Brides Of The Kindred: Chained - Part 31

Part 31

"Can you people really be so dense?" the man exclaimed. "The implant solvent must be delivered"

"You mean I have to-"

"f.u.c.k her, yes!" Hobbs sounded thoroughly exasperated now. "Or make love to her, or put your seed organ into her milking machine or play hide the malo-fruit in her yumyum-sack or however you want to say it."

"But..." Maggie felt like all the blood was rushing to her face. "But do we really have know? Do it that way?"

"We've been trying to avoid this kind of contact. Could I come in a cup and put it in her that way?" Kor asked bluntly. "Would that work?"

"What? No!" the little man exploded. "What kind of a foolish question is that? Of course you can't do that. Look-" He pointed a finger at Kor. "The sperm must be delivered straight from the source and deposited directly into the end-the very end, mind you-of your female's channel. Furthermore, the sperm must not be subjected to air which will kill the delicate-"

"Yes, we get it. The delicate solvent agents," Kor growled. "Fine, so f.u.c.king is our only option."

"Try not to sound so thrilled about it," the little man snapped. "I don't understand your resistance to such an act in the first place-I thought she was your beloved."

Kor turned away. "She is. That's why this is so d.a.m.n hard," Maggie heard him mutter. She wanted to ask him exactly what he meant but Hobbs the implant gnome was still standing there glowering at her.

"Thank you," she said to him. "But can I ask you, are there any side effects to this? I mean for Kor? Or me either for that matter."

He crossed his arms over his chest sullenly. "The only side effect for either of you is that he'll suddenly have a female who will not longer desire him s.e.xually or be compelled to beg for his touch. Other than that, everything should be fine-if you call such a state of affairs fine."

"We do," Maggie said firmly. "Kor and I don't believe in slavery or anyone being compelled to do anything."

"Hmph." The little man looked at her skeptically. "Give him a few days of you without that implant to keep you in line, missy-a few days of 'not tonight, dear, I'm tired'-then see how he feels about such issues."

Maggie was insulted but she had nothing more to say. Arguing women's rights with such an obvious misogynist was like arguing the existence of G.o.d with a diehard atheist-nothing but irritation and frustration would come of it.

"Fine," she said nodding. "Thank you very much for your help. I just have one more question: how long after Kor takes the formula should he, um..."

"f.u.c.k you?" Hobbs said nastily. "Almost immediately. The solvent agents will travel quickly through his system and bond with his sperm. The fresher they are, the better."

"All right. Thank you," Maggie said again. She turned to Kor who was still standing with his back to them both. "Can we go?"

"Sure." He shrugged, still not looking at her but Maggie saw that he had the test tube with the solvent gripped tightly in his fist. "Let's get the h.e.l.l out of here."

They left.

Chapter Thirty.

"We're not doing this," Kor said flatly, the minute they locked the door of the small room they had rented in the rather spa.r.s.e hotel district of Hargous behind them. "No way in all the Seven, sweetheart. It's not happening."

"What?" Maggie looked at him in disbelief. "Why not? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you're going to hate yourself afterwards-how you're going to hate me." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I won't be a party to that, Maggie. I won't."

"Kor, please-think what you're saying. I could never hate you. Never."

"What about the way you reacted after finally going all the way down on me?" he asked bluntly. "You wouldn't even look at me afterwards. You probably would have stayed in the fresher all night if they hadn't turned the lights off so suddenly."

"That's not fair. I just...I just needed a little s.p.a.ce, that's all."

"And if I do this, you'll give me so much s.p.a.ce I'll never f.u.c.king see you again," he growled.

"I thought that was the idea," Maggie snapped. "I thought you wanted to go. But first you promised to help get this horrible thing out of me!" She shivered, thinking about the alien tentacles invading her body. "Did you see that model he showed us? I mean, did you actually look at it? Because it's inside me." She grabbed his muscular forearms and looked into his eyes. "Inside me, Kor and I have to get it out!"

"Okay, okay, it's going to be all right." He looked at her anxiously. "Breathe, sweetheart. Just breathe."

Maggie took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Sorry, it's just...I love to study new life forms but not when they're inside me." She shivered again.

"I understand." Kor ran a hand through his hair. "I wouldn't want the d.a.m.n thing in me, either. But let's just think about this-think it through."

"There's nothing to think about," Maggie insisted. "It has to come out."

"Don't forget, sweetheart, for the implant to come out, I have to go in. All the way in." He cupped her cheek and looked down at her. "Deep inside you, Maggie. Is that what you want?"

"I..." She dropped her eyes, unable to meet that intense, pale blue gaze. "I don't know anymore. All I know is that this thing has to come out of me."

"And what about Donald? How is he going to feel? Are you going to tell him?"

Maggie nodded. "I'll have to. I can't not tell him. That's not the kind of person I am. Not the kind of secret I can keep."

He nodded gravely. "Of course not. I understand. So then, how will he feel?"

Maggie took another deep breath. "He's just going to have to understand. And if he doesn't, well..." She sighed. "I don't know what I'll do. Give back the ring, I guess."

"Hey, hey..." Kor wiped away a tear that had escaped down her cheek with his thumb. "Look at you-already crying. Think about it this way, what if you kept it? Then what?"

"Are you kidding?" Maggie protested. "I'd have to quit my job-I'd lose all professional credibility once word got out that I had to be 'serviced' constantly in order to function."

"You said your fiance is a scientist too and you used to work in the same lab," Kor pointed out. "So technically he could take care of you."

Maggie looked away. "Donald...wouldn't like that. In fact, it would irritate him to no end, especially if I kept interrupting his work."

"Uh-huh." Kor nodded. "So keeping it is absolutely not an option."

"It can't be," Maggie said softly. "Kor, I know you don't mind helping me-or if you do, you're nice enough not to say it-but Donald...he would mind. A lot. I can't live like this. Please."

"Fine. Fine, I'll do it." Kor ran a hand through his hair and started pacing. "Even though I know you're going to regret it."

"Not as much as I'd regret living like this the rest of my life," Maggie a.s.sured him.

"Right." Kor looked down as he paced back and forth across the small room. "Well, I suppose I should do the honorable and gentlemanly thing and tell you I'll do it quickly. Maybe take you from behind so you don't have to see my face and you can pretend it's someone else-pretend it's your precious fiance."

Maggie felt a lump rising in her throat and tried to swallow it back down. "I don't...don't want to do that."

"Neither do I." Kor stopped pacing and turned to face her. "Because I'm not honorable and I'm not a gentleman. I'm just a male who wants you, Maggie. So if we're going to do this, we'll do it my way."

"Oh..." Maggie put a hand to her throat uncertainly. "What...what way is that?"

"Slowly." Kor lifted her chin and looked directly into her eyes. "We're going to take our time because if this is the only time I ever get to have you, I want to savor every second. Understand?"

"I...I understand," Maggie whispered.

"Good, then get on the bed on your hands and knees."

Maggie's heart seemed to jump into her throat. "Oh but I...I thought you weren't going take me from behind."

"I'm not-with my c.o.c.k. But you look d.a.m.n hot in that naughty slave outfit. I want to see you on your hands and knees with your legs spread wide for my tongue."

"Oh, but..." Maggie wasn't quite sure about this. Though Kor had gone down on her often in the week they'd been together, he had never demanded that she get on her hands and knees before he licked her. The very idea made her feel uncertain-vulnerable somehow. But one look in Kor's pale blue eyes let her know he wasn't kidding.

"Do it, Maggie," he growled. "We're playing by my rules now."

Yes, they certainly were.

"All right." Maggie nodded. "But, um, shouldn't you drink the uh, solvent first?" She nodded at the vial of milky white liquid he had laid down on the small table beside the bed.

"Not supposed to drink it until the last minute," Kor said. "And I'm not nearly ready to f.u.c.k you yet, sweetheart. I need to get you ready first. Ready to take my thick c.o.c.k up inside you all the way to the hilt so I can fill you with my c.u.m."

As always, the dirty talk in his deep, growling voice seemed to start a fire between Maggie's thighs.

"All right," she whispered as she climbed onto the dark red bedspread and a.s.sumed the position he had demanded. "Yes, Kor."

"Yes, Master," he corrected her sternly. "You're my naughty little slave girl, remember?" He came to stand by the side of the bed and began stroking her, starting at the nape of her neck and moving his big, warm hand all the way down to the small of her back and past the vulnerable curve of her b.u.t.tocks.

"Oh!" Maggie half moaned as he caressed her bare a.s.s. The crotchless panties she had on were a thong so her bottom was completely exposed to him.

"That's right, little slave girl," Kor murmured. "You're just doing what your master says so it's not your fault. Not your fault if it feels good to have my hands all over your body. Not your fault if you have to spread your p.u.s.s.y open to take my c.o.c.k deep inside."

"Ah!" Maggie bit her lip, unable to hold back the m.u.f.fled sound of pleasure. G.o.d, he'd done nothing but stroke her back and a.s.s and talk dirty to her but already she was so hot she could hardly stand it! She wondered if it was the implant but no, it was still barely pulsing at all.

Guess I can't blame the s.l.u.t-b.u.t.ton for this one, she thought hazily. Guess I just- A sharp slap on her bottom startled her out of her haze of pleasure.

"Ow!" she gasped, looking up at Kor. "What was that for?"

"You were being naughty," he growled. "Zoning out on me."

"I...I didn't mean to," she faltered.

"Look at me, Maggie," he commanded. "There's no one in this room but you and me-I don't want you thinking of anyone or anything else but the two of us and what we're about to do. What I'm about to do to you."

"All right," she whispered. "I'm sorry...Master."

Kor frowned. "Sorry doesn't cut it, sweetheart. I think you need more of a punishment than that." He sat down on the bed beside her. "Come here and lay across my knees."

"What?" Maggie looked at him uncertainly. "But I thought...thought you were going to taste me."

"Oh, I am-I love going down on your sweet p.u.s.s.y, blondie. But first you're going to take what's coming to you."

"But I don't like that kind of thing," Maggie protested, her cheeks feeling hot. "I mean I'm not...not into it."

"You're into it now because I say so." He patted his lap sternly. "Come here now, Maggie or it's going to be much worse."

Feeling bewildered and strangely flushed, Maggie crawled obediently over to lay across his lap. She felt awkward with her a.s.s in the air but she didn't have time to be too embarra.s.sed because the next thing she knew, Kor was spanking her.

"Ow!" she gasped as his big hand connected with her soft bottom. She hadn't been spanked-really and truly spanked-since she was a little girl so she wasn't used to the pain and stinging his sharp blows brought. "Ouch!" she protested again as he spanked her harder. "Please, Kor, stop!"

"What did you call me?" he demanded in a low, dangerous voice.

Maggie realized her mistake at once.

"Master-I mean Master!"

"That's right, Maggie, I am your master. And I'm going to use your body tonight, use it any way I see fit. Going to punish you and pleasure you...f.u.c.k you and fill you with my c.u.m and there's nothing you can do about it because it's not up to you. Do you understand?"

At last Maggie saw what he was doing and she felt a surge of grat.i.tude. He's making it not my fault. He's taking the blame so I won't feel so guilty later.

"I said, do you understand?" Kor grated, giving her quivering behind another sharp blow.

"I...yes! Yes, I understand," Maggie gasped hastily. "You're the master and I'm just the slave. I have to...have to do anything you say."

"Exactly. And what I say right now is for you to get back on your hands and knees and put that red little bottom high in the air. Do it quick, Maggie-there's more where that came from!"

Maggie hastened to obey orders, scrambling back into position at the center of the bed where she knelt, trembling, waiting to see what her master would do next.

Kor walked around to the end of the bed where she couldn't see him and for a long moment it seemed he wasn't doing anything except maybe admiring his handiwork.

Maggie was about to risk turning her head to look at him when she felt his hot breath on her stinging bottom.

"Master?" she whispered uncertainly as Kor began to press soft, gentle kisses to the tender area he'd so recently spanked.

"Hush, little slave girl," he murmured. "Just hold still for your master."

"I...I will," Maggie promised. She didn't dare to move-barely even dared to breathe. But his mouth on her sensitive bottom felt so good it seemed to have an effect on her p.u.s.s.y. "What...what are you doing? I mean, why are you doing that?" she whispered after a moment.

"Just kissing you better, little slave girl." Kor stroked her a.s.s tenderly and then nipped gently at the place where the curve of her bottom met her thigh. "G.o.ds, I love your lush little body. Love to touch you and hear those soft sounds you make when you're about to come. Can you make some sounds for me now, Maggie?"

As he spoke, he slipped his hand between her thighs and cupped her p.u.s.s.y from behind. Two long, strong fingers slid into her wet folds and he began a long, slow, circular ma.s.sage of her throbbing c.l.i.t.

"Oh!" Maggie moaned, unable to help herself. "Oh, Master...yes."