Book Eater - Chapter 45 – I Ask You (2)

Chapter 45 – I Ask You (2)

However, it seemed that Gluttony hadn’t been aware of its surroundings while it was asleep, so Theo was forced to explain the situation before it could answer. He mentioned the missing investigator, the new undead infestation, and the apparent presence of a warlock. Theo had many questions, but there was one that took precedence over them all.

- ... Yes, I understand. This certainly doesn’t seem normal, but I do have an idea about its source.

Theo was taken aback.

“What is it?”

Gluttony knew what was going on behind a freak incident like this? Theo had expected a few clues, not an answer. The grimoire that devoured wisdom presented an answer that even geniuses would not have thought of?

- It’s likely that a grimoire was found in the cave.

Theo’s eyes widened at the word grimoire. Vince had once explained that grimoires possessed an unfathomable strength. They were mysterious creatures of wisdom and power, and had once shaken the world with their presence. As the owner of a grimoire, Theo couldn’t agree with some of the descriptions from other magicians, but he knew exactly how incredible a grimoire could...