."
"A man of such worth he is?"
"I have heard that this boy—Yachi Haruaki—possesses a const.i.tution immune to curses. Although it would sound like some kind of fictional plot, perhaps he might be able to release a hidden power on the verge of death. To this end, he ought to be allowed to keep a sword in hand at least."
"Very well, since master hath spoken. I shall obey. Then please handle as appropriate."
Was Konoha the one moving the blade? Or was it Nirushaaki? It did not matter either way. Merciful attacks kept arriving. Haruaki desperately blocked, dodged and endured, but he could not endure everything. Every time he failed to block, Konoha's blade ran across his body again and again. He could feel a slippery liquid slowly covering his entire body. Difficult to move. Nausea. Simply breathing was causing certain wounds to throb with pain.
—The enemy was toying with him.
"Haruaki, Haruaki, Haruaki! Get lost, get lost, get lost, you—!"
"«Tragic», «Tragic», «Tragic Black River»!"
"Underestimating me, only aiming for the prize—Logic dictatest that such laxity cannot possibly defeat this Nagasone Kotetsu Nyuudou Okisato!"
Haruaki's field of vision was growing narrower and narrower. Was he bleeding too much? He could no longer tell which parts of his body were injured and which were not. However, the incredible thing was that he could still hear voices properly.
"Hmm. By this juncture, I am starting to feel baffled. By the way, what is it that you desire, enabling you to stand before me all this time?"
"Isn't it... obvious...? Return Konoha... to us..."
"Even if you kill me, your goal cannot be achieved. The one you knew no longer exists."
Impossible. Absolutely unacceptable. Indeed. Their original idea was...
Perhaps there was no need to tell the enemy specifically. But by now, Haruaki no longer had any spare effort to prevent his thoughts from rushing out of his mouth.
"We... know. It's called «Bartolomey Oblivion», right... The mask you used on Konoha. Since it can rewind memories... It must have the function to restore them..."
"Oh? I am not certain, but indeed, I cannot a.s.sert that no such function exists. Perhaps it might be possible to induce a memory recovery function."
See, I knew it! Haruaki felt sudden heat in the depths of his chest, almost seemingly accompanied by a small surge of strength.
Upon hearing what Nirushaaki said next—
"—That is all hypothetical a.s.suming it had not yet turned into the remains of what used to be a mask."
The slight surge of strength instantly flowed in reverse. As the illusion of new hope was dispelled, even the last lingering strength in his body dissipated without trace together with the reverse flow. What had this woman said just now?
"You're... lying..."
"Having accomplished its mission, that thing was no longer of use. If you succeed in defeating me, you can very well go ahead and confirm for yourself. It is kept in the trash can in the corner room on the second floor."
She did not appear to be lying at all. Haruaki had no choice but to believe that «Bartolomey Oblivion» was already destroyed, no matter how reluctant he was to admit it.
"Huff... Ah... Huff...!"
With that, the last ray of hope for retrieving Konoha's memory was lost.
Nirushaaki still did not stop attacking. Haruaki's entire body was covered repeatedly by a hot liquid.
Nevertheless, in spite of these conditions—Incredibly, his body still contained some slight strength.
Namely, the simple notion of "I can't flee from here." A baseless belief that "once I leave this place, everything will be over."
Relying on this single remaining reason to support his legs, he faced forward and continued to stand.
Despite the pain and aching spreading through his entire body and the gradually narrowing field of vision...
Despite signs that Konoha and Nirushaaki were beginning to grow tired of the simple act of toying with him...
"Seriously... Is he nothing more than a boy who cannot be cursed?"
"Apparently so. How boring—That said, his fresh blood is of excellent color, a welcome sight for the eyes. But 'tis his only merit."
Nirushaaki remarked in disappointment. Apart from disappointment, Konoha's voice carried s.a.d.i.s.tic glee as though she were toying with a small animal.
Haruaki stumbled, his legs unsteady. Even so, now was not yet time to fall.
Hence, he might as well smile.
"Oh my... Haha, I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Perhaps I really do have a hidden power. Through that power, everything will be achieved smoothly. So, play with me a little longer..."
"Verily a bizarre brat. Out of the kindness of my heart, I have already avoided fatal injuries, but he ought to suffering unbearably. If thou wouldst beg me, I could serve thee instant liberation."
"These little injuries... are nothing..."
Using his hazy head, using his unsteady head, he looked at Konoha while simply moving his lips to say:
"Konoha, you should know too, right? I'm unexpectedly to getting hurt. So I'm already used to it. I've got many old scars on my body too. They're just not obvious, but if you look closely, there's actually a lot. The biggest one is... Right right, it's the wound on my head that time, isn't it? Do you still remember? Konoha..."
"Back when I was really just a child... It really came as a great shock..."
Indeed, he could still remember.
What happened back then.
Forever impossible to forget, his memories with Konoha—
Part 6
The headache and discomfort still had not subsided.
Despite the cold wind blowing near the sky, it made no difference.
She was standing on the pinnacle of a giant tree growing in the garden, frowning at the discomfort shrouding her entire body, meanwhile gazing down at the scenery below. The j.a.panese house where she had lived for the past few weeks. The residence whose door plate read "Yachi."
Before I leave, I should have a look at this house's full view, she thought. Sad? No—This was merely something akin to a memento There was no additional meaning apart from that.
She originally intended to stand there briefly but had accidentally s.p.a.ced out for too long, apparently. Clicking her tongue while looking down, she found a boy next to the tree's roots. He was looking up at her, cupping his hands to his mouth to project his voice.
"What are you doing~? Dad said to try as much as possible to avoid letting outside people see you, right~? If you stand in that kind of place, you'll be seen clearly..."
"I shall be going out."
She interrupted him, declaring in a commanding tone of voice. Almost looking straight down, she found him looking extremely small. His mouth was gaping while he stared, apparently unable to understand what she had said.
"Of course, 'tisn't going out for amus.e.m.e.nt. Rather, this implieth I shall not return to this house."
"Wait... W-Why!?"
"I am not staying here out of some particular reason. In that case, 'tis just as possible that I leave for no particular reason—Besides, mine original intent was simply to try living here several weeks. In other words, I have merely grown weary of this place."
Her headache intensified. An unbearable discomfort was occupying the depths of her abdomen. She suppressed it desperately, preventing it from showing on her face. She knew the cause. Those of her kind would experience suffering when trying actively to leave their owner—as long as one was a tool rather than human, this was only natural.
But no matter. She was not going to let her pace get dragged down by something like this.
Somehow there was a feeling that her headache and discomfort stemmed from another reason, but she subconsciously suppressed it. In any case, she wanted to leave. That was all. She wanted to do it.
"W-Wait! Aren't you going to lift your curse?"
"Have I ever said anything of that sort? Thy father and thou art the only ones saying so."
"That's... umm... but—Hold up, could you wait first! Come down first!"
Seeing him plead so urgently, she found it ludicrous. Sneering coldly, she said:
"Ha. I have said that I am leaving. Wherefore must I stay? If thou wishest to stop me, thou shouldst climb up here."
Hence, he walked over to the giant tree and reached out with his tiny hands. He really started to climb the tree unaided. Quite astonished, she could only gaze down to watch him.
He desperately extended his short arms and legs, grabbing protruding branches or burrs on the tree trunk, climbing up bit by bit. That face of his was looking straight at her.
She looked downwards at him, unable to move. This tree was too tall for a child. There was no way he could climb up here, probably. He was going to fall sooner or later. Definitely fall. As expected, he lost balance. But at the last second, he caught another branch. A breath of relief. Whose breath of relief? He started climbing up again. He was willing to go so far just to stop her from leaving? Why? He could not possibly climb up here. Why? Why was he staring at her with those resolute eyes, as though he would never let go ever again once he caught her? Why did he continue to force his body to climb despite the sweat drenching his back? This was definitely no easy task for a child's muscles. She could see his arms and legs trembling. She could see the red of fresh blood seeping from scratches and cuts on his palms caused by burrs—