Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World - Chapter 2183: Secret Passage Discovered

Chapter 2183: Secret Passage Discovered

Chapter 2183: Secret Pa.s.sage Discovered

Ling Feng waved his hand and said, Alright, both of you can stop being polite. Li Mu, tell me about the situation. How many Green Zombie Gang members are still resisting?

Hearing Ling Feng, Li Mu quickly replied, Senior Brother, the Green Zombie Gang are basically eliminated. Only a small number of people are left resisting.

Hearing this, Li Mu nodded and said, Good. Well walk through the city to see if there are any fishes that managed to slip through.

Li Mu shook his head and said, Theres no use. There are almost no Green Zombie Gang members remaining in the outskirts of the city. Only the inner city has some resistance left.

Ling Fend smiled and said, You really know how to boast. Even if you said that, we still ran into a Green Zombie Gang member. So dont dare tell us that there are no people left in the outer parts.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldnt help but frown as he replied, Really? Senior Brother Ling, we have searched the city several times. If you ran into someone, its possible that they used a secret pa.s.sage. We need to look more carefully.

When Lin Feng heard this, he couldnt help but stare for a moment. Then his expression turned serious as he said, So its like that. Good, then well go back immediately. After saying that, he turned his horse around and hurried towards the location where Zhao Hai fought the Green Zombie Gang member.

Zhao Hai and the others also followed behind. Before long, they arrived at the location of the battle. Then the group went to the place the Green Zombie Gang member appeared from.

The courtyard wasnt big. Moreover, it looked like every other courtyard. It was so simple that people wouldnt spare it a glance. Seeing the courtyard, Zhao Hai and the others couldnt help but be even more worried. Places like these were very easy to ignore.

With a serious voice, Ling Feng said, Search it for me. I want to see the secrets behind this courtyard. The group complied and immediately looked around the courtyard.

Zhao Hai also looked around the courtyard. The courtyard was too simple. Most importantly, the items in the courtyard were cleaned deliberately, which was abnormal. But because of how it was set up, the people from the Ghost Child Gang only glanced at it without suspecting anything.

Only after carefully looking could one see differences. This difference was what made Ling Feng and the others worried. This was because everything was too clean. There were almost no traces inside the courtyard. They were unable to find any clues.

It didnt take long before Zhao Hai explored the whole courtyard. The courtyard was small. One could see everything in a very small time. Despite this, Zhao Hai and the others couldnt find anything.

Ling Feng frowned as he looked at the courtyard. He was also aware that n.o.body had found anything. After a while, Ling Feng said, We need to dig everything up. Its impossible for there to be no secret pa.s.sages. The guy who fought with us cant be hiding here all this time.

Everyone nodded. Although the courtyard was very small, it was fully furnished. It had a living room, bedroom, and kitchen. And every room looked like a place ordinary people could live in. It had nothing special to it at all.

However, Zhao Hai felt that something wasnt right. As he observed the courtyard, he scanned the kitchen, bedroom, and everything else. But after some time, Zhao Hais instincts told him that something was special in the kitchen.

Just as Ling Feng was about to order people to dig up the place, Zhao Hai quickly said, Senior Brother, wait. I found something.

Upon hearing Zhao Hai, Ling Feng couldnt help but stare. Then he immediately asked, What is it?

Zhao Hai gestured towards the kitchen and said, The water jar in the kitchen is suspicious.

As soon as they heard Zhao Hai, Ling Feng and the others looked at the jar in the kitchen. But they couldnt see anything special with the jar. Zhao Hai pointed towards the jar and said, Everything in the kitchen is fixed. Only the jar could be moved around or broken. Generally, jars need to be movable. However, the jar in the kitchen is embedded into the ground. I reckon theres something underneath the jar.

Ling Feng and the others were stunned as they listened to Zhao Hai. However, they also felt that it was reasonable. Although they were cultivators, they also needed to live. They might not prepare food, but it was rare for a cultivator to be unaware of whats inside a kitchen. Whether it be in the True Spirit Realm or the Underground World, there are no techniques to produce food.

Everyone has jars of water in their kitchens. But whether a jar was fixed or movable, n.o.body would pay attention.

Ling Feng and the others gathered around the jar and looked through it twice. Then Ling Feng nodded and said, Good, its as you said. After saying that, he raised his hand and was about to break the jar.

Zhao Hai quickly stopped Ling Feng, who looked at him in confusion. Zhao Hai explained, Since the Green Zombie Gang designed the secret pa.s.sage here, they would certainly build countermeasures. In that case, the consequences might be undesirable if were rough.

Ling Feng felt that Zhao Hai made sense. Then Zhao Hai said, And if the secret pa.s.sage does exist, they would have experts protecting it. Im afraid our group wouldnt be enough.

Ling Feng suddenly realized the gravity of the situation. He almost forgot. If the other party arranged experts in the underground pa.s.sage, then Ling Feng and the others would be courting death if they pushed in.

Thinking of this, the way Ling Feng looked at Zhao Hai changed. He turned to Zhao Hai and said, Zhao Ling, whats your opinion on this matter?

Zhao Hai smiled and said, Senior Brother, I happen to understand a bit about mechanisms. Go and inform the Sect Master about the secret pa.s.sage. Ask them how to proceed. Meanwhile, Ill see if I can crack this mechanism open.

Ling Feng nodded, Alright. A few of you accompany Zhao Ling here. Junior Brother Ling, Ill leave this place to you. Try and see if you can do something about the mechanism.

Zhao Hai nodded, Yes, Senior Brother. You can rest a.s.sured.

Ling Feng nodded, then he turned around and left. Zhao Hai began to examine the water jar. Like ordinary jars, it has a huge s.p.a.ce inside. It was also clean. It didnt look anything special. After examining the jar, Zhao Hai didnt find anything. But after looking inside, Zhao Hai discovered a small crack at the very bottom of the jar. Zhao Hai couldnt help but give a satisfied nod.

Zhao Hai tried to grab the jar, but it didnt move. Zhao Hai couldnt help but frown. Zhao Hai might know a lot about mechanisms, but every sect has their own way of doing things. There are infinite ways of creating mechanisms. If given enough time, Zhao Hai could try different methods one by one. However, it was clear that Zhao Hai didnt have a lot of time. In the end, Zhao Hai decided to do the easiest method of figuring out the mechanism. That method was asking the cultivator from the Green Zombie Gang.

Of course, Zhao Hai could ask the Green Zombie Gang cultivator before this. However, Zhao Hai wanted to find the secret pa.s.sage on his own first. But since there was no time, he has no choice but ask the Green Zombie Gang member inside the s.p.a.ce.

Before long, Zhao Hai acquired his answer. However, Zhao Hai didnt show it. He continued to scrutinize the jar repeatedly.

Before long, Zhong Busan arrived along with some experts from the Ghost Child Gang. Zhong Busan looked at Zhao Hai who was carefully observing the tank and nodded. Although this was Zhao Hais first gang mission, he already did a perfect job. n.o.body could find fault with him.

Zhong Busan was also happy. If he missed Zhao Hai, then the Ghost Child Gang might have lost a lot. Seeing that Zhao Hai didnt get up even if the gang leader had arrived, some of the experts stepped forward to scold him. However, under Zhong Busans glare, they stopped and quickly retreated.

Zhong Busan looked at Zhao Hai with a smile on his face. The people around him already had thoughts in their minds when they saw Zhong Busans expression. They understood that Zhao Hai had won the gang leaders approval. Zhao Hai would certainly soar in the future. It would be a good idea to draw Zhao Hai early.

Zhao Hai was long aware that Zhong Busan has arrived. However, he didnt react and continued to inspect the water jar. He wanted to see how Zhong Busan would react.

After a while, Zhao Hai seemed to recover from his concentration and noticed Zhong Busans presence. He quickly bowed and said, Ive seen the gang leader. I didnt notice that youve arrived. Please forgive me.

Zhong Busan waved his hand and said, Alright, dont be polite. Lets talk about what you found out.

Zhao Hai quickly replied, Yes. If Im not mistaken, this is a human code lock mechanism.

Zhong Busan looked at Zhao Hai in confusion, Human code lock? Why have I never heard of this before?

Zhao Hai smiled and said, Its a special lock. Actually, these locks were usually used by ordinary people. But here, the lock has been improved. Thats the reason it looks like this. To open this lock, one shouldnt use spiritual qi. You also couldnt move it using your physical strength. You need a specific code in order to open the lock. If you use force to break the lock, it will explode with terrifying strength. So, Ill have to ask the gang leader to give me more time.