Buchanan: Delicious - Part 15

Part 15

"Yes? Any solution would be welcome."

When he was silent, she sighed. "Yeah, I don't have a miracle up my sleeve, either. Okay, meet us at the market in forty-five minutes," she said. "We'll check out what's available and I'll come up with a menu. Then we'll put it all together and pray that it works."


CAL WALKED THROUGH the dining room at eight-thirty on opening night. Every table was full and there wasn't an empty seat at the bar. Quiet music blended with conversation and laughter from the guests. He could smell the various foods and hear the comments of surprise as people tasted one of Penny's many special dishes.

The disaster had been averted.

Three hours at the market, with everyone running around buying mushrooms, shallots, fish, sh.e.l.lfish and ingredients for salad had produced a Chef's Menu that should fool everyone. He couldn't believe she'd pulled it all together so quickly, but she had.

He crossed the floor and pushed through the swinging door. In contrast to the quiet elegance of the dining room, the kitchen was a loud, bright, crazy house of activity.

"Fire up!" one of the cooks yelled. "Fire up, you skinny-a.s.sed sonofab.i.t.c.h."

"Puta," the other man replied without looking up from his pan where he sauteed shrimp with various vegetables.

"Table three. I'm waiting on bisque," Naomi yelled from the front. "Bisque, ladies. How hard is that?"

Another chef pushed a full bowl toward her. She grabbed it, put it on a tray, expertly turned, then hustled out into the dining room.

Cal moved next to Penny who watched everything anxiously. She fingered the orders lined up and then turned to him. "What's the next seating?" she asked.

"Two tables of four are going to open up in about five minutes."

"Okay, once they're seated, switch the menu." She shook her head. "I hate this."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Ha. Like that helps me now."

He was just as p.i.s.sed as she was, but figured there was no point in showing it. One of them screaming was enough. But the contracts with the old supplier had already been canceled and the new company would start in the morning. He would be there himself to make sure everything was up to standard. If it wasn't, there would be h.e.l.l to pay.

"I've never had to do this," Penny said. "It's opening night, Cal. I'm playing fast and loose with the menu. One special order could sink me. I don't need this kind of pressure."

The small printer in the corner spat out three more orders. Penny lunged for them. He sidestepped her and started out of the kitchen. On his way, he pa.s.sed Naomi.

"She still threatening to kill you?" the other woman asked.

"Not to my face."

"You should have been here earlier." Naomi lowered her voice. "Orange sherbet. Bring her some and she'll be eating out of your hand. a.s.suming you're into that sort of thing."

He looked at Naomi. "Why are you being nice to me?"

She grinned. "Because s.e.x with your brother was so amazing, I'm feeling at one with the world. I'd say that you should try it, but that's a place neither of us wants to go."

"You got that right."

He left the kitchen and made his way to his office. Leaving the store wasn't an option-not on opening night. But he was management, he knew how to delegate. Once there he picked up the phone and called Reid. "Do me a favor," he said. "Stop at the store on your way over and pick up some orange sherbet."

IT WAS AFTER MIDNIGHT before the last guests had left, the kitchen had been cleaned and the staff clocked out. Penny sat at a round table for six, her feet propped on a chair, her lower back aching.

Every cell in her body groaned with exhaustion. She'd been at the restaurant since shortly after six. Eighteen-hour days weren't all that uncommon in the business, but she was pregnant and apparently that changed things.

"You did good," Dani told her. "I was impressed."

"Thanks. I just never wanted to have to replace menus partway through the evening."

Talk about doubling the work in the kitchen. But they'd done it. Their first night in business was a hit.

Hugh, Dani's husband, raised his gla.s.s of wine in her direction. "To Penny-chef extraordinaire."

"To Penny."

Everyone joined in. Penny smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate it. Now one of you volunteer to take care of my shift tomorrow and I'll be really grateful."

"Not a good idea," Naomi said from her place next to Reid. "You're the talented one."

"That is the rumor."

Penny picked up her gla.s.s of water. She'd been fake-drinking her wine for nearly half an hour and was ready to give up the game. Half the people at the table knew the truth. She did, of course. Naomi and Reid. Which left Dani, Hugh and Cal as the only ones who didn't.

Penny looked at Dani and her husband. Dani sat on her husband's lap, her legs hanging over the arm of his wheelchair. Hugh was tall and muscled, a former star football player at the University of Washington. He'd been injured his senior year, a hit gone wrong paralyzing him from the waist down. Dani had stuck by him through his recovery and rehab, her love never wavering.

Penny didn't know anything about their s.e.x life, although with Hugh's injuries it was unlikely to be completely conventional. What would happen when they wanted children?

On the off chance word of her pregnancy might send Dani to a bad place, Penny decided to keep the news to herself for now. She would have to come clean with Cal sooner rather than later, but not tonight.

Speaking of Cal-she turned her attention to her ex-husband. She was still p.i.s.sed off that he'd insisted she use his suppliers who had then totally screwed her, but she had to admit he'd taken the fall like a gentleman and had done everything he could to help. He'd always been a great guy to have around in an emergency. It was the day-to-day stuff he wasn't so good at.

"Your fish and chips were a hit," Cal said, with a nod of his head. "I bow to your superior cooking skills."

"As you should," Naomi told him.

"It's our first victory," Penny said. "Let's hope there are others that follow."

He stood. "I need some more wine," he said. "Anyone want any?"

There was a chorus of nos. Cal had a feeling the party was going to break up soon. Both Dani and Hugh had to be up early, and Reid and Naomi were looking at each other like sharks eyeing bait. He guessed they'd be heading out shortly to do things he didn't want to think about.

He nudged Penny's chair. "Come into the kitchen for a second," he said.

She pushed herself to her feet and followed him. "If we've got rats, I don't want to know."

"It's a restaurant in an old building. What do you think?"