Chapter 5 - Late Night Festival / She Does Not Wish to Know Right Now / "Enough unknown, unknown enough."
Part 1
In the beginning, Fear seemed to be oblivious of her situation.
"Haha... Ahhh~ This is the best and the worst. I... Can still take more... Bring it on..."
Haruaki rushed forward. Sitting on the metal chair of thorns, Fear slowly turned her neck, her eyes gazing hazily towards him from beneath her silver hair. With that, Haruaki finally understood what was going on before his eyes. In the next second, the chair suddenly disappeared. The Rubik's cube fell and rolled on the floor, followed by Fear's pet.i.te body that fell with a thud.
Haruaki hastily picked her up in his arms, holding his breath as he saw the two colors exposed by her tattered uniform—the white of her skin and the red causing her pain respectively.
"You! How did it turn out... like this...!?"
"Ahhh... Haruaki... It's nothing really. My injuries are much more minor than they look. Not only did I hold back, but I also tensed my nerves to avoid wounding vitals... I'll be able to jump around energetically with a little rest. See, the bleeding is about to stop. Don't worry, I'm fine."
Then Fear raised two trembling fingers to make a victorious sign of "V" in order to indicate she was fine. Haruaki did not know whether she was trying to act tough or if she was telling the truth. In any case, there was no way to tell from sight, so just let it be.
"W-What I mean is how did this happen? That guy must have done something to you!"
"I'm asking you to tell me now! Tell me now!"
"...He wanted me to torture Bivorio—he wanted to see how torture tools were used in their intended function. If I did as told obediently, he will give up on Kirika and stop the bomb from exploding."
Haruaki was greatly shocked. To think Pakuaki would suggest that kind of deal. To think he would suggest such an utterly despicable deal.
"To be honest, I hesitated. But if I didn't do as told, innocent students could become victims once the bomb explodes. Apart from that, there's Kirika's matter. She would likely have to return to that guy's side. So I thought about trying it. Yes, that's right, for an instant, I really considered this: 'Bivorio is an enemy, so I'll just do as he suggests.'"
Held in Haruaki's arms, Fear added these words and turned her neck lightly as though avoiding his gaze.
"But for some reason, your face suddenly surfaced in my mind. This made me feel that even though she is an enemy, if I really did it, you... Umm... Probably would become very sad. Although you're very shameless, you're very big on decency. It's not like I'm not aware of how much you've helped me, uh—Anyway, many times—"
"S-So, basically, I decided to do it this way. I said to that guy, if he wanted to see how torture tools are used, then it shouldn't matter whether the target was Bivorio or not... Hence, umm... It became like this..."
Ahhh, I get it now. Haruaki finally understood how things developed to this state.
Because Fear was acting too foolishly.
"...Didn't you consider what emotions my face might display if you did something like that?"
"I-I don't know."
Fear twisted her body again, turning her back towards Haruaki, trying to hide her face from him, trying not to see his face at the same time. To be honest, even Haruaki himself did not know the answer to his own question. Currently, what kind of face was he making?
"Didn't you consider what actions I might take?"
"M-Muu... What are you going to do...?"
Now Haruaki understood himself, hence he proceeded to do what he wanted to do.
First, he clenched his fist, straightened his elbow and raised his hand high. Then like a hammer, applying appropriate force—
He knocked hard on the silver head.
And again, knock!
Fear made a strange sound like a cat as her body shook.
Haruaki prepared once more—Just as he swung his arm downwards, probably because she had finally reached the end of her patience, Fear turned back to face him and grabbed Haruaki's arm forcefully:
"W-What are you doing, I'll curse you! I never said you could do whatever you want, knocking someone else's head like mad... I've seen this on television before, it's called 'domestic violence'... or... whatever...?"
Fear's voice gradually grew quiet and finally diminished to nothing. Staring wide-eyed, she gazed straight at Haruaki. Ahhh~ Indeed, what sort of expression am I wearing right now?
"You're amazing for choosing not to torture someone else. But this kind of situation—It's not something I can accept, nor do I wish to see. I don't want to see you like this."
Fear emitted something like a soft sigh then slowly released Haruaki's arm she had been gripping tightly. Bowing her head slightly, she shrank her shoulders and said:
"Umm... How should I put this... S-Sorr... Hnyowah—!"
Fear made a strange noise because Kirika suddenly hugged her tight while kneeling on the floor.
"...Sorry. Really, I'm very sorry. Fear-kun...! There's actually no need for you to do this kind of thing by yourself. Indeed, there's really no need for that. It's all my fault. Blame me and that man. Sorry..."
"Oh no, you don't need to apologize, Kirika. I didn't do it just for you, there's also the bomb. Weighing risks and benefits, I had no other choice but this."
"Fear-kun, y-you, how did you—"
"Uguu! If you hug me this tight, I can still feel some places hurting... Anyway, your collar is off now! D-Did you find the key? In that case, what about the bomb?"
While accepting Kirika's embrace, Fear's expression changed to surprise. Haruaki breathed a great sigh of relief. Judging from what he could see, Fear's earlier words were apparently not part of an effort to look tough, she probably had not suffered serious injuries... Logically speaking, the self-repair abilities of her kind should be able to handle it.
"The bomb problem is gone. Or rather, I should say that there was no bomb to begin with all along."
"W-What did you say, Cow t.i.ts!?"
Gazing ahead with vigilance, Konoha spoke while standing. Literally, she was enveloped in a sharp aura that would slice someone open on the slightest touch.
"Most likely, his goal was to make a deal with you. In other words, from the very start, he prepared this game for the purpose of observing your torture tools from close range. By deliberately inciting a sense of crisis, you were forced to believe that a deal was the only solution."
"W-What... If that's true, then everything I did was a total waste... d.a.m.n it, I can't forgive that! I absolutely cannot forgive that kind of thing...!"
Fear tried to stand up, but even if Haruaki tried to persuade her to remain still and rest, she probably would not listen. Hence, Haruaki grabbed her arm to help support her body, at least preventing her from falling over.
"Don't say that. You really did what I hoped you wouldn't, but... Saying it was a total waste would be too harsh."
"That's right, Fear-kun. Your actions were mistaken, indeed, but to me, there were more n.o.ble than anything else. I won't allow anyone to laugh at what you did for being meaningless. It was a n.o.ble and commendable—mistake."
Kirika spoke as she supported Fear's other arm. Her words were quite contradictory but very agreeable at the same time.
"Even so, you should still be angry, right? But now is precisely the opportunity for you to get angry. Let me state for the record, I am completely not angry... Why is that? Is it because my body's condition seems to be miraculously improved today? Even seeing the red liquid flowing from your body, I am still able to endure."
Konoha spoke calmly as usual but was using some round-about manner to hide the killing intent emanating from her body.
Then Haruaki's group glared at the same target—the silent gray-haired girl and the man who was looking around inquisitively.
"Wow~ So this is what happens when «The World Seen by Alicia Pitrelli» is destroyed? Interesting. But this seems to require further investigations. No, I believe this was actually quite dangerous, we could have disappeared into the curse like past users, devoured by an infinite hallucinatory s.p.a.ce, or even sliced into halves ourselves... Fufu, to think when one unknown turns into something known, that ends up creating new unknowns. The mysteries in this world are truly too exciting! There is still far to go along the road to conquering unknowns. And no, I'm not just saying this to sound cool."
"You...! Why did you make her do that! Do you really want to see her powers that much!?"
Haruaki accused loudly, causing Pakuaki's wavering gaze to finally turn towards his direction. Smiling, he nodded and responded:
"Indeed. Weren't you listening ot me? I want to know, want to know, desperately want to know! I want to know everything that's unknown! That's why I investigate as much as I can, that's all!"
Haruaki was prompted to recall what Kirika had told him while they were searching for the bomb. About the man who searched for unknowns as well as the genius who could not live without unknowns.
"If it doesn't involve any of these girls, I don't care, you can find as many unknowns as you want...!"
"That's right! I'm not your toy, stop adding to my troubles!"
"No, you are a toy."
Pakuaki instantly gave a simple response. Possibly because he sensed the dangerous aura hanging around Haruaki, he shrugged and said:
"Fear-in-Cube, you are a most intriguing toy. Currently speaking, you are very likely to be the 'best' toy. I'm really touched to be able to observe up close today. Thank you very very much... However, my interest in you has not ended. Just as I have investigated you all this time, I still want to continue investigating in the future. In any case, I must carefully a.n.a.lyze the data from today. Next, I should be able to find out many new things that were unknown in the past. About you."
"Hmph, what do you know about me?"
"Well... If my answer is: part of what you're supposed to know, as well as part of what you don't know... Does that count as a complete answer?"
"What kind of joke is that..."
Fear picked up the Rubik's cube by her feet. Haruaki originally wanted to ask her not to do anything rash but before he could speak, Pakuaki had already restrained her with his words:
"On the other hand, don't you care about what's happening not too far ahead of you? If you don't care, then I'm personally fine with it too."
Pakuaki's eyes motioned towards Bivorio who was sitting collapsed on the floor. She did not have her monocle or her nun's habit, but was still handcuffed. She was staring straight at Fear with her tear-covered face and confused eyes that displayed how lost she felt.
"Ahhh... Why won't you punish me who has sinned heavily...? Why won't you allow me to savor pain? Why won't you abuse me? Why won't you violate me? Why won't you destroy my dignity as a human and treat me like a rotten insect? Please hit like just now. Hit me viciously, like you would beat a filthy sow. Smack! Smack! Hitting..."
"W-What is the matter with her...?"
"No idea. According to that b.a.s.t.a.r.d there, it's probably the result of destroying Abyss."
Just as Fear answered Konoha, someone suddenly knelt down before Bivorio. No, not exactly. It was more like a subject kneeling before a king, or a believer accepting a saint's baptism—She was kneeling on both knees with her head bowed. The wet woman in a swimsuit with a parka on top.
At this moment, a slight glimmer of sanity returned to the eyes of Bivorio that were filled with her empty wishes of masochism.
"You are «Landfisher»... Oratorie Rabdulmunagh...?"
"It's been a while, Matriarch."
"You're still... alive... Thank goodness..."
Oratorie's eyes showed slight unease, perhaps in response to the sense of dissonance in Bivorio's words. However—
"I'm very sorry I wasn't able to follow your orders. Umm, I originally planned to kill as many members of the Lab Chief's Nation as possible and tried to go on a rampage using the «Tragedy Method» before detonating the bomb. However... I was careless and ended up imprisoned before I could even detonate the bomb. Then I managed to escape with great difficulty, and desperately searched for you, Matriarch—"
"Sob... Sorry..."
Bivorio wept once again, her body trembling even more intensely, acting like an ordinary girl.
Perhaps finding Bivorio's reaction too unusual, Oratorie straightened her upper body, slightly at a loss.
"W-What is with you, Matriarch? Please tell me what I should do next? I've been searching for you in order to find that out, taking action in order to locate you. If you want me to invade the Lab Chief's Nation with a bomb again, I will do so. Please let me do that. This is exactly what I can do as proof of my love for the transcendent partner who saved my life!"
"S-Sorry sorry sorry—! No, that's sin! That's sin... It is the sin I have forgotten until now! You don't need to do that sort of thing, you can't do that! If you did it, oh no~ The guilt will kill me! Even if I'm not punished, I'll die! That sort of thing, is definitely... unpardonable! Unpardonable to the point of being cursed!"
"W-What are you talking about...? You... are our... The Bivorio Family's Matriarch... No, wait, what about the Patriarch? Weren't you together? How's the Patriarch...?"
"Abyss is already dead."
The one who spoke this line was neither Bivorio nor someone in Haruaki's group.
Instead, it was someone who had suddenly started standing beside Bivorio and swung a knife forcefully to sever her handcuffs—The person in the mascot costume.
"I completely... can't understand... your meaning. Who on earth... are you...?"
Oratorie entered stance lightly as she spoke. However, the mascot did not even look at her. Furthermore, finding the mask that Un Izoey had destroyed to be a hindrance, the person pulled it off.
Haruaki remembered her. The unmasked person was very familiar. The knife-wielding, exceptionally agile, skilled in seeing through attacks, even managing to astound Konoha, that girl—
She was Nikaidou Kururi. Like Bivorio, she was a member of the Family who had disappeared without trace after the sports festival incident.
—Was she still a member of the Family? Haruaki had heard from Fear about how Abyss' destruction came about. Kururi had betrayed the family and buried her knife deep into Abyss' body.
"Kururi... -san...?"
"Should I say h.e.l.lo again? Hmph, that would sound so incompetent."
Her expression did not relax at all. She even muttered resentfully. Then casting a glance towards Oratorie, Kururi said:
"I was once a newly recruited member of the Family. Let me re-introduce myself—Nice to meet you, my senior."
"...I remember earlier, Hinai mentioned something about recruiting a master knife user in this country. But I don't really get it, if you're neither a helper nor a true member of the Family, why did you dress up in such a strange manner? Also, why did you suddenly start foiling my plans?"
"Like you, I've been searching for this person."
Kururi glanced at Bivorio.
"Just like you, I have many things I want to find out, but I didn't know where she was. All I saw was that man taking her away. So I decided to find him, but my only clue was this school where she was taken away from—"
"Hmm, I get it now. Let me outline my deductions then—Seeing this cultural festival, you wondered if that b.a.s.t.a.r.d would invade the school and make another appearance. But if we discovered you, things would get complicated, which is why you needed to hide your face—At that moment, you came across an air-headed girl who was snoring away with a mascot costume beside her. That's how everything happened!"
Fear proudly announced her exceedingly simple deductions. Kururi looked at her and went "Ha" in a smile.
"Your answer is correct, Fear-in-Cube. Yet you remain noisy and incompetent."
"Guuu, you're the girl who remains infuriating!"
Fear bared her fangs and threatened. Haruaki marveled at how quickly she had recovered. There was nothing more worth being thankful for at the moment. However, wasn't Fear acting too energetic?
Kururi then shrugged and indifferently explained what had happened afterwards. Such as overhearing Pakuaki and Fear's conversation and guessing that Bivorio was in the kaleidoscope; how she no longer wanted to help Oratorie but made use of Haruaki's group instead; after handling Oratorie to allow Haruaki's group to leave, she escaped here while fighting Oratorie at the same time, etc.
"Oh—I still don't quite get it... So, in the end, what goal are you pursuing... Rather, the most important issue here is the Matriarch's unusual state. No no, hold on! You just said something that I can't ignore even if it were a joke—"
"Then let me repeat myself. I killed Abyss. He's already shattered into pieces."
Fear unhappily grumbled: "No wait, I dealt the fatal blow—" but Haruaki ignored her for now. His attention would be better focused on the dialogue between the two members of the Family that was causing a sinister atmosphere to rise.
"As for the reason, there are all sorts. Such as: I was bored, he deceived me for so long, I found the Family incompetent, he was a man who deserved to die, a cross deserving to be destroyed, etc. Feel free to pick any reason you like."
Perhaps looking for permission to kill Kururi, Oratorie gripped the oar hard and yelled. However, Bivorio simply crossed her liberated arms and hugged her own shoulders:
"Ahhh... Yes, it's completely true. Abyss is already dead... And he was steeped in sin..."
"There are two things I want to know. I've decided to ask one of them right now."
While paying attention to Oratorie's movements, Kururi emotionlessly asked Bivorio:
"Is Abyss still your most beloved? Do you hate me for killing Abyss?"
Bivorio gasped then closed her eyes and buried her face against her chest amidst her long hair. In a trembling, sobbing voice, she murmured in response.
An extremely simple—
But profound—
"I don't know."
Instantly, Kururi crashed into Bivorio, but not to attack her. The one attacking was Oratorie who had swung the cursed oar at Bivorio.
Spinning nonstop to evade Oratorie's attack, Kururi picked up Bivorio in her arms directly. Standing before her, Oratorie rested the oar on her shoulder and giggled.
"Fufu... Ufufufu... Ufufufufu! This is the so-called—All mysteries are revealed! Although I don't know what you people are planning, but—Guha! This Matriarch is fake! You can't deceive my eyes. As the leader who founded the Family out of familial love, through familia love, for familial love—the Matriarch—she logically cannot say such words. Like a G.o.d that transcends the transcendent—the Patriarch can't possibly be killed by this kind of little la.s.s! Fake, fake! You're—a—fake—! Fakes and imposters should be condemned and killed without mercy as quickly as possible! Ufufufufufu!"
"Tsk... Is she mad? Although she's already mad in the first place."
"Ahhh—Sorry, sorry, I don't know, I really don't understand anything anymore—If you want to kill me, please go ahead and kill me. After all, I'm steeped in sin and she is also one of my sins. If I could be killed in as agonizingly slow and torturous a manner possible, that would be my greatest wish of a lifetime..."
Kururi clicked her tongue impatiently.
"I won't let that happen, because I have one more thing I need to find out."
"It's my fault, it's all the fault of my heavily sinned self. Ahhh~ Who will come and hurt me...!?"
"Seriously—Could you just calm down?"
Carrying Bivorio, Kururi retreated a great distance and even threw Haruaki's side a glance for some reason—Ignoring the battle stance the quartet had entered, she walked over openly.
"By this point, I don't want to fight you at all, so just do whatever you want. But I've decided on my own to use you guys as my shield."
Literally doing as she pleased, Kururi walked to a corner of the training hall behind Haruaki's group and set Bivorio down lightly. Watching the two of them, Konoha asked:
"W-What should we do now, Haruaki-kun? She does show zero killing intent right now... But as a side note, the killing intent over there is astounding."
While they were not noticing, Oratorie had run over to a small tap in another corner of the training hall, turning the water on with her head under it. While splashing the water vigorously, she said:
"Mmm—icy cold, that feels so refreshing. So, I should calm down. Calm down and think carefully—Very well, I've decided! Although I don't know why I need to do this, I shall kill everyone present!"
A super fast decision.
Then while her red hair dripped with water creepily, Oratorie turned her head and declared:
"First. Of. All~ That fake there looks like she can be killed any time... So let me start off with Haruaki Yachi over there. Yes, it's you! I will kill you then find out the true Matriarch's whereabouts!"
...Under incomprehensible logic, Haruaki was determined to be the first prey. Haruaki really wished to convince her to reconsider.
"Don't delude yourself. You're an even worse psycho than rumored... Anyway, it looks like we need to fight that woman first."
"However—there's also a guy here whom we can't allow to escape. The freak who made us suffer in his games just to satisfy his desire for knowledge. What are we going to do, Yachi?"
You're asking me what to do? I'm probably not the one who can decide. Not me, who has neither shed a single drop of blood nor suffered any mental trauma.
Hence, Haruaki borrowed the question—
"What are we going to do, Fear?"
Fear closed her eyes lightly and murmured:
"I don't know what's correct, I don't know anything. Right, I said it this morning, Haruaki. I said that I was ignorant and wanted to find out what I am supposed to do. Or back when that guy proposed the deal to me, I asked: what should I do? What the correct answer should be, what is it?"
"How would I know?"
"But you hit me, right? Umm... Because I did something wrong, you were angry, right?"
She opened her eyes slightly, greatly resembling the way children would sneak a peek at their parents.
"That's right, because you did something wrong, I was angry. But how would I know what the right answer is? If you do wrong things in the future, I'll still get angry even if I don't know the right answer. Although I want to know the right answer as much as you do, I would still get angry."
"Mm-hm~ Why does that feel kind of unreasonable?"
"Because I'm different from that b.a.s.t.a.r.d research freak over there. I'm just a great idiot, that can't be helped. Compared to knowing things, there should be more important matters, right... So, it's much simpler. In other words, what I want to ask is—What do you feel should be done?"
After a moment's pause...
Giggles were emitted from Fear's throat and her silver hair began to shake.
"If it's that simple, it's easy... Yes, that's right, perhaps ignorant people can only accept things and act like an ignorant person, because it's impossible to suddenly become omniscient."
Fear opened her eyes. On further examination, she was exuding an intimidating aura of confidence. Despite the filth on her uniform and body, just as she had said earlier, all her bleeding seemed to have stopped already.
"The things I want to do are very simple—seeing as Kururi and that disgusting Bivorio are giving up, I won't bother with them anymore! Since Oratorie declared she'll kill Haruaki, I'll beat her up and foil her plan! And since Pakuaki did so many infuriating things, that guy needs a good beating as punishment! Haruaki, Kirika and Cow t.i.ts, what do you guys think about this decision!?"
Naturally, none of them objected.
Now that what they had to do was decided, the next problem was how to carry it out.
"Since there's no time—Sorry but I'll decide each person's role. I'll handle Pakuaki, or rather, 'Let me be responsible for Un Izoey.'"
"Kirika, that's too reckless!"
"Th-That's right! That girl is a very powerful master—"
"There's no time for debate now. I'm probably the weakest among us, but precisely because of that, I know I must engage that girl. Since she is only here for protecting Pakuaki, in other words, she is simply a defensive threat without any intent to kill. For us, Oratorie is equally threatening, but an offensive threat. Hence, there is a clear difference in meaning... Also, we can't allow a shortage in combat power. So please, Fear-kun and Konoha-kun, please attack in full force."
Speaking as fast as machine-gun fire, Kirika suddenly began to take off her uniform swiftly.
Everything. She took off all her clothes from head to toe.
"Ooh... wawah! Cl-Cla.s.s Rep...?"
She took off her socks and her uniform top. Pulling the the zipper at her waist, her skirt fell down as a result. Even her shirt beneath the top was removed—Finally, all that remained was the black bondage suit.
"I-Idiot! Stop staring at me! Th-This cannot be helped, the circ.u.mstances are forcing my hand, so I have no choice here...! Th-This is also for showing my serious determination, got that!?"
"Somehow I feel like I'm on the line between getting it and not getting it—Anyway, Konoha, hurry and stop reaching out with your hand silently! Now is not the time for testing out your Immorality Blocker!"
"Seriously. Listen carefully now, you all know that I am immortal so I always have a way to take care of things. Faced with an opponent who has no intention to kill, I should be able to handle things alone. Just leave it to me."
There was no time to stop her. Extending the «Tragic Black River» to take hold of a beam on the ceiling, Kirika used it as a pivot to jump, then wobbling on unsteady footsteps, she went over the approaching Oratorie, finally landing in front of Pakuaki. Naturally, before she got there, Un Izoey had already stood in between them.
"Ahhh~ Seriously... Will she really be okay...!?"
"There's no way to stop her now. Besides, the enemy on this side is here."
Fear held up her Rubik's cube while Konoha readied her knife hand and stepped forward in a combat-ready stance.
"d.a.m.n it, I'll have to observe from the sidelines again...! Be careful of the enemy, Fear, Konoha!"
Dripping wet all over, Oratorie approached slowly, stopping when her oar was just a few steps away from Fear and Konoha. Exhaling, she cast a very gentle gaze towards the raised oar.
"Okay, let's get ready to start. On that surprising night when I was struck by that wound of a lifetime, cast into the sea known as the future, the vast view of red as I struggled desperately along the path of a new bride to reward him for his pa.s.sionate heat—Fufu, you are the one who used the method of tragedy to bring about reasonable misinterpretations of cliched romances, so I will not hesitate at all... As always, we will love each other while immersed in memories of rifts, oceans, redness and heat!"
Words that started out like whispers towards a baby ended up as a forceful speech. Spinning the oar with her entire arm as one would spin a pen, she took a step forward.
"Excuse me, I'm already accustomed to this, so I won't be slipping and falling due to the water. Sorry if I've betrayed your expectations."
"I wouldn't expect that from anyone but Sovereignty. But more importantly—Speaking of getting accustomed, I can't let Haruaki-kun's eyes get accustomed to your indecent appearance. There is nothing I wish more than getting rid of you completely from my sight!"
"I agree. I really wish for those eyesores of yours to disappear faster, meat lump number one and number two. And today, I'm bearing a grudge towards swimsuits in general, so let me take out some of my anger on you!"
"This isn't really important, but I'm curious. Which side is number one and which side is number two!?"
Fear and Konoha rushed forward simultaneously. The swimsuit woman swung her oar greatly to enter a stance, ready for battle any time. Fear engaged her first in close combat.
"Mechanism No.20 slashing type, great blade form: «A Hatchet of Lingchi»—Curse Calling!"
The sound produced was not creaking but grating. Not clicking but clacking.
The sound of the Rubik's cube turning seemed to be mixed with the noise of heavy steel, carrying killing intent. The emulated cube instantly took on an appropriate form, hence transforming into an axe for chopping humans to death.
The axe struck the oar repeatedly with a symphony of deep noises. Then face to face, the two combatants produced exceptionally violent sounds—After a moment's pause, their silver and red hair swirled up as though from the aftershock.
Both sides' weapons were clashing equally in a fight to the death, then they stopped.
At this moment, Haruaki could see the corners of Fear's mouth turning up into a smile.
"Mechanism No.3 severance type, descending form: «Guillotine»!"
The sudden transformation caused Oratorie to lose balance, but her oar had already swung out front due to her momentum with its tip clamped inside Fear's dramatic execution device.
Without any hesitation, Fear ordered the guillotine's slanted cutting edge to descend—However, she then retreated with an alarmed expression. Unbelievably, the oar, which should have been decapitated, swept past before Fear's chest.
"Tsk... I see, it has the power to pa.s.s through!"
"Ufufu, indeed you are correct. So defense is useless. Be careful. Although the Matriarch permits us to eliminate Wathes that stand in our way, destroying them too arbitrarily would anger her—By the way, you are the Fear-in-Cube that the Matriarch loves so much, right?"
Oratorie took this time to look up and down over Fear's body .
"On further inspection, you really are so small and cute... I'd really love to hold you tight and sleep together. Hmm, looks like I must forgive you after breaking off your arms and legs."
"That should be my line instead! If you want to sleep with her, be my guest, but please don't complain if anything happens to your own arms and legs!"
"How could I possibly let her so easily!? And you, what do you mean by calling me small! I'll curse you!"
Konoha pounced and starting fighting with her knife hand. On the other hand, Fear switched to another tool of torture and execution to look for an opening. Then Oratorie Rabdulmunagh prepared to unleash a wave of impacts to engulf the two girls.
Made dripping wet just like its master by the splashing water, the oar's dark stains looked as though it had been sucking blood.
Caught between the two girls, one gray-haired and dark-skinned, the man began to speak.
"I can't help but point out that this is a foolish strategy, Kirika."
"On the other hand, I disagree."
"The situation now is different from during the day. Now that the game is over, I have no reason to hesitate. I could very well use force to take you back directly—If you believe that Un Izoey has no intention to kill, you are sorely mistaken. Against any enemy who a.s.saults me, this child will deliver fatal attacks without any hesitation at all. Moreover, for the sake of accuracy, in actual fact, it's not like you 'can't die' but 'you revive after dying.' So that is why I say your strategy is foolish, Kirika. Once you lose consciousness, it's over. In other words, I could simply give the following order: Un Izoey, kill Kirika and take her back."
This explanation treated Kirika as though she were just a specimen of local fauna. But in actual fact, Pakuaki probably treated her as just an object to be dealt with on the side.
At this moment, the dark-skinned girl moved her eyes and asked:
"My wish to confirm: Confirmation for 'Is that really okay?'"
"Of course you can, no need to hold back. She's currently wearing a Wathe that is, in a certain sense, even rarer than «The World Seen by Alicia Pitrelli». It's a Wathe that will automatically self-repair so long as there's no severe damage, unlike others that would break from damage in one spot."
The handcuffed girl stepped forward with a gliding stride of her dark-skinned foot. However, Kirika reached out to stop Un Izoey with her left hand which did not have the «Tragic Black River» wrapped around it.
"Hmm? What's the matter, Kirika?"
"...I'd like to ask you something. That collar you placed around my neck, was it simply just for punishment? Was it really just for such a simple purpose?"
Pakuaki showed slight surprise in response to that question. Then—
"Well, disregarding the fact that it's very weak, I did have other goals in mind, yes. But if I explain it directly, it's kind of embarra.s.sing... That is, I hope you could remember the past. I am your older brother, so it's not like I want us to be at odds. If there's an opportunity for us to make up, of course I'd want to do that... Like right now, could you be honest with your feelings, Kirika? Or perhaps, you have no recollection?"
There was a few seconds' pause after Pakuaki finished.
Kirika then nodded.
"Very well, now... I'll be honest. I remembered. I remembered those happy times in the past. That sense of isolation made me recall the loneliness I felt when waiting for my father to come home. That sense of isolation made me recall the loneliness of not having a mother. Furthermore, that sense of isolation—"
She bowed her head slightly and her shoulders trembled.
"I recall it... Back when I was lonely, my brother's... back... that I always relied on..."
Pakuaki took a deep breath. Then his eyes became very gentle and he muttered like a father:
"Come home, Kirika. Return to my side."
The trembling in Kirika's shoulders did not stop. She then tried to force words out, but her shoulders continued to tremble.
"...You really think..."
No way, she could not hold it back anymore. She could not hold back the excessive joy she was feeling.
"...Did you really think I'd say that, Yamimagari Pakuaki!? How absolutely ridiculous! Although I did remember about my father, I have no brother—On the other hand, you should reflect on what you've done to me!"
It was worthwhile to act out this sort of unfamiliar performance. Although it was so embarra.s.sing that she felt as though her cheeks were about to burst into flames, it was terrific. Simply the sight of that man's astounded expression felt exceptionally refreshing.
Perhaps either he was bluffing or he really was that composed, Pakuaki immediately smiled wryly and said:
"You've changed, Kirika. In the past, even if you played jokes, you'd never trick people with that kind of performance."
"Perhaps I've become stupid after getting to know those people!"
Kirika suddenly extended the «Tragic Black River» towards Pakuaki. Instantly, a dark-skinned afterimage surfaced from below, severing the belt in the middle of its journey. Un Izoey's demeanor was full of belligerence, perfect.
Because Kirika had already decided what to do.
Kirika also had a role model, the silver-haired girl who had made herself all covered with b.l.o.o.d.y wounds, even though she clearly did not need to do that.
Hence, Kirika decided to act in the same manner.
To proudly make mistakes on her own volition under conditions when the right answer was unknown.
Part 2
The «Human-Perforator» charged fearlessly ahead but was deflected by the wooden oar, whose hardness was probably strengthened as a result of its curse. Oratorie counterattacked. Fear swiftly pulled back the drill against its advancing momentum and prepared to block the approaching wood—But someone kicked her in the bottom.
"Get out of the way!"
The oar sang a song as it sliced through the air, pa.s.sing through the s.p.a.ce beside Fear's stumbling body.
"Don't suddenly kick me, Cow t.i.ts! I'll curse you!"
"Oh enough of that. Seriously, how many times has it been? Didn't I tell you it can't be blocked!?"
"I-I know, okay..."
The wooden oar was capable of pa.s.sing through objects. Naturally, this included Fear's tools of torture and execution that she used for defense. Despite knowing that fact, Fear's body could not keep up that easily. And stop speaking with such swagger, okay!?
"d.a.m.n it, you domesticated t.i.ts! That's totally cheating, you're clearly ignoring the issue yourself!"
"By this point, I don't care if you're making up stupid nicknames for me. But that's not my problem because it implies the oar cannot pa.s.s through the human body."
"Ufufu, you are completely correct. But I'm not afraid of those karate chops of yours at all. While saying 'Heed my advice and just give up obediently, so that I can kill that little boy over in the back, okay?' that would be a so-called sneak attack!"
Oratorie swung the oar to attack. While Fear dodged—
"Mechanism No.5 impaling type, upright form: «A Skewer Loved by Vlad Tepes»!"
She also tossed out the execution stake that was connected to the chain of cubes. However, Oratorie had already moved. Penetrating the floor with the oar's tip, she used the oar as support for a front flip. Using a motion akin to a human water wheel, she delivered a devastating attack towards Konoha—
In actual fact, Oratorie was quite a proficient master but her strengths were completely different from Un Izoey's. If Un Izoey's strength lay in speed, hers was power. Power to deliver death to an ordinary human through a single strike, combined with random blows and more random blows that rendered defense meaningless no matter what equipment was used. Like a turbulent storm what would devour and crush all ships, she unleashed random blows repeatedly.
While transforming the stake into a new form, Fear threw a glance backwards. Haruaki was watching with his fists clenched. I can't lose, I absolutely must not lose—Even if storms could crush ma.s.sive ships of any size, a storm capable of crushing a steel cube definitely did not exist.
Then Fear entered the fray again amidst the random pummeling.
Part 3
Kirika reflexively used her left arm to block the incoming knife that was aiming for her carotid artery. This slashed through the outside of her wrist, adding more pain to her body. Half of her flesh and the middle of her bones were severed. If one were to twist hard, her hand would probably come off like a popsicle. But even without any twisting, simply by grabbing the wound in attempt to staunch the bleeding—There was a feeling of flesh squirming. This body was too disgusting, really too disgusting. But under such disgusting conditions, it continued to endure.
"Huff... Huff..."
"My conclusion: overreaching movements, overestimating self, not going to work."
"Is that... so...? Have you ever hunted a wild beast whose wounds keep healing?"
"Never seen that type of beast before. But the beast here now, not all wounds are healing instantly. When elephants and rhinos bleed, movements become slower."
Although Kirika could not understand what exactly Un Izoey's a.n.a.logy was comparing her to, it was true that her wounds were not completely healed. After all, the time taken for recovery depended on the severity of the injuries.
Currently, her left hand had finally recovered enough for her fingers to move. Her thigh whose bone was exposed just now was still pulsing with pain. As for the hole under her breast, the usual liquid was spewing out generously as though to skip the process of vomiting blood. Nevertheless, a rusty stench was rising up her throat and Kirika desperately tried to swallow and suppress that reverse flow.
Seeing the gray hair quiver slightly, the «Tragic Black River» instantly reacted and extended over. Despite being severed along the way, it continued to extend, unfazed. Like an obsessive snake, it acted as though imbued with a serial killer's obsession.
The belt was both a rope for binding and a whip at the same time. And whips were powerful weapons beyond an average person's imagination. Not only was a whip capable of skin off, but it could also strip flesh down to the bone, then used to kill the person. That was the kind of weapon it was.
While severing the belt as she slowly approached, Un Izoey suddenly distanced herself at this time. Lowering herself and extending her left leg as though performing a Cossack dance, this action caused Kirika to frown. A fatal instant. Using this opening to take out darts from her skirt, Un Izoey lodged a dart on her left toe's bowstring. While leaning her upper body backwards in an almost horizontal posture, she used her cuffed hands to shoot. Multiple times in succession.
Supporting her body, her right leg acted as a gun's grip while her left leg served as the barrel and her upper body was the hammer and trigger. Kirika was unable to dodge the darts that were flying at her almost as fast as bullets but she managed to guard her head with both arms.
She could feel foreign objects drilling into her body. Solid objects cutting her open repeatedly, mercilessly invading her body. Scorching, scorching, she could not help but feel an illusion as though her body was about to explode. The ruptures and holes in her body, created forcefully by the foreign objects, completely ignoring her own will, seemed to contract and squirm with delight as they accepted those scorching foreign objects.
Kirika was pierced in four places: shoulder, breast, lower abdomen and thigh respectively. Unruly liquid gushed out from these four places impatiently. This amount of blood loss was really quite problematic—Kirika could feel her mind getting dizzy.
"This is also... used in hunting...?"
"Yes, confirmed by such a confirmation. Mainly used to hunt birds flying in the sky."
"That makes sense, birds, I see now. I like birds too. Especially tasty when roasted with salt."
Forcing a smile, Kirika withdrew the «Tragic Black River»'s tip back to her hand.
Un Izoey approached. Presumably, once she immobilized her prey using flying projectiles, she would take her time and slash the prey's throat. Finally, she had entered her hunting mode.
However, Kirika was neither a winged bird nor a fanged beast.
She was just a foolish human.
Precisely because of that, she was capable of certain things—
Then with trembling legs, Kirika rushed towards Un Izoey on her own initiative.
Anxiety. Despite the advantages offered by Konoha's knife hand which could not be penetrated by the oar, that was all there was to it. Their difference in range was too disparate.
Still, Konoha was not completely unable to attack. She had to stop this woman from killing Haruaki. Stopping her was already a decided resolution.
"Take this!"
Konoha jumped and executed a forceful, flying kick, however—
"This would be a so-called perfect hit in baseball!"
Oratorie swung the oar forcefully to strike at Konoha. However, Konoha used the tip of her kicking foot to step on the oar and was sent flying high into the air. Her twin braids sweeping across the ceiling as she performed a flip in the air, Konoha managed to land on all fours. By the time she looked up, Oratorie had already switched to engaging Fear in battle.
"Konoha! Are you okay?"
Haruaki rushed over. Konoha pushed herself up and replied:
"I'm okay but this place is dangerous. You should retreat to the back—"
"I'm sorry but could you please transform into the sword. I think that would be better."
Haruaki's expression was very serious. Perhaps he had already come up with some plan?
"But there are many problems with that. First of all, Haruaki-kun, you'll be at risk. Chopping with my hands, I can perform defensive maneuvers. But once I turn into a sword, I cannot guard anymore... Being unable to block would be a rather severe disadvantage."
"I know that. But this cannot continue either, there's no time."
Konoha followed his gaze and saw Kirika fighting Un Izoey. Naturally, she could not remain unscathed and a certain vivid color was constantly increasing.
"So, let's use the Sword-Kill Counter. Only that move can defeat her in one go."
"Eh—But that oar is able to pa.s.s through my attacks, right? The Sword-Kill Counter is a technique that targets weapons..."
"Yes, that's right. It probably won't work if I use it the usual way. No, it won't work at all."
Then saying "That's why"—Haruaki proceeded to share his plan.
It was a very simple strategy. But at the same time, Konoha found it exceptionally difficult.
She sighed.
"It's not going to work unless I can coordinate perfectly with that child... But the problem is, if we were able to do that in the first place, things wouldn't be this difficult now. Last time during the fight against Kururi-san, it did cross my mind. Whenever I fight alongside her, it's as though our rhythms don't match, or perhaps..."
"No, we must give it a try—"
While listening to Haruaki, Konoha lightly held his hand. Then comfortably storing that feeling of his hand and its warmth into the box of cherished memories in the inner depths of her mind, Konoha returned to her original form.
"Hey, you made so many objections but yet you went along so readily... Is it really okay?"
"No problem. After all, there is absolutely no doubt that tacit coordination does not exist between me and that child. But even though that's the truth, I don't know why—"
"H-Hey, you two—! Chatting away so happily while I'm fighting by myself, I'll curse you!"
Hearing Fear's complaint, Konoha lightly shook the tip of her blade. Then she continued:
"I don't know why—But so long as we have you between us, Haruaki-kun, I believe there will be tacit coordination."
"Haruaki, don't rush ahead too much. Anyway, don't force yourself to block even if you're attacked, you must find a way to dodge!"
Konoha really felt like calling Fear out for openly pirating her warnings to repeat to Haruaki but she did not speak. She was currently concentrating. Hence, even with Konoha's a.s.sistance in moving his body, Haruaki must still maintain awareness of dodging on his own. Hence, he listened to Fear and looked for opportunities to strike without charging too far ahead.
"You finally stepped up! Why don't you step aside, cute little Wathe. My target is that boy!"
Neither Fear nor Haruaki heeded her words.
Haruaki was only waiting for Konoha's concentration to become keen. Ready yet? Still not ready yet?
(Don't be too impatient, Konoha. But please, could you hurry up a bit...!?)
Haruaki currently worried the most about Kirika, naturally. He had sneaked glances at her situation several times, but she did not look like she had the upper hand in any way. Hence, it was imperative to settle things here so that he could head over and support her.
Just at this moment—
"Guh... Ah... Ha... A-Ahhhhhhh... Ahhh!"
Kirika's extremely loud screams were heard.
Haruaki reflexively looked over there.
Then entering his view was—
Kirika with a knife deeply embedded in her heart with blood gushing out violently like a ruptured pipe.
Part 4
The distance instantly shrank to zero. Kirika guarded her neck and head using her arms. She must prevent instantaneous causes of death such as severing the neck or penetrating the brain. In that case, where would the enemy target instead?
Kirika mistook it for the force of her heartbeat, originating deep within her body. A force that seemed to turn her entire body into a beating heart.
She was pierced. Kirika saw Un Izoey approaching with gliding steps, her cuffed hands touching the ground and raising her right foot, but Kirika did not see the knife held between her toes. This was only natural, because it was already buried inside her.
Within Kirika's field of view that was beginning to shake violently, Un Izoey's emotionless eyes were looking up at her.
(My body... Hurry and move!)
Kirika's body finally moved because it had been waiting for this precise situation to move. Conversely, if this awaited opportunity had not arrived, she would have remained still—Precisely because it was this kind of action, Un Izoey reacted an instant too late.
There was only one chance. Mobilizing the arms which she had used to protect her neck, Kirika grabbed Un Izoey's right foot hard. The impact caused her heart to scream in pain, but there were more urgent things to attend to.
"Gaha... You stabbed me, right? You stabbed deeply into my body, right? That's good enough..."
Kirika listened to her own voice, delivered with blood, while controlling the «Tragic Black River». Watching Un Izoey's gaze waver with surprise and unease, Kirika could feel the knife in her heart invading deeper. Instead of pulling her right foot back, Un Izoey seemed to have decided it would be quicker to just kill Kirika by pushing the knife further.
Her decision was correct, very clearly correct. Even if Kirika were to use the «Tragic Black River» to entangle Un Izoey at this moment, during the time required to strangle and break her neck, Kirika's heart would suffer even more severe damage, thereby resulting in death.
Hence, Kirika needed a method for seizing victory instantaneously. She needed a method of reversal in the next instant.
Instead of entangling Un Izoey's neck with the «Tragic Black River», she aimed for the handcuffs instead.
Then Kirika pulled, pulling in Un Izoey's hands.
Once she was pulled in, the leather belt's work was done. Kirika released the foot she was gripping then forcefully used her bloodstained hands to grab Un Izoey's wrists—
And made her touch the hilt of the knife that was buried in her heart.
Un Izoey's eyes widened to a sad degree.
"...Even if... in a few more seconds... I'll be dead..."
Un Izoye's body began to tremble. Staring at her own hands in disbelief, she kept trembling.
Kirika's hands applied more force.
Desperately twisting the knife as though she were pulling it into her body, Kirika made it stab deeper, deeper, ever deeper—
Letting the blade that Un Izoey was holding violate her body unchecked.
"...But the cause of my death is your pair of hands. According to the rules of your tribe, you are forbidden from staining your hands with the enemy's blood. But now, you've touched it—Un Izoey!"
"Ah... Ah..."
At this moment, originally icy cold, the girl's eyes now only contained—
Nothing but pure unadulterated—
Hence, Kirika smiled lightly like a corpse and said:
"A first experience, congratulations."
"—Ooh, ahhh, ahhhhhhhhh!"
The gray-haired girl desperately struggled, trying to withdraw her hands. Although she easily struggled free, it did not matter anymore, because her foot had let go of the knife, she was sitting collapsed on the floor, her body trembling nonstop. All she could do was stare at her bloodstained hands.
Kirika originally hypothesized that this should be able to create an opening but the results surpa.s.sed her expectations. This was probably an imposed belief that had been branded upon Un Izoey's deepest psyche since early childhood. A pathological taboo that went as far as to demand suicide as though it were perfectly logical.
As the belt wrapped around her neck unhindered, Kirika granted her peace through the loss of consciousness.
Next, the «Tragic Black River» locked onto its next prey, choking the neck of Pakuaki who was crying out in surprise.
"Huff... Guh... Ah... Huff... Fufu... Fufufu. If it weren't for knowing from the start that my clothes would get dirty, I wouldn't have undressed, because it's too embarra.s.sing...!"
"I get it now, so you planned on doing this all along? What a reckless strategy—cough cough, but you didn't break my neck in one go, why is that?"
"Because... there's no value."
"You're already on the verge of death. I'm sorry, but I'll escape once you die."
"...U-Unfortunately for you, my body just barely managed to catch up and will recover from this point onwards. Haha, I didn't expect her to be that gentle—Besides, I already accounted for the possibility of dying here. I was thinking, as long as Un Izoey was dealt with... Then those guys would help me handle the rest."
Pakuaki turned his gaze lightly.
"You mean them...? The way I see it, they're in a desperate fight. Is it really okay for you to withhold a.s.sistance?"
"...Don't worry, they can handle it."
Kirika followed his gaze. Despite the dimming of her vision probably due to excessive blood loss, she was still able to see what was happening over there.
The silver-haired girl was swinging her torture tool. This girl had chosen by her freewill to shed her own blood for Kirika's sake. Hence, Kirika had decided to repay that erroneous yet n.o.ble-minded choice. What she came up with was this method of intentionally burying Un Izoey's blade deep within her own body.
The other person over there was the boy wielding the j.a.panese sword. He had been gazing in Kirika's direction with surprise, but immediately, his eyes showed understanding. Apparently, he had witnessed the instant when Kirika had suffered that wound. He must have been very shocked back then.
Kirika communicated by nodding towards them without saying a word because she no longer had the strength to yell loudly. However, this action was already more than sufficient.
The boy nodded vigorously in response. The j.a.panese sword's shaking motion probably expressed the same meaning as well.
Then they started taking action, aiming for victory just like her.
Suddenly, Kirika thought of something.
With a slight sense of loneliness and unease, she wondered.
Would he get angry with her as well—?
Kirika had won. In that case, it was Haruaki's turn.
Fear's loud shouting entered his ears.
"How ludicrous, Oratorie Rabdulmunagh!"
"What... are you saying... ludicrous?"
Haruaki advanced slowly while the j.a.panese sword in his hand urged him to quicken his pace.
"You and your faction, it's all over already! Abyss is dead and Bivorio is repenting for her sins!"
"That's a so-called big fat lie! Yeah right it's over!"
The silver hair and red hair crossed over, pa.s.sing by each other, then approached again as though drawn by mutual attraction. Haruaki was also rushing to Fear's side as if attracted by gravity. Fear remained on high alert and entered a stance with «A Hatchet of Lingchi».
"Will it work?"
Konoha answered briefly. Fear nodded lightly in comprehension.
"However, when should we coordinate the attack?"
"How about the next one? More than likely, the enemy will unleash her strongest attack next."
As soon as Haruaki spoke, Fear glanced sideways at him skeptically.
"How would you know?"
"Just look behind you."
"...I see. I get it now."
Then Fear took a deep breath.
"Listen carefully to me, Oratorie! That whatever belief about us being transcenders, or that joke about the existence of that imposed familial love, it's all meaningless now. Those arguments not only failed to move us, but they also failed to change anything. You are just sc.u.m, an ignoramus in search of knowledge who took advantage of today's chaos to sneak in, a common madwoman who could not be any more ordinary!"
"No! My goal is—"
"To find Bivorio? She's right there!"
"No no! That's a fake!"
"Really? Then in that case, what is she holding in her hands?"
Oratorie stopped moving, apparently stupefied.
Bivorio was standing in front of her gaze, in the corner of the training hall where Kururi had sought refuge.
She was staring straight ahead with a twisted expression.
Held together, her hands were raised up in front of her face.
She simply stood there, holding a white object in her hands.
In fact, anyone could tell with through further examination that those were the remains of a cross.
"Oratorie... Please listen to me. Abyss is already dead. Indeed, he has already died..."
Haruaki did not understand why she had that in her possession. Perhaps she had taken it from the school, or Pakuaki had playfully stuffed it into her pocket, either of those would not be surprising. These were the only two possibilities Haruaki could come up with at this moment.
Oratorie gripped the oar hard, almost enough to create sounds of wood cracking.
"Ahhh... Fake... d.a.m.n fake... Do you really think you could deceive me by preparing a little prop like that!?"
"N-No, this is real. Right before my eyes, Abyss really was..."
"Shut up—!"
She's coming. With a face like a demon's, Oratorie came.
Just as predicted, it was an attack, unprecedentedly simpler than before yet more powerful than ever.
This was the very moment they had been desperately waiting for.
Haruaki exchanged glances with Fear and they sprang into action. Very likely, Fear and Konoha's minds were connected at this moment.
Hence, all that was left was to move.
Haruaki and Konoha shifted slightly left while Fear moved right as though to exchange positions. Then they waited for the instant when Oratorie's oar was swung down.
"Fear, Konoha!"
This was the technique that Muramasa Konoha had discovered in her quest to abstain from killing. Raising observation, judgment and instinct to their highest limits to approach prescience for but an instant. Thereafter, the sword knew. The sword knew the location of the opposing weapon's heart and how to pierce that heart with one stroke of the sword—!
The sword trembled slightly in Haruaki's hand and exuded an aura of sharpness and clarity that seemed to release her acc.u.mulated sighs all at once. In one natural movement, his left hand gripped the scabbard gently.
Faced against the expected attack of Oratorie's wooden oar, the true blade pulsed and slid out of the black scabbard—
"Tsk! «Tragedy Method»!"
Perhaps warned by her sixth sense regarding the mission borne by Konoha's blade, Oratorie reflexively invoked her oar's power of penetration.
"Take this———!"
However, Fear also unleashed her axe's attack at the exact moment of Konoha's strike.
Had the attacks simply been performed simultaneously, failure would have resulted if the oar blocked them. Whether a barehanded chop partnered with a torture tool, or the combination of a simple black scabbard with a tort