Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World - Chapter 2189: People From the Battle Corpse Sect

Chapter 2189: People From the Battle Corpse Sect

Chapter 2189: People From the Battle Corpse Sect

Lin Fengs group were closely observing the river in front of them. They were a.s.signed to a river near Ghost Child City. This river was the source of water for the citys inhabitants.

This river was very crucial to the survival of Ghost Child City. Because of this, Lin Fengs group was a.s.signed to keep a close watch on it. Lin Fengs group was only one of the groups monitoring the river.

After standing around for a while and seeing nothing on the river, Lin Feng couldnt help but knit his brows. He looked at the river that was about a hundred meters wide and said, We cant go on like this. Lets head to the river and see. That way we can see more clearly.

Everyone agreed. Lin Feng looked at Zhao Hai and said, Little Ling, what do you think?

Last time, when dealing with the Green Zombie Gang, Lin Feng was already convinced of Zhao Hais skills. Moreover, Lin Feng was also aware that Zhao Hai was good friends with Shen Yue. Therefore, he always maintained a level of respect towards Zhao Hai.

Hearing this, Zhao Hai immediately said, Ill follow whatever Senior Brother Ling says. However, I could see that the other groups have the same idea. Im afraid it wont be easy to find a boat right now. We might as well make a raft and go to the water.

Lin Feng looked around and couldnt see a single boat. He nodded and said, Alright. We need to observe the river more closely. Everyone, lets make a raft. Everyone complied and immediately cut down trees and made rafts.

For cultivators, cutting trees was very easy. Before long, a wide raft was built. Although they dont specialize in making rafts, the raft made by Lin Fengs group looked st.u.r.dy.

The raft was pushed into the river and then everyone stood on it. They werent trained sailors, so they couldnt control the raft properly. However, this didnt hinder the group. After casting a few spells, the raft began to move freely in the water.

Lin Feng and the others were carefully inspecting the water. However, besides Zhao Hai, none of them saw the seed of the plant. Therefore, even if it was in front of their eyes, they wouldnt know. As long as the seeds havent germinated, n.o.body would know that they were already in the river.

However, as Zhao Hai looked at the river, he didnt find any seeds of the plant. It seems like Ghost Child City was quite far from the Water Ghost Sect. The seeds of the plant havent reached here yet.

After running along the river a few times, Lin Feng and the others began to relax. They controlled the raft to return to the sh.o.r.e. After reaching land, Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief and said, Fortunately, we didnt see any of those plants. To be honest, that plant looks powerful. The one that the Gang Leader took out was clearly about to die. Even so, I feel very uncomfortable in its presence. What would it look like when its healthy?

Everyone nodded. They were all ghost cultivators. It was natural that they were uncomfortable in the presence of the light element plant.

At this time, another group of people came from the distance. There were people dressed in yellow cultivators robes. A bell was hung from their waists. Behind them were quite large leather bags. The mouth of the leather bags were tied tightly.

Seeing the Ghost Cultivators, Lin Fengs complexion couldnt help but change, It seems like the situation is larger than we thought. Even the Battle Corpse Sect sent people. Be careful of your speech later, dont offend the cultivators from the Battle Corpse Sect.

As soon as the people behind Lin Feng heard that the people approaching them were from the Battle Corpse Sect, they couldnt help but be stunned. Then their expressions became unnatural. Some of them were excited while some were retrained.

Looking at the tense people, Lin Feng couldnt help but sigh in his heart. To be honest, this was also his reaction the first time he saw cultivators from the Battle Corpse Sect. But later on, he didnt really care about them.

Before long, the group arrived near Lin Feng and the others. Of the group five were wearing yellow clothing while the other five were from the Ghost Child Gang. Moreover, the five were elder-level people. These Elders who were usually lofty in the gang were currently wearing fawning smiles as they talked with the yellow-robed individuals.

When the group walked up to Lin Fengs group, Lin Feng hurriedly bowed and said, Ghost Child Gangs Lin Feng has seen the Esteemed Sirs and the Elders.

The Battle Corpse Sect Cultivators didnt respond, as though they didnt hear Lin Feng. Only the Ghost Child Gang Elder opened his mouth and said, Lin Feng, whats the situation of the river?

Lin Feng replied, I couldnt see anything abnormal with the river. We also made a raft to go around the river, but we still didnt see anything.

The Elder nodded, then he turned his head to the Battle Corpse Sect cultivators and said, Esteemed Sirs, our Ghost Child Gang is quite far from the Water Ghost Sect. It wouldnt be easy for the plant to reach this place. But Sirs can rest a.s.sured, as soon as something happens here, we will immediately report to you.

The Battle Corpse Cultivator nodded, he glanced at Lin Feng and then back at the Ghost Child Gang Elder and said, In addition to paying attention to the plants, you should also pay attention to any strangers that come to Ghost Child Gang. Has there been anyone like that in the past few months?

Upon hearing the Battle Corpse Sect cultivator, the people from the Ghost Child Gang stared. Then they looked at each other in confusion. To be honest, although Zhao Hai didnt progress much when he arrived at the Ghost Child Gang, everything he did for the gang made everyone forget that he was a newcomer. He has now established his position in the gang. It was naturally that n.o.body would treat him as a stranger.

The Ghost Child Gang Elder was also the same. He looked at the Battle Corpse Sect Cultivators and then said, Replying to Sir. You should have heard about the situation of the Ghost Child Gang. A lot of people arrive in the city every day. The volume of people coming in and out of the city is a lot. Moreover, we havent found any suspicious people.

The Battle Corpse Sect cultivator also knew about the Ghost Child Gangs situation. The Ghost Child Gang was different from other gangs. Other cities wouldnt allow people to freely come in and out. Meanwhile, the Ghost Child Gang allows rogue cultivators to enter the city. It was impossible for the Ghost Child Gang to monitor every single visitor.

Because of this, the Battle Corpse Sect cultivator just nodded and said, Alright, just pay close attention to anything special. If you discover someone suspicious, report immediately to us. The Ghost Child Gang Elder complied. Then the group continued their walk.

Looking at the backs of the five Battle Corpse Sect cultivators, Zhao Hai sighed. To be honest, the Ghost Child Gangs strength wasnt bad. It had several experts at the Teleportation Stage. The five people from the Battle Corpse Sect were mostly Earth Monarchs. Two of them were even in the Soul Fusion Stage. In terms of cultivation, they were much lower than the Ghost Child Gang elders.

But even so, the elder of the Ghost Child Gang has to lower himself in front of the Battle Corpse Sect cultivators. This was because standing behind the five was a huge sect. The Ghost Child Gang cant afford to offend the Battle Corpse Sect.

Sects were too important for cultivators. It is no wonder that there are a lot of people who want to join a sect.

When the group of Battle Corpse cultivators walked away, Lin Feng said, Lets go back and report.

Everyone complied. They also looked at the Battle Corpse Sect cultivators in the distance with envy. Most of them were born from rogue cultivator families. Being able to be led around by an elder who fawned over them was their dream. But now, they could only envy other people.

Zhao Hai followed Lin Feng and the others to return to the Ghost Child Gang. At this time, there were also other groups who returned. Hearing that Zhao Hai and the others met with Battle Corpse Sect cultivators, the others couldnt help but be excited. They repeatedly asked them questions regarding the sect cultivators.

Zhao Hai also told those who were familiar with him about the Battle Corpse Sect cultivators. Naturally, he also sported an envious look. For Zhao Hai who was very good at acting, describing his envy was not a problem.

The Battle Corpse Sect cultivators didnt stay long in the Ghost Child Gang. After finding out that there was nothing abnormal with the Ghost Child Gang, they left immediately. They seem to be in a hurry.

Zhao Hai saw from the reaction of the Battle Corpse Sect that the underground world has attached great importance to the sudden appearance of the plants. Most importantly, from what Zhao Hai heard using the s.p.a.ce, the sects were beginning to suspect that someone was up to mischief. So, from now on, Zhao Hai needed to be more careful in his actions.

Zhao Hais life pa.s.sed quietly in the next period of time. Besides heading to the river to inspect, the rest of the time was spent doing missions and cultivating. In the eyes of the Ghost Child Gang members, Zhao Hai was a cultivation madman. Even the more resolute members of the gang cant stand such a boring life. However, Zhao Hai managed to push through. This caused people to admire Zhao Hai, especially those who joined the Ghost Child Gang later on.

The newer members of the Ghost Child Gang still recognized Zhao Hai. This was because they saw Zhao Hai doing missions before joining the gang. They also knew that Zhao Hai came to Ghost Child Gang later than them. Even so, he joined the gang first.

Cultivators werent people who were easily convinced. When Zhao Hai joined the Ghost Child Gang, there were naturally people who didnt believe in him. But by the time they joined the Ghost Child Gang, Zhao Hais position had already been solidified, so they didnt dare offend him. Despite that, they were still unconvinced.

But when they noticed how Zhao Hai cultivated and took missions, their doubts about his abilities slowly vanished. They knew that they couldnt be as hardworking as Zhao Hai. They couldnt help but look up to him.