Buttons And Hate - Buttons and Hate Part 18

Buttons and Hate Part 18

He carried me inside and into the bedroom where we had our privacy. The fire was already going because Lars prepared it every night before bed. The bed was made with new sheets that were about to be destroyed.

He stripped his clothes away with lightning speed, his look furious. "Get on the bed. Ass in the air."

I was winning-and I loved it.

I crawled on all fours, ready for him to come behind me.

He shoved my dress up and pulled my thong down to my knees. He situated himself behind me, the head of his cock rubbing against my slit. He leaned over me and kissed the back of my back, sucking the skin harshly just the way he used to. His mouth migrated to my ear. "I am yours to command."

The moment he yielded to me my pussy became drenched. When he commanded me I was wet, but having the authority just turned me on more. I loved being in control. I loved having power over my own destiny. My abilities had been stripped from me for so long, and when a man so domineering and powerful relented his reign, even for a moment, it sent chills down my spine. "Fuck me."

He breathed into my ear, his arousal evident in his heavy breaths. "Yes, master."

I arched my back and released a moan even though his cock wasn't inside. Power was exhilarating, addicting. I understood why Crow craved it so deeply. I understood why he got off so hard when he ordered me to spread my legs and bend over.

He inserted his cock until the base and his hips connected with my ass. Every inch of him fit snugly inside me, practically hitting my cervix with his length. He was long and thick, the best cock I'd ever taken.

He thrust into me from behind, using a quick pace right from the beginning. He moved through my slickness, feeling the smoothness my heat oozed for him. He grabbed my hips but kept his hold gently, still thoughtful of the bruises and scars across my body.


He shoved himself inside me with greater vigor. Our bodies made noises from the friction, and I could hear just how wet I was. He pulled his cock out just until his head was inside before he slammed back into me.

"Grab my neck."

His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, keeping a firm grip as he thrust into me.


Despite his quick speed he moved faster. He fucked me as hard as he could, shaking the bed and slamming the headboard into the wall. He breathed hard through his movements, the sweat collecting on his chest.

"Spank me."

He didn't obey the command. He continued to thrust inside me, one hand on my hip and the other on my neck.

"I told you spank me."

He hesitated, afraid of hurting me. He pulled his hand off my hip and gave me a gentle slap across the ass.

It was pitiful. "Harder."

He didn't cooperate.

"What did I tell you?"

He rubbed my ass gently before he gave me a hard slap.

His palm reddened my skin but the pain felt so good. It made me feel alive. The pain was different the one I'd already endured. It was arousing and satisfying. "Again."

He smacked me again.

My pussy clenched around him, knowing an orgasm was just over the horizon. I could feel it in my bones. It already felt amazing and it hadn't even started yet.


He smacked me harder than ever before.

And that's when I hit my trigger. I spiraled down, screaming incoherent words and coming around his cock. My face pressed into the sheets and the mattress muffled my sounds. The pleasure was overbearing and I was slipping away, reaching the heavens and the stars.

When the orgasm passed I enjoyed the aftershocks. The tenderness felt just as good as the initial explosion. I relished the feel of his cock sliding in and out of me. I slowly pushed myself up so my face was no longer buried in the sheets.

"Master, may I come?" His submission to me was the sexiest thing in the world.

"No. You can come when I say so."

He groaned from behind me, loving the change in roles as much as I did.

"Keep going."

Chapter Twelve.

Crow I took Button everywhere I went. In the back of my mind, I always thought of the man who wanted to steal her away. If he snatched, I'd never get her back. He would take her somewhere I couldn't follow, Russia or Japan. The only way to ensure her safety was by keeping her tucked into my side every moment of every day.

I took her to work with me every day while she read on the couch. She didn't make a peep so I could focus on all the tasks I needed to be complete. But now much she blended into the background she distracted me.

I thought about her long legs wrapped around my waist. I imagined her underneath my desk and sucking my cock. I imagined a lot of dirty things that got me hard. Sometimes my temper would snap and I order her to blow me right then and there. Sometimes I turned her on her stomach and fucked her without giving any warning.

My productivity wasn't nearly what it used to be.

I liked having the control, the dominance. I called the shots and rolled the dice. It was my way or no way. But sometimes her temper flared up and she looked at me with those bossy eyes. I let her take over because I liked being dominated once in a while. And she was exceptionally good at it.

Jasmine avoided me. If she needed something from me she sent an insincere email. She suspected Button was in my office, hovering over me like a guard dog. And she would be right.

As the weeks passed, Button got progressively better. Her bruises started to fade and the rosy tint to her cheeks I once adored returned. She didn't ache from old pains. She walked on her own and took the stairs at a normal pace. She wasn't back to what she was before but she wasn't worse either. There were a few scars along her abdomen, hardly noticeable unless you knew they were from there. The surgeon had to cut her open to save her life.

And thankfully she pulled through.

In a very short amount of time, Button became my whole world. I'd known for nine months, and the time passed in the blink of an eye. She came to me as a prisoner, but I quickly realized I'd become the prisoner.

I belonged to her.

She was the only woman who had any power of me. If she wanted something, I would take care of it. There was nothing I would do for her. If she asked for a piece of the sun I would figure out a way to give it to her.

Sometimes it scared me.

The connection was intimidating because of the power in contained. If she walked away from me, I would be crippled. If she decided she wanted to return to America, all I could was watch her leave. My life without her would never be the same. Without even realizing, I'd become attached.

Sickly attached.

She slept in my bed every night and rode my cock in the morning. She called my name when I made her come. She kissed me every night before bed and every morning before work.

And she made me drop to my knees.

What the fuck happened to me?

"Are you alright?" Button held the closed book in her hand and she watched me with concern.

"Fine." My previous thoughts drifted away like smoke from a fire. "Why?"

"You've been staring at me for nearly ten minutes."

"I always stare at you."

"This was different." She set the book on the table and turned her body toward mine.

I sat behind the desk at the vineyard, thinking about things I shouldn't. When I was at the property I was supposed to work, not consider my feelings for my lover. Was she my lover? "Have a lot on my mind."

"Maybe you should call it a day."

"Maybe." I turned off the iPad and stowed everything inside my desk.

"Anything I can do?" She came behind me and rubbed my shoulders, relaxing the tense muscle underneath the fabric.

"You can lay at the foot of the bed when we get home."

"Ooh...sounds good to me."

I left the desk and grabbed my jacket from the coat rack. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." A sexy grin was on her face, her mind elsewhere. "I'm just not sure if I can wait until we get home..."

"Can I ask you something?" She spoke from the passenger seat.

She always asked me questions on the drive, probably because she knew I couldn't get away. "Yes."

"You like it when I call the shots?"

I knew she was referring to our reversal of roles. It happened rarely, but when it did it was hot. She wouldn't let me come until she was completely satisfied. And even then, she made me work for it. The brutal way she pushed me around like I was doormat turned me on. "Sometimes."

"Have you...ever done that with someone else?"

Never. "No."

"I'm the first woman to take control?"

"One and only."

She looked out the window and processed what I said.

"You like it. I can tell."

"I do." She admitted it without a fuss.

"Having the kind of power is exhilarating. It can get addicting."

"You don't say?" A slight smile was on her lips. "I'm surprised you let me do it to you. You seem like a man who...hates letting someone take over."

"You're right. I do hate it." I followed the road until we approached the estate. I could see it in the bottom of the valley, waiting for us to arrive. "But with you I enjoy it."


"Because you're strong. I've never met a strong woman before."

"You could easily overpower me."

"You don't have to be large to be strong. Strength comes from a place deep inside us. It's the ability to deflect pain, to persevere when failure hits in the face like cold rain. It's refusal to break under someone else's reign. It's a lot of things. Size is irrelevant."

She turned back to me, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You're strong too."

Not as strong as I wanted to be. My past haunted me every day. My regret choked me and refused to let go. I would be forever terrorized by the things that couldn't be changed. Button had experienced her fair share of heartbreak but she continued to carry on. I just passed through life, my heart and soul locked up tight so no one could ever get in. "You ask a lot of questions."

"I'm a curious person."

"Nosey, more like it." The corner of my mouth rose so she knew I was joking.

She gave me a gentle pinch in the side. "Shut up."

I tickled her back. "You shut up." I pulled into the roundabout and allowed my valet to take the car. My arm immediately went around Button and I walked inside the estate I shared with her. It was a big place for once person. Somehow, it was even bigger for two people.

"So...can I lead when we get to the bedroom?" She moved into my side as we took the stairs to the top floor.



"Dominance isn't something you can ask for. You have to take it." Listening to her ask for control was a turn off. I liked it when it came from nowhere, where she demanded to have me right then and there. That's when I let my walls down and I allowed her to control me. I trusted her to please me, to make me feel good in ways I never thought were possible. I'd tried enough new things with her to trust the new things we would experience together.