go stay must side
No, Don, you can not go with me.
You must stay here with mother.
You must take care of the baby.
You must stay by her cradle.
Take the baby with you, Grace.
She can walk by your side.
You may take the dog, too.
brook water sit
Now, baby, come with me.
You and Don may walk with me.
We will walk down by the brook.
I like to see the pretty brook.
We will sit here and look at it.
How the water runs and runs!
It runs all the time.
fall into from home
Sit here by my side, baby.
See all the water in the brook.
See how the water runs and runs.
You must not fall into it.
Water is good to drink.
We do not drink it from the brook.
The birds drink it.
Don drinks it.
How do birds drink?
How do dogs drink?
Soon we must go home.
Mother will call and we must go.
We can not stay here all the time.
The birds sing in the trees by the brook.
The rabbits come to see the water.
Don must not catch the rabbits.
yes sir school Marian
Good morning, little girl.
What is your name?
Good morning, sir.
My name is Marian.
Do you go to school?
Yes, sir, I go with my little brother.
Bennie is my brother, too.
read father gave write
What do you do at school, Marian?
Can you read? Can you write?
Yes, sir, I can read a little.
Here is my book.
My father gave it to me.
I can write, too.
Let me see how you can write.
{My name is Marian.}
You can write well, little girl.
Does your dog go to school with you?
Oh, no, no, sir!
Dogs do not care for books.
They do not read. They do not write.
The school is for boys and girls.
It is not for dogs.
Rose wagon horse fine that
What little girl is this?
Her name is Rose.
She is in her little wagon.
It is a pretty wagon.
See what a fine big horse she has.
Oh, that is not a horse.
That is a big dog.
Well, he looks a little like a horse.
Jo ho draw are where
The dog's name is Jo.
He can draw the wagon for Rose.
What a fine horse he is!
Where will he go with Rose?
He will take her to school.
Now, here we are at school.
Ho! ho, Jo!
You are a good dog, Jo.
You must not go in with me.
All the girls say, Good morning, Rose.
Good morning, girls.