Book Eater - Chapter 68 – High Elf Ellenoa (2)

Chapter 68 – High Elf Ellenoa (2)

A spectacular banquet hall lay before them. Silver and gold accented every surface as a jeweled chandelier presided over marble statues. The wooden dining table was made from the trees of the Northern Great Forest, and was filled with luxurious, expensive dishes. Yet, the opulence stopped just shy of vulgarity, which was a rare thing in noble houses.

Earl Bergen, sitting at the head of the table, greeted Vince and Theodore with open arms. “Ohh, the heroes of Bergen have arrived!”

The earl was a handsome man. His clothing, while luxurious, also looked comfortable. Above all, his bright smile contained true sincerity. He was truly happy that they had taken care of matters. Slave trading was a national felony in Meltor. If the two magicians hadn’t come, Earl Bergen would’ve had to take responsibility for allowing slavery to exist in his territory. Since he had been in the dark about Shackler, it would’ve been like a lightning bolt of misfortune.

The two magicians bowed politely.
