Buchanan: Delicious - Part 44

Part 44

Another tear rolled down her cheek.

"I loved him. I didn't know it was possible to love that much until I had him and then it was as if my heart couldn't hold all that love. I would have done anything for him. I would have died a thousand times for him."

There was another tear, then another. She brushed them away.

Walker wanted to bolt from the room. He wanted to be anywhere but here, because whatever Naomi had to tell him, he didn't want to hear.

But he stayed because he knew if he left, she would be alone, and he couldn't bring himself to do that to her.

"He was twelve," she said. "We were in the car, just talking and having fun. I went to put a tape in. I'd done it a thousand times before. The tape slipped, I reached down to pick it up. It just took a second."

Her breath caught. She pulled her fingers free and covered her face with her hands.

"Just one second. And then there was a car. It plowed right into us, hitting his side. He was killed instantly. I walked away without a scratch and my baby died. Not even in my arms. Just there, in the seat. I screamed and reached for him, but he was already gone."

Walker shifted in his chair and pulled her against him. He could feel her sobs. He didn't try to comfort her with meaningless words. Instead he held her tight.

"So I know," she said against his chest. "I know how much it hurts. I know what it's like to never forgive yourself, because I couldn't. Everyone said it was just one of those things. That it wasn't my fault. Even my husband. But they were wrong. It was my fault. It was me. I wanted to die. I took some pills and they locked me away for a while. When they let me out, I got in a car and I drove and I drove until the road ended. I was here, in Seattle. I lived in my car for a while, but no matter how much I suffered, I couldn't forget what I'd done."

He touched his fingers to her chin and forced her to look at him. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

"G.o.d, it hurts," she said. "Every minute of every day it hurts."

He felt her pain. It mingled with his own.

"I loved him," she whispered. "Why couldn't I save him?"

"We can never save the ones we love," he told her.

Then he stood and pulled her to her feet. After tossing a twenty on the table, he led her out to his car.

As he opened the door, she stared at him. "That's why I do it. To help me forget."

The men. He'd figured there was a reason. "Does it help?"

"For a little while. And then I remember and my heart breaks all over again."

"I'd like to forget," he said and pulled her close.

She went willingly into his arms. He kissed her with a desperation borne of far more than just s.e.xual need. She clung to him, responding as if she would die if she didn't have him.

Perhaps she would, he thought, as desire took over and clouded his mind. Perhaps they both would.


TWO DAYS LATER, things weren't much better with Penny. Cal appreciated that she'd stopped a.s.saulting him with deadly weapons, but she still wasn't speaking to him. After thinking over their conversation he realized that admitting he hadn't really loved her while they'd been married had probably put him at the top of the list for idiot of the year.

He parked next to Reid's Corvette and climbed out of his car. The day was sunny but he could feel the dampness of the lake in the chilly morning. Still, the view was impressive as he stared east toward Bellevue and Kirkland.

He walked along the dock, then stepped onto his brother's houseboat and knocked on the front door.

"It's Cal," he called in warning. "Don't answer the door naked."

Reid pulled open the front door and grinned. "Don't want to be intimidated, huh?"

"Like that would happen."

Reid, dressed in sweats and barefoot, led the way into the kitchen. "Let's not have that conversation. Coffee?"


Reid poured them each a cup from the pot. Without speaking, they walked into the living room and sat down.

Houseboat didn't fully describe the remodeled twenty-two-hundred-square-foot luxury home on the water. There was every modern convenience and the added pleasure of being directly on LakeWashington.

"Penny wants you skinned alive and served with salsa," Reid said conversationally.

"She mentioned that, huh?"

"She ranted and yelled. Then she cried." Reid looked at Cal. "You get that one for free this time, but don't let it happen again."

Cal knew his brother wasn't kidding. "You were right. I should have told her about Lindsey."

He waited for the crowing "I told you so," but Reid only sipped his coffee. The silence told Cal how bad things were.

He wondered if his brother knew that he and Penny had slept together. That night had been spectacular-and not just for the hot s.e.x. There had been something about being with her again....

Warning signs flashed on and off in his brain. No emotions allowed, he reminded himself. No feeling. It wasn't smart, it wasn't safe and in the end, everyone suffered.

"I hate that b.i.t.c.h," Reid said.

It took Cal a second to realize he meant Gloria. "She loves to screw with us."

"It's because we won't do what she wants."

"I have," Cal said. "More than once."

Reid glanced at him. "That's because you were the oldest and were trying to protect the rest of us."

True enough, but that didn't make him feel any better about his decisions. "Gloria's been on my a.s.s about taking over the company," he said. "Why would she pull something like this? She has to know it'll p.i.s.s me off."

"She wants to make sure you don't get back together with Penny more than she wants you to run the corporation. She can't forgive Penny for walking out on one of her precious grandsons."

Made sense, Cal thought. "Still, it's my fault Gloria had ammunition in the first place. If I'd told Penny about Lindsey, Gloria couldn't have f.u.c.ked things up."

"We've all made bad choices," Reid said. "Now you'll deal with yours."