Business Hints for Men and Women - Part 17

Part 17

The Government prints the following guarantee on every treasury note:

"This note is, by law, to be considered as good as coin. Any one to whom you pay it must reckon it as equivalent to a dollar (or face value in dollars) in value."


The treasury certificate is, in form, very much like the treasury note, and it bears the signatures of the same officers.

Treasury certificates are of two kinds, gold and silver.

The gold certificates are printed in yellow.

The silver certificates are light black and white.

These certificates are issued against the great reserves of gold and silver that are kept to redeem them.

The use of the gold certificate saves the loss of the gold that comes through abrasion when handled.

A five-dollar silver certificate is much more convenient to carry than five silver dollars.

These certificates, as may be seen, are issued for the convenience of the public.

Certificates of either character will be redeemed to any amount, in the metals for which they call, if presented at the United States Treasury at Washington, or at any of the sub-treasuries to be found in our larger cities.


Only those familiar with the work can realize the great quant.i.ties of bank bills, treasury notes, and certificates continually being made and sent out from Washington.

While a stream of clean, fresh paper of enormous value is going out to be spread all over the country, another stream of soiled, torn and altogether disreputable-looking paper is flowing back to the Treasury.

The filthy paper is quite as valuable as the clean, so it is properly checked, recorded, and credited before new paper is sent out in its place.

They are now trying to make old bills presentable by washing them at the Department. Meanwhile, most of them are ground again into pulp, made into new paper, and all the first processes gone through with to make the paper into money.



Up to a few years ago, it was the city, town and village dweller who reaped the greatest benefit from the post office.

In dense communities carriers leave the mail at the place to which it is addressed. Where this is not done the walk for the mail is not far.

Now the purpose of our Government, which is of the people and by the people, is to treat all the people alike.

However, up to a few years ago the farmer, our most essential producer, had not a fair deal.

Fortunately things have changed and are still changing for the better.

Rural Free Delivery was an idea as just as it was grand, and as welcome as it was necessary.

The good work began October 1, 1896.

The purpose of rural free delivery is to accommodate dwellers in the country, whether farmers or not.

Through this branch of the service mails are carried daily, on fixed lines of travel, to people who otherwise would have to go long distances to reach a post office.

The Government requires that the states or counties shall keep in good condition the roads traversed by the mail carriers.

Gates must not obstruct, and it is required that every unfordable stream shall be bridged.

It is further required, as a condition for establishing a line for rural free delivery, that each route of twenty-four or more miles in length shall have at least one hundred families resident on either side.


Mail matter is divided into four For each cla.s.s a different rate is charged.

First Cla.s.s:--All letters, and all other written matter, with a few exceptions, pay two cents for each ounce, or fraction of an ounce.

Second Cla.s.s:--Newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals, one cent for each four ounces or fraction of four ounces. Publishers of periodicals, sending direct from place of publication, get a lower rate,--one cent a pound.

Third Cla.s.s:--Books, circulars, and other printed matter, one cent for two ounces or fraction of two ounces.

Fourth Cla.s.s:--Merchandise and miscellaneous articles, weighing not over four pounds, one cent for each ounce or fraction of an ounce.


1. On a tag, or the paper on which the address is written, the sender of third cla.s.s matter may write "from" and add his own name and address.

2. On the blank leaf of a book, forwarded as third cla.s.s matter, the sender may write a dedication or inscription, but it must not be in the form of a letter.

3. Fourth cla.s.s matter must be so wrapped that the postal authorities can examine the contents without much trouble.

4. Such articles as gla.s.s, nails, needles or other matter that might work injury if it came loose, must be enclosed in two separate wrappings, or a double case.

5. Poisons, explosives, inflammable substances, and live animals are excluded from the mails.

6. Firearms may only be sent in detached parts.

7. All alcoholic liquors are regarded as explosive.


The rates to Canada are the same for all of matter as in the United States, except that seeds, scions, bulbs, cuttings, and roots are one cent per ounce.

To Cuba all the rates are the same as for domestic matter.

Rates with Mexico are the same as if mailed between our own states. Packages are limited to 4 pounds 6 ounces, except that single books may weigh more. Merchandise must be sent by parcel post.

To all other countries, in what is known as the "Postal Union", the rates for letters are five cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof.