Business Hints for Men and Women - Part 20

Part 20

When a telegraph operator receives a money order, he at once seeks out the person to whom it is sent, and pays the money in accordance with his instructions as to identification.


The telephone, local and long distance, is fast superceding the telegraph as a medium for speedy business communications.

Its use is not confined to large cities as at first.

Nearly every village is now in communication with the outer world through the telephone.

The world has just awakened to the needs of its food producer, the farmer.

In Norway, which is not a rich country, the telephone has been introduced on the farms. The rates are low and the benefits are inestimable.

On our large farms, in the West, telephones have been in use for some time as an essential part of the machinery.

Now, there is a move on foot to make them available for every farmer in the more settled regions.

While business can be conducted over the telephone, as if the speakers stood face to face, yet such transactions not being recorded, will not stand in law, if one of the parties should dispute the other's word.



There are two kinds of expresses, viz.: local and general. The names describe the provinces of each, though a general express may do a local business.

All express companies are common carriers.

The carrying business done by our express companies is enormous.

They have their own special cars attached to pa.s.senger and fast freight trains, and their goods are given special departments in water transportation.

If living between two towns, it is always better to have your letters and express business done through one office.


When ordering material by express, make sure that you give the address, to which you wish it sent, in such a way that a mistake on the part of the forwarder will be out of the question.

If you send away goods by express, make sure that they are securely packed, and be equally sure that the address is clearly written and in a large hand. It would be better if the address could be painted on with a brush.

If you should send perishable stuff, like meat, flowers, gla.s.s, or fruit, be sure to label the package "perishable" or "Handle with care, gla.s.s."

On long distance transportation prepayment is required; on short distances it is optional.

It is always better to get from the express agent a receipt for the matter taken in charge.

Take care to put your own address on the lower left-hand corner of the package to be sent.

If the person to whom the parcel is sent cannot be found, the address will enable the express company to notify the sender at once of the fact.

When sending any goods by express, it is always prudent to notify the person for whom they are intended of the fact by mail, and also to state the company by which the matter was sent and the date of shipment.


The express company must always require, on delivering goods, a receipt from the receiver.

If the goods should be received by a second person, on behalf of the consignee, he must sign the consignee's name, and under that his own.

If a package appears to be damaged in transmission, the express company must permit the receiver to examine it before signing. He may refuse to sign or to accept in any way, if the goods are injured, or not as he ordered.

Express companies are responsible for all damages sustained by goods while in their charge.


All the large express companies have the machinery for collecting accounts and notes whenever they have branch offices.

Such companies are reliable collectors. Their services are prompt and their charges reasonable.

Where an express company fails to collect, notice is promptly given with the reasons for failure.

When you wish an express company to collect, it will be necessary for you to make out a statement of the account. This is placed in a special envelope, provided by the company. It is properly indorsed and handed to the company's representative.

The company charges a small fee for collection, whether it succeeds or not. In any case the fee is not much above a fourth of one per cent, unless there should be unusual trouble.


As you know, C.O.D. means "cash on delivery".

Cash on delivery orders const.i.tute no small part of every express company's business.

When goods are forwarded in this way, the sender furnishes with the goods an itemized bill duly receipted. The express company's charges should be included in the bill.

The express agent is sure to collect the bill before he lets the goods leave his keeping.


Should you desire to send money by express, it will be well to go to the company's office before you pack it up.

Express companies have special receptacles or envelopes in which to store coin or bills. There is no charge for these.

The sender must himself seal the packages containing the money, and write on them the address of the consignee, also the amount enclosed.

Having received the packages, the express agent ties them up, affixes his official seal, which is so arranged that the package cannot be opened or tampered with, without breaking. This done, he gives the sender a receipt. This should be cared for as a vital part of the record.

The charges for sending money by express may or may not be paid in advance. They vary with the amount to be carried and the distance.