Early in life I embraced a religious faith, and, seeking to obey G.o.d according to my light, connected myself with a church. Years have pa.s.sed away; experience, reflection and light from other minds have produced a radical change in my views. I stand in the eye of the world as one of a sect, but my spirit does not recognize the union. I am, from my position, subject to painful restraints. I cannot be just to the truth which is in me. The alternative, I need not say, with me is to hold fast to the popular faith or give up my bread.
I am much interested in those ideas which your a.s.sociation is attempting to find a realization of. The state of things resulting from a full expansion of the principles upon which your society is based would seem to meet many spiritual wants. I can understand that so high an aim can be reached only through lowliness of life. The prospect of becoming one day a co-worker in your cause is very agreeable to me. I should like to know that I may be permitted to cherish the idea.
With much respect,
R. Prentiss.
_Application for an Unfortunate_.
[The person who indited the following was a friend of the organization, and probably saw as well as anyone the absurdity of making a reformatory inst.i.tution of the great experiment, but from kindly and personal considerations put the question and the best face on the matter that he could.]
New York, Sept. 14, 1845.
My Dear Friend: I have been applied to by a very respectable widow lady of this city, at the instance of Dr. ---- (who it seems is fast getting over his want of sympathy for Fourier and his disciples), to see whether you will not convert Brook Farm into a sort of hospital for the cure of young men who won't mind their mothers. But, as the case is a serious one, I must treat it seriously as it deserves.
The lady is a Mrs. ----, who is connected with one or two of our wealthiest families, and who has a son about twenty-five years of age whom she desires to get a place with you.
He is said to be a person of the most kind and amiable disposition, and willing to do the hardest kind of work, but unfortunately he is surrounded by evil companions in this city, who draw him into bad habits. His mother is exceedingly distressed by his weakness, and has been counselled to send him to sea, but Dr. ---- has advised her to come to me and ask whether he could not be taken on trial at Brook Farm, in order to ascertain what might be the effect of good influences. The young man is well educated, a good accountant, has worked considerably on a farm, and is exceedingly anxious to escape from his present position, where his _infirmity of will_ betrays him under temptation. His general disposition and deportment are excellent, and under proper circ.u.mstances would make an estimable member of society.
If you have room for him, and are willing to undertake his case, his mother can contribute a few dollars a week toward paying his board, until it shall have been determined whether his longer stay would be mutually satisfactory. Should he be able to stay, no doubt his friends here would raise an amount of capital for him which might be an object worth considering.
Very sincerely yours,
P. G.o.dwin.
_Wanted to Speak against Slavery_.
Collinsville, CT., March 22, 1844.
Friends: I call all people friends who have for their object the elevation of the human race and are opposed to all oppression in any form, who do not wish to build up one cla.s.s at the expense of the other.
I have been reading on the subject of a.s.sociation for the last six months all the publications I could find, which has pleased me much. I think it is just such a system that is wanted. Ma.s.sachusetts being my native state, and also being acquainted with the vicinity of Roxbury, which I think is a delightful place, especially in the summer, I thought that I would write you to inquire if you have an opening for any more this spring providing I can bring recommendations to your satisfaction.
I was brought up a farmer; the last twelve years I have been to work in a scythe shop. I have a wife--no children. My wife is a tailoress, makes all kinds of men's clothing and is acquainted with all kinds of housework. We are both forty-two years of age. I shall want to buy four hundred dollars' worth of stock and pay for it when I join. If I am rightly informed of your system, it does not interfere with anyone's religion or his politics. Being an abolitionist, I shall want the privilege of voting and speaking against slavery in every respect.
Please write me as soon as you receive this and inform me what recommendations will be required and all other particulars.
Respectfully yours, James C. Smith.
_From a Wesleyan_.
Trinity, Newfoundland, June 30, 1845.
Sir: Having been informed by Mr. Brisbane that an establishment on the united interest principle has been commenced near Boston, I hasten to address you to inform you that for some years I have felt impressed with its superiority to the individual system; and have been, and still am, anxious to engage heart and soul in so good a cause. I have been in this country between four and five years, and have a comfortable situation; but feeling confident of the ultimate advantage of an a.s.sociation, and feeling a.s.sured that I could render myself valuable in such an establishment, I prefer casting my lot with those who feel desirous of acting for the restoration of man.
I have to inform you that from my youth I have chiefly engaged in the dry goods business, ironmongery, grocery, etc., and have a general knowledge of trade. I am of industrious habits and with an active turn of mind, and together with my wife, I may justly say, few will be found more useful and desirous of acting for the general good. I am about forty-two years of age, and my wife is a little older; my son is fourteen, and we are fully prepared for active life. I have no knowledge of any mechanical trade, but am fond of it as well as agriculture and gardening; I possess a fair share of health; am fond of writing and bookkeeping; only occasionally disposed to gaiety, but rather for scientific relaxation; not fanatical in religion, but a regarder of the great commandments and charitable for the feelings and the convictions of others.
I have, sir, given you an unvarnished statement with regard to myself, and I should feel obliged by your informing me at your earliest convenience if myself, wife and son can be admitted by my investing two hundred dollars for the furnishing of the apartment a.s.signed to us. Are there any Wesleyans with you, and what is the distance to the Wesleyan chapel?--as my wife is a member of that body. From what I have learned from Mr. Brisbane's letter and newspaper he was kind enough to send me, I should judge your establishment to be such as we could safely and comfortably join, and I trust you will give me in your answer additional reason to think so.
I remain, sir,
Your obedient servant,
H. Gawler.
_From a Printer_.
Bangor, ME., Jan. 1, 1845.
_Mr. George Ripley_,
Dear Sir: While on a visit to Brook Farm a.s.sociation last August, it was intimated to me that it was probable, on the completion of the arrangements then in progress for the accommodation of an additional number of members, that a printing press might be introduced, a weekly paper published and something done at the printing business generally; further, that though there were two or three practical printers in the a.s.sociation, yet others in all likelihood would also be required; in which case, a selection from the number of candidates would be made.
Should it be the intention to adopt the plan, which was then in doubt, I beg most respectfully to present myself as a candidate for the acceptance of the a.s.sociation.
I am at present situated as foreman of a daily paper in Bangor, and previous to this time, have had a somewhat varied experience in other branches of the business. Though now rather favorably located, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, yet I would prefer a thousand times mingling even in the struggles of an infant a.s.sociation, founded upon what I deem to be substantial principles, than the most desirable possession in an overgrown and distorted civilization.
Touching the requisite of character, I believe I can make out a case in my favor; but with respect to capital--when I say I am a _printer_, I say also that I am in the predicament of the most of my profession, with nothing to recommend us but a willing heart and a ready hand; albeit, if the taking of one share of a hundred dollars will ent.i.tle me to membership, the amount may be forthcoming.
With sentiment of great respect, I have the honor to be, sir, Yours most obediently, etc.,
George Bayne, Jr.
_A Wife's Eloquent Appeal._
Kingston, Sept. 5, 1845.
_Mr. George Ripley_,
Sir: After taking the _Phalanx_ and the _Harbinger_ and visiting Brook Farm, our attachment and love for a.s.sociated life has become so strong, and the idea of our present life so cold and to a benevolent mind so difficult, that I very much doubt of remaining any longer happy in our present state. For these reasons I write to inform you that we wish to make an application to be received as members of--so it looks to us--your happy a.s.sociation; and, "delays being dangerous," we would ask an answer soon to it, as, living on a farm, it is necessary to know whether we shall dispose of our crops, cattle, etc., in the market, or store them in barn and cellar for another _lonely_ winter--so my husband expresses it; though I a.s.sure you it is not lonely for lack of numbers, but he is doubtless expressing the feeling many of us have experienced of solitude in the midst of a crowd of uncongenial spirits.
As it is a busy time--we have to work from 5 A.M. until late at night, with scarce a moment to rest our weary limbs--it is not convenient to visit you personally; we wish you to return us a written letter stating whether we can have any encouragement and what are the requirements.
Being strangers to you we would probably need recommendation.
Thus far I have acted as amanuensis for my husband. Hoping that it may not offend, I now address you of and from myself.
Elizabeth Brewster, _for Elisha Brewster._
_Mr. Ripley,_
Dear Sir: In the cause my husband urges I would plead. Had I skill I would do so with all the eloquence ascribed to woman's tongue; nay, more, had I an angel's tongue tipped with burning eloquence, I would exert its utmost efforts to urge my husband's suit. I feel deeply that his present and future earthly happiness depends on what answer may be received from you. That is saying much, but I believe it is strictly true. And if his happiness depends on it, surely that of the rest must, for what happiness does a woman desire but that of those connected with her? Husband has been for three years a devoted a.s.sociationist; his whole heart and mind have been with them and he has ardently desired the a.s.sociative life.
Not so myself. I was willing, it is true, to go anywhere he desired and would be happy where he was happy, but I dreaded to leave such a beautiful home, for the place we would leave is no ordinary one. The prospect from it is considered as almost without a parallel. We have plenty of fruit, flowers, fine grove and shade trees, in fact everything to make rural life agreeable and we know how to appreciate a beautiful location and prospect. Then I have had a fear of being a pioneer, lest there should be too heavy work or duties imposed or required of me. Such ideas combined, prevented me from seeing unitary life as one ought who knows that it is in the form of a heavenly society, and that as we desire perfection here on earth we must imitate the heavenly model.