This is a belt of jungle and forest land--of an average width of about twenty miles, and stretching along the southern base of the Himalaya range throughout its whole length, from Afghanistan to China. In all places the Terai is of so unhealthy a character, that it can scarcely be said to be inhabited--its only human denizens being a few spa.r.s.e tribes of native people (Mechs); who, acclimated to its miasmatic atmosphere, have nothing to fear from it. Woe to the European who makes any lengthened sojourn in the Terai! He who does will there find his grave.
For all its unhealthiness, it is the favourite haunt of many of the largest quadrupeds: the elephant, the huge Indian rhinoceros, the lion and tiger, the jungly ghau or wild ox, the sambur stag, panthers, leopards, and cheetahs. The sloth bear roams through its thickets and glades--where his favourite food, the white ants, abounds; and it was upon reaching this district that our hunters more particularly bent themselves to search for a specimen of this uncouth creature.
Fortunately they were not long till they found one--else the climate of the Terai would soon have so enfeebled them, that they might never have been able to climb the stupendous mountains beyond. Almost upon entering within the confines of this deadly wilderness, they encountered the sloth bear; and although the interview was purely accidental, it ended in Bruin being deprived of his life and his long-haired robe.
The sloth bear did not submit tamely to this double robbery, for he was himself the a.s.sailant--having been the first to cry "stand and deliver!"
Nor was his conquest accomplished without a perilous struggle--that came very near reducing the number of our heroes from odd to even. But we shall give the account of the affair, as we find it detailed in the journal of Alexis.
The travellers had halted for lunch, and tied their horses to the trees.
While Pouchskin was spreading out the comestibles, and Alexis engaged in noting down in his journal the events of the day, Ivan--attracted by a beautiful bird--had taken up his fowling-piece, and followed the bird through the jungle--in hopes of getting a shot at it. We go along with Ivan, for it was he who started the "mountebank" bear, that came near mounting him on the moment of their meeting it.
Ivan was walking cautiously along a bank, that rose to about the height of his head; but which in places was undermined, as if by the action of running water--though there was no water to be seen. The ground, however, upon which he trod was covered with pebbles and coa.r.s.e gravel-- showing that at some period water must have flowed over it; and, indeed, it was evidently the bed of a stream that had been full during the rainy season, but was now completely dried up.
Ivan was not thinking of this; but of the beautiful bird which was flitting about among the trees--still keeping out of the range of his gun. He was in a bent att.i.tude, crouching along under the bank--which he was using as a cover, to enable him to approach the tantalising game.
All at once, a singular noise fell upon his ear. It was a sort of monotonous purring, like that made by a spinning-machine, or a very large tom-cat; and like the latter, it was prolonged and continuous.
The sound was not exactly pleasant to Ivan's ear, for it denoted the proximity of some animal; and, although it was not loud, there was something about the tone that told him the animal giving utterance to it was a creature to be feared. In fact, it fell upon Ivan's ear in the character of a warning; and caused him to desist from his pursuit of the bird, come suddenly to a stand, and listen with great attention.
For some moments he was unable to make out whence the sound proceeded.
It seemed to fill the s.p.a.ce all around him--as if it came out of the air itself--for the purring sound kept the atmosphere constantly vibrating; and, as there was no definite concussion, it was all the more difficult to trace it to its source.
The thought that had entered into Ivan's mind was that it might be the purring of a tiger he heard; and yet it seemed scarcely so harsh as that--for he knew the peculiar rattle which frequently proceeds from the thorax of the royal Bengalese cat.
He quickly reflected, however, that whether it was tiger or not, it would neither be safe for him to raise an alarm, nor start to rush back to the bivouac--though this was not twenty yards from the spot. By making an attempt to retreat, he might draw the animal after him, or stumble upon it--not knowing its direction. It was to ascertain its whereabouts that he had stopped and stood listening. That once known, he might keep his place, or lake to flight--as circ.u.mstances should dictate.
Nearly a minute remained he in this irresolute att.i.tude--looking around on every side, and over the bank into the contiguous jungle; but he could see no living thing of any kind--for even the bird had long since taken its departure from the place. Still the purring continued; and once or twice the sound increased in volume--till it almost a.s.sumed the character of a "growl."
All at once, however, it came to an end; and was succeeded by a quick sharp "sniff," several times repeated. This was a more definite sound; and guided Ivan's eyes in a direction in which he had not before thought of looking. He had hitherto been reconnoitring around him and _over_ the bank. He had not thought of looking _under_ it.
In this direction were his eyes now turned; and, stooping his body, he peered into the dark subterraneous excavation which the water had caused in the alluvial earth. There, to his surprise, he beheld the author of the baritone performance that had been puzzling him.
At first he saw only a countenance of a dirty-whitish colour, with a pair of ugly glancing eyes; but, in looking more attentively, this countenance was seen to protrude out of an immense surrounding of black s.h.a.ggy hair, which could be the covering of no other animal than a bear--and a sloth bear at that?
On making this discovery, Ivan did not know whether to be merry or sad.
He would have been glad enough, had he seen the bear at a distance; but, situated as he was--with the great brute near enough to reach him at a single spring,--in fact, almost between his legs--he had little cause to congratulate himself upon the "find." Nor did he. On the contrary, he was seized with a quick perception of danger, and only thought of making his escape. He would have turned upon the instant and fled; but it occurred to him, that by doing so he would draw the bear after him; and he knew that, notwithstanding the uncouth shuffle which a bear makes in running,--and the sloth bear is the greatest "shuffler" of the family,-- he can still go too fast for a man. Should he turn his face, the bear might spring upon his back, and thus have him at his mercy.
Instead of facing away, therefore, Ivan kept his front to the bank; and with his eyes fixed upon the animal, commenced gliding backward, slowly but silently. At the same time he had cautiously raised his gun to the level--with no intention, however, of firing, but merely to be ready in case the bear should become the a.s.sailant. Otherwise, Ivan was perfectly agreeable to making it a "draw" between them.
Bruin, however, had no idea of thus giving up the game; for the fierce growl which just at that moment escaped him, signified anything but a.s.sent. On the contrary, it was the prelude to the play; and declared his intention of beginning it. Almost simultaneous with the growl, he was seen starting to his feet; and before Ivan could pull trigger, or even raise his gun to a proper elevation, a huge ma.s.s of black s.h.a.ggy hair, like a bundle of sooty rags, came whisking through the air directly towards him. Men talk of the sudden spring of the tiger, and the quick, rushing charge of the lion; but strange as it may seem, neither one nor other of these animals can charge forward on their intended victim with more celerity than a bear--clumsy and uncouth as Bruin may appear. His capacity of raising himself erect gives him this advantage; and from his great plantigrade posterior paws, combined with his powerful muscular legs, he can pitch forward with a velocity surprising as it is unexpected. This the regular bear-hunter well knows; and the knowledge renders him cautious about coming too close to a _couchant_ bear. Ivan himself knew it; and it was for this very reason he was endeavouring to widen the distance between himself and Bruin, before he should turn to run.
Unfortunately he had not succeeded in gaining sufficient ground. He was still within charging distance of the animal as it rose to its feet; but another step backward as the bear launched forth, carried him clear of the spring; and Bruin leaped short. In another instant, however, he erected himself, and again sprang forward; but this time the impetus given to his body was not so great; and, although he succeeded in closing with the young hunter, the latter was enabled to keep his feet and grapple with him in an erect att.i.tude. Had he fallen to the ground, the bear would have made short work with him.
Ivan had dropped his gun: for, not having time to raise it or take aim, the weapon was of no use. His hands were therefore free; and as the bear pitched up against him, he stretched out his arms, grasped the long hair that hung over the frontlet of the animal, and with all his might held back the monster's head with his threatening jaws.
The bear had thrown both his paws around the body of the young hunter; but a broad thick belt which the latter chanced to have on, protected his skin from the animal's claws. So long as he could hold back that open mouth, with its double rows of white sharp teeth, he had not so much to fear; but his strength could not last long against such a powerful wrestler. His only hope was that the cries which he was raising would bring the others to his a.s.sistance; and of this he had no doubt: as he already heard both Pouchskin and Alexis hurrying up towards the spot.
It was a perilous moment. The extended jaws of the bear were within twelve inches of the young hunter's face; he could feel the hot breath steaming against his cheeks, and the long extensile tongue almost touched his forehead, vibrating about in rapid sweeps, as if the animal by that means hoped to bring his head within reach!
The struggle was not protracted. It lasted till Alexis and Pouchskin came upon the ground; but not six seconds longer. The first thing that Pouchskin did was to grasp the protruding tongue of the bear in his left hand--making a half curl of it round his fingers--while with his right he plunged his long knife right between the ribs of the animal. Alexis, on the other side, dealt a blow in similar fashion; and, before either of them could draw his blade out of its hair-covered sheath, the huge mountebank relaxed his hold, and rolled over among the pebbles. There, after a few grotesque contortions his limbs lay extended and motionless, making it evident beyond a doubt, that _his_ "dancing days were over."
Our hunters did not remain at their bivouac longer than was absolutely necessary to swallow a hasty meal. They had been warned of the dangerous climate of the _Terai_, and hurrying on through it, reached the more elevated hill region before night. Journeying on, they entered the kingdom of Nepaul, among whose hills they expected to find the Thibet bear (_ursus thibeta.n.u.s_). This animal has been usually regarded as a mere variety of the _ursus arctos_; but without the slightest reason. It is an animal of more gentle habits, and exclusively a vegetarian in its diet: in colour it is black, but having a white mark on its breast shaped like a Y, the branches of the letter coming up in front of its shoulders, while the limb extends between the fore legs and halfway along the belly. The claws of the animal are small and weak; and its profile forms almost a straight line, thus essentially differing from the _ursus arctos_. It is also a much smaller animal--rarely attaining to more than half the size of the latter species, and scarce bigger than the _ursus malaya.n.u.s_, to which it bears a far greater resemblance. It is found in the mountains of Sylhet, and throughout that portion of the Himalayas enclosed within the great bend of the Brahmapootra, in Thibet, whence it derives its specific appellation. It is equally an inhabitant of the hill-country of Nepaul; and there our hunters proceeded in search of their specimen. By the help of a "Ghoorka" guide, which they had hired, they were not long in finding one; but as there was no curious or particular incident connected with its capture, the journal of Alexis is silent upon the affair: it is only recorded that the animal was started from a thicket of _rhododendron_ bushes, and shot down while endeavouring to make its escape.
Having settled their business with the Thibet bear, our hunters might have also procured another species within the territory of Nepaul--that is, the brown, or Isabella bear (_ursus isabellinus_). This they could have found by ascending to the higher ranges of the great snowy mountains that overlook Nepaul; but as they knew they should also encounter this species near the sources of the Ganges, and as they were desirous of visiting that remarkable locality, they continued on westward through Nepaul and Delhi, arriving at the health station of Mussoorie, in the beautiful valley of the Dehra Doon.
After resting here for some days, they proceeded to ascend the mountains, the lower and middle zone of which they found covered with forests of magnificent oaks, of several distinct species.
In these oak-forests, greatly to the surprise of Alexis, they heard of the existence of a large black bear, altogether different from the _ursus thibeta.n.u.s_, and equally so from the _ursus isabellinus_--a distinct species, in fact, which, though well-known to Anglo-Indian hunters, appears to have escaped the attention of naturalists.
They ascertained, moreover, that he was far from being a scarce animal, or an insignificant member of the Bruin family; in point of size, formidable strength, and ferocity of disposition, being only inferior to _ursus ferox_ and _maritimus_, and in all these qualities quite a match for the _ursus arctos_. Of his fierce nature, and the capability to do mischief, our travellers had evidence in almost every village through which they pa.s.sed. Numerous instances were brought before their notice of men who had been scratched and torn by these black bears, and some most fearfully mutilated. They saw men with their whole skin stripped from their skulls and faces; their features presenting a most hideous aspect.
This singular habit of inflicting punishment on their human enemy appears to be common to the whole bear tribe--I mean, the habit of scalping their victims, and endeavouring to disfigure the face. Not only do both the black and brown bears of the Himalayas follow this habit, but also the _ursus arctos_, the grizzly, and the white. They always aim at the head, but more especially the face; and with a single "rake" of their spread claws, usually strip off both skin and flesh.
Having accomplished this, a bear will often desist from further ill-treatment of his victims; and if the latter will but lie still and feign dead, the monster will give up mauling him, and shamble off from the ground, apparently satisfied with having taken the scalp.
This savage habit on the part of the bears our young hunters had long since noted; and that the black bear of the Himalayas followed the fashion of his kindred, they had now ample evidence.
In his other habits--which they learnt from the shikkaries, or village hunters--this bear strongly resembles the _ursus arctos_ of Northern Europe. On ordinary occasions his food consists of fruits, roots, and insects of _every_ kind he can catch--even scorpions and beetles--and where the primeval forest does not afford him full rations, he will enter the cultivated grounds and make havoc among the crops. Strange enough, he does not meddle with the wheat; though he will ravage the fields of buckwheat and barley! At night he enters the gardens contiguous to the houses, and plunders them of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. He even approaches still nearer--abstracting their honey from the tame bees--the hives of which, according to a curious custom of the hill people, are set in little indentations in the walls of their dwelling-houses.
The black bear occasionally cools his chops by munching melons and cuc.u.mbers; but he is particularly fond of a dessert of apricots--which is the most common fruit cultivated throughout the middle ranges of the Himalayas. The bear enters the apricot orchard at night; and climbing the trees, will make more havoc in a single visit than a score of schoolboys. In all the orchards, elevated crows' nests or sentry boxes are set up, specially intended for watching the bears; and at this season many of them are killed in the act of robbing.
The Himalayan black bear will eat flesh--either fresh or putrid--and when once he has got into this habit he never forsakes it, but remains a carnivorous creature for the rest of his life. He will attack the goats and sheep on the mountain pastures; and will even make inroads to the village enclosures, and destroy the animals in their very sheds! When a flock of sheep falls in his way, unless he is driven off by the shepherds, he does not content himself by killing only one, but sometimes converts a score of them into mutton.
Those bears, however, that exhibit an extreme carnivorous propensity, are certain to bring about their own destruction: as the attention of the villagers being drawn upon them, snares and baited traps are set everywhere, and they are also followed by the Shikkaries armed with their matchlock guns.
These bears often attain to an immense size--in this respect nearly equalling the _ursus arctos_, of which they cannot, however, be supposed to be a variety. Eight feet is the usual length of a full-grown specimen; and, when in a good condition, it requires a whole crowd of men to raise the carca.s.s of one of them from the ground.
Autumn is their season of greatest fatness; and especially when the acorns are getting ripe, but previous to their falling from the tree.
Then the black bears are met with in the greatest numbers, coming from all parts into the oak-forests, and climbing the trees to procure their favourite food. They do not nibble off the acorns one by one; but first break the branches which are loaded, and carry them all into one place-- generally into some fork--where, seated like squirrels, on their great hams, they can discuss the meal at their leisure. In pa.s.sing through these oak-forests, large piles of branches may be seen thus collected together on the tops of the trees--resembling the nests of rooks or magpies--which have been brought together by the bears for the purpose above stated.
When the forest lies in a district, where these bears are much hunted, they usually retire by day; and conceal themselves in their hiding-places in the thickets; but even in such forests the animals may be seen prowling about before sunset, and long after daylight in the morning.
In the higher hills and forests of the _khurso_ oak, remote from the villages, they do not even take the precaution to hide themselves, but remain all day "acorn-gathering" among the trees. It is at this season that they can be hunted with most success: since the hunter is under no necessity of tracking them, but can find his great game by simply walking quietly through the woods, and keeping a lookout overhead, just as if he were searching for squirrels.
It chanced to be the months of October when our hunters arrived at this part of the Himalayas; and having reached the region of the larger oak-forests, they commenced their search accordingly. They were extremely desirous of success; knowing how much their father would be gratified at obtaining the skin of this black bear, which being an undescribed variety, might be considered an "extra" one.