Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World - Chapter 2186: Returning to the Ghost Child Gang

Chapter 2186: Returning to the Ghost Child Gang

Chapter 2186: Returning to the Ghost Child Gang

Zhao Hai didnt tell the Yin Yang Elders about his entry into the underground world, so the two didnt know. And since Zhao Hai was back, the Yin Elder was bound to ask.

Therefore, after giving his greetings, Zhao Hai said, Masters, actually, I didnt return from the Long Clan. Ive been spending my time in the underground world.

The Yin Yang Elders stared, the Yang Elder looked at Zhao Hai and said, What are you doing in the underground world? I know that you have a spatial ability, but can you casually go to the underground world? Even Diamond Stage experts wont enter the underground world without thinking. Youre too bold.

The Yin Elder smiled and said, Alright. Let Little Hai talk.

Zhao Hai nodded, then he said, Masters, I was thinking about the face that the sect lost when the Ghost Cultivators attacked us. I wouldnt be able to calm down if we didnt retaliate against them. So, I went to the underground world.

Hearing Zhao Hai, the Yin Yang Elders gave a satisfied nod. Zhao Hai already joined the Long Clan, but he still regarded himself as a Tyrant Blade Sect disciple. This was a very rare trait.

Seeing the two elders reaction, Zhao Hai continued, After I arrived in the underground world, I took on the ident.i.ty of a Rogue Cultivator. Then I joined a gang. I have already established myself in that gang. I also found a target. Its the Water Ghost Sect.

Upon hearing this, the Yin Elder couldnt help but frown as he said, The Water Ghost Sect isnt easy to deal with. Their usage of water element techniques is extraordinary. Although there arent a lot of them, n.o.body wanted to confront them.

Zhao Hai nodded. Then he told the two elders about the information he was able to scrounge up in the last few days. As soon as they heard Zhao Hai, the Yin Yang Elders were shocked. They didnt think Zhao Hai to have done so much research.

After Zhao Hai was finished, the Yin Elde said, How do you plan to deal with the Water Ghost Sect? In the Yin Elders mind, Zhao Hai has observed the Water Ghost Sect for a long time, so his plan shouldnt just be killing one or two Water Ghost Sect disciples. Zhao Hai should be planning something bigger.

Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, Master, I like to collect plants as a hobby. I happen to collect a special plant that grows very fast. Most importantly, it is a light element plant. It can release light element qi to the surroundings. The Water Ghost Sect depends on the Water Ghost Lake for its defense. If the ghosts in the lake were to be purified, even if we dont make a move, the Water Ghost Sect will be in a fatal situation.

Hearing Zhao Hais words, the Yin Yang Elders breathed in cold air. Although Zhao Hais plan seemed simple, it was an extermination plan. If Zhao Hais plan succeeds, the Water Ghost Sect will be wiped off from the underground world.

Thinking of the outcome, the Elders couldnt hide their excited expressions. The Yin Elder looked at Zhao Hai and said, Are you confident in your plan?

Zhao Hai replied, It will succeed. The plant propagates extremely fast. Each plant can release a hundred thousand seeds in a short time. As long as the seeds germinate, Water Ghost Lake will be filled in it. The Water Ghost Sect wouldnt be able to respond in time.

The Yang Elder replied, What happens if the Water Ghost Sect discovers the seeds before they sprout?

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, Thats impossible. The seed is too small. Moreover, the more yin qi is around the seed, the faster it will germinate. After growing, it will reach maturity in a short time and produce more seeds. Even if the water ghosts in the lake dont get wiped out by the time the plants get discovered, there wont be many ghosts left. Moreover, once the enemy discovers what happened in the lake, they wouldnt let go of this opportunity to get rid of the Water Ghost Sect. In any case, even if the sect doesnt get wiped out, our goal of retaliation would be reached.

The Yang Elder nodded, Good, your plan is good. But you must remember that your life is more important than a thousand of those ghost b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. You cannot risk exposing yourself, understand?

Zhao Hai nodded, Master can rest a.s.sured. I know what to do.

The Yang Elder nodded, Rest here for a few days before returning to the Long Clan. I must say, the Long Clan is really treating you well.

Zhao Hai smiled and said, Master, dont worry. Even if I do well in the Long Clan, I wont forget that Im a disciple of the Tyrant Blade Sect.

The Yin Elder replied, You might not know this, but the Long Clan has arranged people from your realm to various sects through their means. What achievements they will have in the future will depend on their talents. You dont have to see them. The more you meet them, the more you will be worried. To be honest, the people in your previous realm dont have much potential. They wouldnt be able to help you with anything. Moreover, if you let your enemies know about your relations.h.i.+p with them, they would certainly find ways to deal with them.

Zhao Hai nodded and said, I will keep that in mind. The Yin Elder nodded and then waved his hand. Zhao Hai respectfully left.

When Zhao Hai left, the Yin Elder looked at the Yang Elder and said, Old Yang, do you think that Little Hais plan would succeed?

The Yang Elder replied, It might succeed. After all, we havent heard of such a plant before, much less others. If he can succeed, then it would be great for us.

The Yin Elder smiled faintly and said, Little Hais means are formidable. With the kind of person Little Hai is, he wouldnt carelessly report to us if he isnt confident. So, Im optimistic of his success.

The Yang Elder nodded. He couldnt help but laugh as he said, If those ghost b.a.s.t.a.r.ds in the underground world know that Little Hai is about to overturn their world, I wonder what their expression will be.

The Yin Elder also laughed. Although Zhao Hai has yet to make a huge noise in the underground world, the two elders believed that it wouldnt be long before Zhao Hai turned their heaven and earth upside down.

In the following days, Zhao Hai accompanied the Yin Yang Elders in residence number 52. The Yin Yang Elders also advised Zhao Hai about cultivation.

Although Zhao Hai has rich experience, the time he cultivated wasnt very long compared to the thousands of years of experience that the Yin Yang Elders had. The two elders had a lot of insight into things that Zhao Hai has yet to research.

After staying in the Tyrant Blade Sect for a few days, Zhao Hai returned to the Long Clan. The Long Clan was still the same as the time Zhao Hai left. There were still children practicing in the courtyard. And like Zhao Hai told Long Tian, Laura and the others were better teachers than him. The childrens martial arts were progressing very well.

As he stayed in the Long Clan, Zhao Hai chatted several times with Long Tian. Naturally, he didnt tell him about his plan to retaliate against the Water Ghost Sect. Instead, he only told Long Tian that he had set foot in the underground world and had joined a gang.

Hearing this, Long Tian was naturally surprised. He didnt expect Zhao Hai to reach this point. But at the same time, he was happy. Now that Zhao Hai has anch.o.r.ed himself in the underground world, it would be more convenient for him to get to know the ghost cultivators. The Long Clan could also get a lot of information from Zhao Hai.

After a few days, Zhao Hai returned to the underground. The first thing he did upon returning to the underground world was releasing seeds in Water Ghost Lake. Zhao Hai stayed for some time to observe how the seeds would adapt to the Water Ghost Lakes environment. Much to Zhao Hais surprise, the moment the seeds touched the lake, they seemed like babies seeing their mothers b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The seeds crazily absorbed the yin qi in the river and nourished themselves.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhao Hai was dumbfounded, then he became elated. From what he could see, the plants were extremely compatible with yin qi. The moment these plants grow, the Water Ghost Sect will be finished.

Now that the seeds have been spread, Zhao Hai left Water Ghost Lake. Then he immediately returned to the Ghost Child Gang and announced the end of his seclusion.

Zhao Hai chose this time to return because he didnt want anyone to suspect him. If he went out after the Water Ghost Sect suffered a calamity, then people might have thoughts. Although the possibility of this was very low, Zhao Hai didnt want to take the risk.

Zhao Hais seclusion lasted around two months. When he came out, he discovered a huge change to the Ghost Child Gang. There were a lot of new faces in the gang. They should be the newly received disciples of the gang. Moreover, Blood Child City has officially become a branch hall of the Ghost Child Gang.

In the underground world, there were huge benefits to holding a city. Even if a war resulted in a lot of losses to the winning side, Red Goblins would still make up the majority of manpower. Therefore, the city could still operate at full strength after a full out war. This was also the reason why two warring sides dont kill Red Goblins during conflicts. The goblin slaves would allow the winning side to increase their income in a short period of time.

It was precisely because of this that cities in the underground world were under constant attacks. Everybody wanted to swallow their neighbors. Getting a hold of another city was equivalent to having another goose that lays golden eggs.