Book Eater - Chapter 73 – Convoy from the Capital (3)

Chapter 73 – Convoy from the Capital (3)

The three gust carriages rushed down the mountains like they had become the very wind itself. They cared not for monsters that obstructed them, slamming into them with abandon and leaving only mists of blood in their wake. Even large monsters like trolls and ogres were no exception.


It seemed like another monster had been killed by the carriage.

Wow, isn’t it completely shattered?

Theodore clicked his tongue as he watched the blue blood streaming across the window. The giant mantis, a foe that even first-class mercenaries treated with wariness, had been summarily pulped by the carriage.

Could one actually use this carriage as a weapon?.... No, it costs too much. 

Theo rejected his idle thought almost immediately. The carriage boasted incredible speed and power, but it required too many magicians. It was far more efficient to task the 5th Circle magicians who would be required to operate it to fight directly.

He turned to Mitra who was playing in the seat next to him.



She was playing with the sylph Ellenoa...