Born As A Sage In Naruto World - 52 Bsnw Ch 048 Learning Advanced Fuinjutsu Secrets

52 Bsnw Ch 048 Learning Advanced Fuinjutsu Secrets

Third nodded in satisfaction "I can only trust you with that. Genjutsu experts are most terrifying because they deal with something most people cant see let alone counter. I do sympathize with what she has went through, but I am a Hokage foremost and I have to put safety of village first. Anyway, You five will be our response team for this spirit beast crisis. Find those mirrors as soon as possible so that we have time to prepare for subduing the Spirit Beast successfully. Bring each one back here when you find them."

"Ok Hokage sama" Jun nodded to his instructions before leaving.


Jun visited Nara mansion and informed them of his mission details and approx time he will be away. Then he turned his steps towards Training ground three according to what Kakas.h.i.+ had told them. When he reached the ground he saw that no one was here yet. He picked a corner with a thick tree as a shade and took out Fuinjutsu Technique scrolls he could finally learn now that he was at least nearing Minato's level even if not the level of a true Uzumaki.

He debated for a while among various choices before deciding to pick the ones that could immediately be useful in the mission along with a few unique ones. 'First the immediately useful ones-' Jun thought

[Chakra Draining Seal Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Contract Seal Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Five Elements Seal Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Five Elements Seal Release Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Four Red Yang Formation Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Four Symbol Seal Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[String Light Formation Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Ninjutsu Sealing Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Unsealing Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Self - Seal Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Uzumaki Sealing Technique Found . Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

Jun reviewed the list once again before approving them.

[Chakra Draining Seal Technique Learned]

[Contract Seal Technique Learned]

[Five Elements Seal Technique Learned]

[Five Elements Seal Release Technique Learned]

[Four Red Yang Formation Technique Learned]

[Four Symbol Seal Technique Learned]

[String Light Formation Technique Learned]

[Ninjutsu Sealing Technique Learned]

[Unsealing Technique Learned]

[Self - Seal Technique Learned]

[Uzumaki Sealing Technique Learned]

[Advanced Fuinjutsu proficiency increased !]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Skill Level up!]

'Wow, that was good and now for the main course' Jun exclaimed in his mind as he took out three scrolls.

[Eight Trigrams Sealing Technique Found . Searching for Requirements for learning .... Requirements found : Four Symbol Seal. Searching …. Requirements satisfied. Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

Jun approved and information about the Eight Trigrams Seal flowed into his mind. He slowly comprehended all the combinations of Four Symbol Seal that can be used to create similar seals and the various methods and keys of releasing such seals and also methods of reinforcing and controlling them.

[Advanced Fuinjutsu proficiency increased !]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Skill Level Up!]

'Ok Now next forbidden seal… this one should give me a lot of proficiency since it even severed the Nine Tail in half.'

[Dead Demon Consuming Seal Technique Found . Searching for Requirements for learning .... Requirements found : Advanced Level Fuinjutsu. Searching …. Requirements satisfied. Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

As Jun approved this one, he gained lot of knowledge about souls, their structure and the Swallowing method used by the Reaper.

'The Reaper is a fragment of modified will of Kaguya ?!!' Jun was shocked. He applauded Uzumaki ancestors in his mind for their daring will for modifying the will fragment of the Rabbit Princess herself to use as their Jutsu on their beck and call. At that moment he felt something escaping from inside him.

'The heck is wrong with my body…' Jun tried to sense what was happening when a spatial distortion took place in front of him and the Oni Mask he had taken from Uzumaki Shrine suddenly appeared in front of him, scaring him with the dark and light alternating glow that covered the mask.

[Additional Sub Jutsu found due to unexpected Sealing Artifact. a.n.a.lyzing ...… Completed . Dead Demon Consuming Seal Release Technique Found . Searching for Requirements for learning .... Requirements found : Advanced Level Fuinjutsu, Dead Demon Consuming Seal Technique, Dead Demon's Oni Mask. Searching …. Requirements satisfied. Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N ]

'Wow! Does this mean in future I will be able to unseal souls from the reaper. Lets see what is this about.' Jun excitedly approved the system for learning this technique. However his expression worsened more the information of this technique flowed into his mind.

[Advanced Fuinjutsu proficiency increased !]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Skill Level Up!]

'Truly worthy of forbidden technique. No wonder no one tried to release the souls trapped in the Reaper's Stomach. Every wound Reaper makes on it own body would instead do equivalent damage to the users body in order to release a soul from inside the reaper. More the number of sous that are released , higher the damage. Wound from the Knife of the Reaper himself, even one could be deadly not to mention so many. Well , could still be useful in future. Not to mention the is half of the Nine - Tails Still in the Reaper. Now for the final and most necessary one.'

[Living Seal : Chakravyuha Technique Found . Searching for Requirements for learning .... Requirements found : Uzumaki Sealing Technique, Chakra Draining Seal Technique, Self - Seal Technique, Four Symbol Sealing Technique, Advanced Level Fuinjutsu. Optional Requirements : Nature Energy Manipulation or Sage Body . Searching …. Requirements satisfied…. Optional Requirements Satisfied. Complete Version of Sealing Technique can be learned. Would You Like To Learn ? Y/N]

[Advanced Fuinjutsu proficiency increased !]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Skill Level Up!]

[Skill Level Up!]

As Jun approved , the Master Piece Sealing Technique of Hinoki's Clan sent its information inside his mind. Jun was shocked once again when he saw exactly what was entailed in the seal.

'One has to seal the beast completely as a Jinchuuriki and transform a pure chakra coc.o.o.n around oneself which will only be broken when the sealed beast is completely transformed and acquires a new personality?' Jun exclaimed in his mind