Buttons And Hate - Buttons and Hate Part 20

Buttons and Hate Part 20

I didn't have an answer for that. "I don't know. When I asked they didn't give me an answer."

"I have no idea who it could be."

My suspicion immediately went to Cane but what did he get out of that? If the police extracted her and shipped her off to America we would lose our only leverage. Unless he had an alternative plan? I wasn't sure.

She turned to me, tucking her hair behind her ear. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure...but I suspect Cane has something to do with it."

"What would he get out of it?"

"I don't know. But I can't think of any other possibility. He's the only person who knows you're here."

She tucked her hair behind her ear again. "If it was him I'm going to punch him right in the dick."

"You should punch him in the dick anyway."

"What are we going to do?"

"The police didn't seem too suspicious. But we'll have to lay low for a while. Stay in the house until it blows over."

"If someone I loved was looking for me I'd have to hand myself over. I couldn't let them keep worrying about me. But I know no one is looking for me. It was either Cane or something else." The sadness in her voice echoed off the walls and masked the crackling flames in the fire. The loneliness and despair was enough to affect everything around her.

Including me. "You always have me, Button. If something were to happen to you I would never stop looking for you until I found you." Maybe she didn't have anyone else but she had me. I didn't have anyone either. But now I had her.

"I know, Crow."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her close to me. "You're never alone. I'm never alone. Because we have each other." I pressed my lips to her forehead and let them linger, feeling her take a deep breath when she felt my touch. The affection comforted her but it also made me warm. I didn't feel like such a monster when I was with her. I didn't feel like a thief and a criminal. It was the first time I felt like a man.

Just a man.

I snuck into Cane's house just as he snuck into mine. I climbed through a window and entered the living room. He was screwing a whore on the couch, her ass in the air while she gripped the back of the couch. "Sorry. Am I interrupting?"

Cane stopped what he was doing and gave me a glare. "Uh, do you mind?"

"Nope. You broke into my house and I'm gonna do the same to you." I fell onto the opposite couch and rested my feet on the table. "You're just lucky I'm not gonna knock her around."

"Like I would give a damn." He pulled out of her and dressed himself. Then he opened his wallet and tossed the cash at her. "Get out."

She pulled on her dress and took the money without asking a single question. She left through the front door, grateful for getting paid even though she didn't finish the job.

"What the fuck?" Cane tensed with his arms by his sides, giving me a look that was beyond hateful.

"You broke into my house and hurt my slave. I no longer have any respect for you. I will walk into your house like I own the damn place whenever I feel like it."

"Would you let it go already?"

"Never." The only retribution I would have is doing the same thing to him-whenever he found someone he actually cared about.

He abandoned the fight and poured himself a scotch. "What is it? What do you want?"

"I didn't appreciate the little stunt you pulled." It was easier to get him to talk if I acted like I already knew what happened. When he was cornered he usually caved.

"What stunt?"

"Don't play stupid, Cane. I know you contacted the police about Pearl."

"The police?" He was about to take a drink but stopped himself. "Why the hell would I call the police?"

"You tell me. Why would they have showed up at my house last night looking for her?"

He set the glass down. "Whoa, hold on. The police came looking for her last night?"

"That's what I just said, idiot."

He pressed his hand into his chest, feigning innocence. "I had nothing to do with that."

"Cut the shit, man."

"What makes you think it was me?"

"No one else knows Pearl even exists."

"Uh, Bones?" he snapped. "You know, our mortal enemy."

"He doesn't know where I live. And even if he did, he wouldn't get the police involved. He would ambush the property and kill everyone."

"You're right. But it still wasn't me. What would I get out of that?"

"Payback for me beating your ass."

He rolled his eyes. "I let you fuck me up. That was to even the score. As far as I'm concerned you and I are square. So no, I wouldn't have done that. We need Pearl to get what we want. What would getting rid of her accomplish?"

Pissing me off.

Cane watched me with heated eyes. He was a firecracker about to explode. "You still don't believe me?"

It was hard to trust anything he said. After he went behind my back and hurt Button I could never look at him the same way. He used to be my brother, my accomplice. But now I couldn't tell whether he was a friend or foe. That trust was gone.

"Wow. You don't believe me." He sat back in the chair, his shoulders tense. "Look, if I did something I would own up to it. When have I ever lied to you? Yeah, I broke into your house and beat your girlfriend. I never hid my hatred for that woman. I never lied about what I wanted to do to her. So stop calling me a liar when I didn't do anything to deserve the title." He put his feet on the table, resting near his glass.

"I don't know what to believe, Cane. If it wasn't you I have no idea who it could be."

"Maybe one of her family members. Maybe one of her friends. Did you think of that?"

"She doesn't have any."

"Well, it wasn't me. I swear it."

Cane had never lied to me in the past. When he had beef with me he always said it to my face. He never snuck around behind my back and hid his distaste. He was honest-even when I didn't want to hear it.

"Pull your head out of your ass and start thinking clearly."

"I'll pull mine out when you pull yours." Cane was emotional and angry. Words and actions bothered him more than they bothered me.

"You believe me now?"

"I believe you more than I did before."

He sighed and snatched his drink off the table. "Whatever, man. Instead of interrogating me we should put our heads together and find a solution."

"A solution to what?"

"Who's looking for her?"

"How would we figure that out?" I already asked and didn't get an answer.

"We know people on the force. We could ask around."

"Might draw more attention to ourselves." To me, specifically.

"A bribe would keep them private."

"I suppose."

"I'll see what I can dig up."

His enthusiasm increased my suspicion.

Cane caught onto my thoughts even though I didn't voice my paranoia. "The sooner I clear my name, the sooner we get to move on."

I poured myself a glass of scotch and eyed the black TV. The room still smelled like sex but I ignored her. My bedroom started to smell that way since Button and I were always at it.

"So, have you married her yet?"

I ignored the jab.

"Seriously, what is it with her? Maybe if I fucked her I'd understand. Both you and Bones seemed to have fallen under her spell."

I didn't like picturing her with anyone, but especially with him. "Don't say that shit ever again."


"You know what." I downed the liquid and felt the fire in my belly.

"Crow, I'm being serious right now."

"You're always being serious." The guy couldn't take a joke if his life depended on it.

"What is this thing you have with her? When I was over there last month I saw you together. She's not there against her will. She wants to be there. She's just as obsessed with you are you with her."

"Because I make my women come."

Cane didn't absorb the jab. "Don't ignore the question. Talk to me."

"Why do you care?"

"Because if you're in love with her then I really am a dick. I shouldn't have hurt her. I never would have broken into your house and beat her bloody if there was something more between you. Come on, I would never do that to a woman you love."

"I don't love her." Love wasn't possible for me. Every time I felt something for someone they ended up dead. Cane was the only person I had left, and I suspected he would disappear like all the others. It was only a matter of time. That was the last blow I could handle. There was no room in my heart to accept someone else.

"Are you sure about that? Because I can tell you haven't been fucking anyone else in six months."

"What I do with my cock is none of your business."

"Jasmine told me you turned her down."

Why the hell was he talking to her? "How did that come up?"

"I came by the winery to talk to you but she said you took Pearl on a tour. And then she told me the whole story."

That woman needed to get over it. "When she left I forgot about her. Any man would."

"But no man would turn down an easy lay-with a woman who likes the whip."

"Button satisfies me. That's all."

He shook his head, his lips pressed tightly together. "I don't believe that. There's something more. There has to be. I've never seen you with the same woman for more than a few months. And you've never invited one to live with you every second of the day."

I was sick of being analyzed like a patient. "What does it matter? Just drop it, Cane."

"It does matter."

"Shut. Up."

"If you're in love with her I'll look her in the eye and apologize-and mean it. I just wish you told me sooner."

"Cane." I held up my hand, needing him to shut his mouth right this second. "I don't do that pussy shit, alright? I'm not capable of love or romance. I'm alone and I will die alone. You and I are exactly the same in that regard. There's no room for a wife or kids."

"Well, she obviously doesn't agree with you."

I lowered my hand, my gaze blackening.

"I can tell just by looking at her."

"You can tell what?"