Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils - Chapter 6.2

Chapter 6.2

Part 1

*山寨 lost me. It means "fortified cottage village", and just how does that fit in here? So I just put village in the sentence

*丟你一個甲骨文就夠你玩兒一輩子. The last two paragraphs didn't make much sense to me lol

*沙 – Tsarist Russia. See here for detailed info.

*只當是還個人情 – this was my best shot

TL Note: I’ve changed my style in translating. I’ll be prioritizing overall understandability more from now on, so there will be fewer in-line notes and it might not be completely accurate (as usual).

Anyways, sorry for the hiatus. I’m actually still busy, but I felt like it’s been too long since I posted anything, so here. I’m 50% done with the second part, so that might be posted next week or soon.

The next part is more meng, so watch out!

If you spot any errors, feel free to let me know. And remember, if you’re not at Corensi’ Corner while reading this, then you’re being a leech on an aggregator.