Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion - Part 36

Part 36

213. C. M. Bulfinch.

Help Thou Our Unbelief.

1 Father, when o'er our trembling hearts Doubt's shadows gathering brood, When faith in Thee almost departs, And gloomiest fears intrude; Forsake us not, O G.o.d of grace, But send those fears relief; Grant us again to see Thy face; Lord, help our unbelief!

2 When sorrow comes, and joys are flown, And fondest hopes lie dead, And blessings, long esteemed our own, Are now forever fled; When the bright promise of our spring Is but a withered leaf, Lord, to Thy truths still let us cling; Help Thou our unbelief!

3 And when the powers of nature fail Upon the couch of pain, Nor love nor friendship can avail The spirit to detain; Then, Father, be our closing eyes Undimmed by tears of grief; And, if a trembling doubt arise, Help Thou our unbelief!

214. 7s. M. Furness.

Christ Who Strengtheneth Me.

1 Feeble, helpless, how shall I Learn to live and learn to die?

Who, O G.o.d, my guide shall be?

Who shall lead thy child to Thee?

2 Blessed Father, gracious One, Thou hast sent thy holy Son; He will give the light I need, He my trembling steps will lead.

3 Through this world, uncertain, dim, Let me ever learn of him; From his precepts wisdom draw, Make his life my solemn law.

4 Thus in deed, and thought, and word, Led by Jesus Christ the Lord, In my weakness, thus shall I Learn to live and learn to die;

5 Learn to live in peace and love, Like the perfect ones above;-- Learn to die without a fear, Feeling Thee, my Father, near.

215. L. M. Anonymous.

Angels from Heaven Strengthening Him.

1 When in thine hour of conflict, Lord, The tempter to thy soul was nigh, Or when that bitter cup was poured In thy deep garden-agony,--

2 Not then, when uttermost thy need, Seemed light across thy soul to break; No seraph form was seen to speed, Nor yet the voice of comfort spake;

3 Till, by thine own triumphant word, The victory over ill was won; Until the voice of faith was heard, "Thy will, O G.o.d, not mine, be done!"

4 Lord, bring those precious moments back, When fainting against sin we strain; Or in thy counsels fail to track Aught but the present grief and pain.

5 In weakness, help us to contend; In darkness, yield to G.o.d our will; And true hearts, faithful to the end, Cheer by thine holy angels still!

216. 7s. M. Montgomery.

In Temptation.

1 Hasten, Lord, to my release; Haste to help me, O my G.o.d!

Foes like armed bands increase;-- Turn them back the way they trod.

2 Dark temptations round me press, Evil thoughts my soul a.s.sail; Doubts and fears, in my distress, Rise, till flesh and spirit fail.

3 Thou mine only helper art, My redeemer from the grave; Strength of my desiring heart, Father! Helper! haste to save!

217. 11 & 10s. M. Anonymous.

Spiritual Blessings.

1 Almighty Father! Thou hast many a blessing In store for every erring child of Thine; For this I pray,--Let me, Thy grace possessing, Seek to be guided by Thy will divine.

2 Not for earth's treasures, for her joys the dearest, Would I my supplications raise to Thee; Not for the hopes that to my heart are nearest, But only that I give that heart to Thee.

3 I pray that Thou wouldst guide and guard me ever; Cleanse, by Thy power, from every stain of sin; I will Thy blessing ask on each endeavor, And thus Thy promised peace my soul shall win.

218. L. M. Montgomery.

The Soul's Rest.

1 Return, my soul, unto thy rest, From vain pursuits and maddening cares; From lonely woes that wring thy breast, The world's allurements, toils, and snares.

2 Return unto thy rest, my soul, From all the wanderings of thy thought; From sickness unto death made whole; Safe through a thousand perils brought.

3 Then to thy rest, my soul, return, From pa.s.sions every hour at strife; Sin's works, and ways, and wages, spurn, Lay hold upon eternal life.

4 G.o.d is thy rest; with heart inclined To keep His word, that word believe; Christ is thy rest; with lowly mind, His light and easy yoke receive.

219. L. M. Moravian.