Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils - Chapter 7.2

Chapter 7.2

*This was a tricky sentence. It would be more accurate to TL it as: "The emotion in his eyes (眼神/yǎn shén) was serious as he looked at An-An's eyes (雙眼/shuāng yǎn). But as I've said before, I'm going to prioritize readability and coherence.

*onomatopoeia for smacking the lips

TL Note: From now on, I’m keeping the pinyin of some t.i.tles. Like Dad -> Baba. This is to get a more child-like feel when an-An is speaking. I’ll go back to edit the last chapters to reflect this change.

Anyways, this chapter is a giant dose of fluff courtesy of the little bun! Gahhh, my heart!