Bringing Culture to a Different World - Chapter 871: , such a powerful force

Chapter 871: , such a powerful force

Chapter 871: Chapter 875, such a powerful force

The next day, silky returned to the consciousness space of the world tree.

Only the two of you are here today?

Joshua was holding a paintbrush and floating in the sky above the town that silky had made yesterday. He spent the whole morning simplifying the buildings that silky had made yesterday.

Today, only two sublimates visited the consciousness space, the mistress silky and the master jinze Joshua stared at the door behind silky, but he did not see any other sublimates until silky closed the door.

Let me guess your other clansmen refused to come because our own energy is not enough, why should we waste it on outsiders?

Joshua landed in front of the two sublimators and imitated someones tone to guess the reason why there were only the two of them today.

The solemn expression on Jinzes face was replaced by surprise when he heard Joshuas words.

Guardian, how How did you know?

Jinze, who was the masters father, looked a little tired. He did not look like he had rested for a whole day.

Because your clansmen said so themselves.Joshua floated in the air and made a locking gesture with the index and thumb of his hands. The Little Gift I gave you is not as simple as opening the door.

Youre spying on us?The silver yarn instantly understood the meaning behind Joshuas words.

My spies will only appear in your so-called public areas.

Joshua landed on the ground again. Yesterday, when he asked White Moon about the sublimatorsenergy crisis, Joshua had been monitoring the situation in the sanctum.

In the end, after the silver yarn and Kanazawa returned to the sanctum, some of the sublimators who followed the silver yarn chose to give up, while others publicly criticized the silver yarn for this waste of energybehavior.

The Society of the sublimates was more equal than what Joshua had imagined and this was also the disadvantage of equality, which was that the speed of mobilizing manpower during wartime was too slow.

We didnt expect to complete your request, guardian it would take so much energy.Kanazawas voice was apologetic. Every brick and material of these buildings is equivalent to using our lives to build them.

During these few days, Joshua had a general understanding of the personalities of these two sublimates. Master Jinze was a middle-of-the-road ruler. He was already used to being at ease like most sublimates, he only hoped that he could settle for the status quo.

Therefore, Jinzes words were meant to tell Joshua and the others that they wanted to give up.

I didnt say that I wanted to use your lives to build a house. Do I look like a black-hearted employer?

Joshua felt that his voice sounded very sincere, but when both silver veil and Jinze heard his question, their expressions seemed to say, Isnt that right?.

When I first met you, I already said that all the energy needed to build a model would be provided by me.Joshua repeated the suggestion that they could not refuse.

Ordinary magic power can not become our food.

Of course, silver veil remembered Joshuas promise, but she did not believe that he could do it.

Ive heard from White Moon that the purer the emotion, the purer the power, right?Joshua asked.

Yes, but the only way I can think ofsilver veil paused for a moment and then started to give Joshua a suggestion, Is to lock a group of human prisoners in the dungeon and torture them.

About that lets demonstrate it, White Moon!

Joshua directly shouted at the building behind him, and the blue-haired sublimator girl stuck her head out of a room.

Mistress, is your body okay?

She seemed to have just woken up, but when she saw the silver yarn, she immediately ran to her.

No problem, White Moon, your physical body is still at the place where the mission was carried out?The silver yarn only then remembered that she still had a lost sublimator at home.

Her physical body is the place where I let you absorb energy. You sublimators should be able to exchange bodies with each other, right?

Joshua pointed at the silver yarn and Baiyue. The silver yarn and Baiyue looked at each other. Before Baiyue could say anything the silver yarns finger had already embedded itself into her arm.

I hope you wont disappoint me,the silver yarn said.


Silver veil opened her eyes. There was an unfamiliar ceiling above her.

She had not moved in this body for almost a hundred years. After Silver Veils consciousness entered this body, she first regained her sight, then her sense of taste and touch.

Finally, silver veil slowly felt the existence of this bodys sense of hearing.

Youre Awake?

Silver veil heard an unfamiliar voice. When she turned her head, she saw Jose who was sitting by the bed.

She controlled this body to climb up from the bed. When her arm had just gripped the side of the bed, her arm had lost strength and she fell onto the bed in a very sorry state.

Guardian, you eliminated the magic power in this body?

Silver yarn discovered that this body was frighteningly weak, just like a dying patient with a terminal illness.

This body should have been designed to have a physical quality that was three times stronger than a humans.

The only possibility silver yarn could think of was that Joshua used the Guardians ability to remove the runes in this body.

The amusement park hasnt officially opened today, but Ive invited all the High Elves to experience it. The number of people is around 3,000. Are you sure you want to activate the runes on this body?

In order to eliminate the High Elvesrejection of the amusement park, Joshua had all the High Elves on Arthur Cross come to the forgotten land to play.

Judging from the current situation, they seemed to be having a good time.

Were not that weak,silver veil said coldly to Joshua. She did not like this feeling of weakness.

The gray magic power dissipated in Joshuas hand. Silver veil instantly felt a strong power gathering in her body.

The runes engraved on the surface of this body also emitted a bright light.

The silver yarn tried to stand up on the bed in the same way again, but this time, due to the excessive power, the wooden bed was completely crushed.

The feeling of her body being filled with power was very wonderful. The silver yarns feet carefully stepped on the ground, and she supported her body to stand up from the bed.


There were runes left behind by the Dark Elves on the back of Joshuas hand, so he could see the runes of emotions around the silver yarn.

After she gained control of this body, she began to absorb the energy around her crazily. Joshua could only see a large number of colorful emotional imprints surging into her body.

This body had a limit to the amount of power it could withstand. The silver yarn soon showed signs of being stuffed. The hands of this body began to tremble, the next second, she lost control and fell to her knees, entering a state of paralysis.